Why can't we just respect each other and live peacefully?

Why can't we just respect each other and live peacefully?

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Because there are forces at work that don't want you to live peacefully, they want you to be their slave

What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness.

Because there are those eho call everywhere their st home, who one day sre in vienna, paris, london, berlin, who cause the hatred between the peoples and doesnt sllow them peace..

Because the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Because doing so requires the will the destroy absolutely everyone who refuses to respect others and live peacefully.

You pussies can't even have Hillary hanged for treason.

Its bad for business.

NOAM CHOMSKY: I didn’t do any research at all on Smith. I just read him. There’s no research. Just read it. He’s pre-capitalist, a figure of the Enlightenment. What we would call capitalism he despised. People read snippets of Adam Smith, the few phrases they teach in school. Everybody reads the first paragraph of The Wealth of Nations where he talks about how wonderful the division of labor is. But not many people get to the point hundreds of pages later, where he says that division of labor will destroy human beings and turn people into creatures as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human being to be. And therefore in any civilized society the government is going to have to take some measures to prevent division of labor from proceeding to its limits.

Because Darwin

Cause nobody is Born on day 0

You mean niggers and spics?

Because men and animals cannot share a nation. They cannot be neighbors. If you want to live in a zoo, fly to Somalia, nigger faggot.

Because Crime is a thing.

Respect is earned.


Because someone might commit a crime against me in the future.

Therefore, it is acceptable for me to commit a crime against them now. It's self defense.

The "rural and suburban retards" also founded America, faggot.

Socrates. Then we ought not to retaliate or render evil for evil to anyone, whatever evil we may have suffered from him. But I would have you consider, Crito, whether you really mean what you are saying. For this opinion has never been held, and never will be held, by any considerable number of persons; and those who are agreed and those who are not agreed upon this point have no common ground, and can only despise one another, when they see how widely they differ. Tell me, then, whether you agree with and assent to my first principle, that neither injury nor retaliation nor warding off evil by evil is ever right. And shall that be the premise of our agreement? Or do you decline and dissent from this? For this has been of old and is still my opinion; but, if you are of another opinion, let me hear what you have to say. If, however, you remain of the same mind as formerly, I will proceed to the next step.

Because despite the 90% agreement in terms of what 95% of people think the world should look like, people get really hung up on that other 10% and then oh look we all come pre-loaded with these giant libraries of software for group conflict and dehumanizing our enemies

Because respect is earned, and half of the already few ways to earn respect are through violence, loyalty, and selfish actions.


left=gay+pedo=liar+drama queen
drama queens never stfu, never.
until drama queens are dealt with...no peace.

Because of the financial system everything is corrupted and perverted.

Because that is capitalist, and libertarian.

The socialists and other post modern fucks can't bare to exist in a state of coexistence, and so much be condemned as evil and killed.

In the survival struggle, peace is never an option.

Because tribalism is endemic to the Human condition and as soon as one tribe abandons their identity. Another tribe will gain supremacy, and the cycle will just continue with reverse positions. Peace is impossible because we're animals. And warfare is as much our nature as it is a Chimpanzees.

Next door neighbor won’t stop dumping its human trash in my yard.

You mean those people who commit a crime illegally entering this country sweetie?!

Leftists threw the first punch, ask them.