So is there an absolute truth in this universe or not? How do we know what the absolute truth of our reality is...

So is there an absolute truth in this universe or not? How do we know what the absolute truth of our reality is? Is there an objective correct way of doing things? Is moral relativity a meme?

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There is no truth. Only other people's bullshit.

All these people think they know something they've got no fucking clue what they'e talking about just like anybody else.

>There is no truth. Only other people's bullshit.
what do u mean by this?
What I am trying to say is tht there is a clearly defined truth in our reality whether people believe it or not.



>So is there an absolute truth in this universe or not?
How do we know what the absolute truth of our reality is?
You never can. You are too limited in your ability to experience reality or make sense of it.
>Is moral relativity a meme?
Depends which morals you're talking about.
>Is there an objective correct way of doing things?
No you just do the best you can.

Like i said: NO.

Everything you know and everything you'll ever know is other people's bullshit. Some scientist comes and says "...well judging by this and that, there has to be x and y..." which simply means he has no fucking clue what's out there.

Same goes for everything else. Just people telling other people what to believe in. No one really knows shit about anything.

Only truth in the world is everything breaks down to either : Yes or No

real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance.

>an absolute truth
>a clearly defined truth

One singular truth to reality/the universe?
What the fuck does that even mean?

I think it's kind of silly when people say shit like "you don't KNOW that your hand can't pass through solid steel, that's just what your SENSES PERCEIVE man!"
There are fucking axioms in the universe and being a hippy dippy faggot and spouting quasi philosophic autism isn't going to get anyone anywhere ever.

>Nice Confucius

Why does everyone resort to philosophy whenever they don't know the answer to the question.. A cynic might say that philosophy as a bullshit science is invented for that sole purpose..

Same goes for jumping and running. You can't jump that high or run that fast..until you can.

We don't even know what the "universe" is. A fucking crab has better sight/senses than you, and you're so arrogant to think we know something? Grow up.

The first step is can you think and make conclusions for yourself? You dumb motherfucker!!!

You're comparing your hand passing through solid steel to being able to run and jump faster

>We don't even know what the "universe" is.

Maybe not, we still know enough of the physical properties of steel and our hands to know that our hands can't just pass right through it.
Maybe if you become in tune enough with the universe you'll be able to jump off a fucking building and go straight through the earth to the other side.

Finally, a great question.

Truth is God. Not a magical sky man or spirit or anything like that.

The very definition of God is Truth.

Yes it exists to some degree in mathematics. "Truth" as most people define it is actually ethics, which is a totally different thing. You need to ask how to ask the QUESTION before you can answer it. We may never be able to do that. I'd recommend Wittgenstein (and the Greeks) because he cuts away all the bullshit that most of philosophy is.

The answer to that is as follows:

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. -Psalm 119:160 KJV

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. -John 17:17 KJV

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. -John 14:6 KJV

Death, thats the only truth there is and ever will be.

>itt: the failures of public school education

I think, therefore, I am. Voltaire Maxim is one example of an absolute universal truth, your EXISTANCE is confirmed by your taking part in it. Moral relativity is not a meme, it's a fucking treacherously subversive neomarxist idea that undermines the entire concept of morality and structured hierarchies in general. Don't buy into it.

Morality exists because it comforts our deepest human needs. Its not wrong to say it doesn't exist. It makes us deeply frightened and scared to think about the vast potential of pain that is happening.

>So is there an absolute truth in this universe or not?
>hand can't go through steel hurrdurr

Enough with the fucking hands already.. Guy basically asks is there a God and that's your answer to the existential question? Hand can't go through steel?? Really? Well thanks for letting us know, we didn't know that.

Muh creative thoughts. Go back to wood cutting lumberjack.

in the next 3 seconds my heart will beat at least once
there you go and absolute truth

There's obviously no god. Thats the thing I've noticed. The universe is extremely exact. One thing that blows my mind is if there is life on other planets. Darwinism and natural selection is going to happen.

Structures like eyes and the gut have arisen independent several times on Earth alone. The eye is ridiculous common in particular

There's a good chance there's a species identical to homo sapiens somewhere out there

well science shows us the truth in scientific facts but what about moral truths? Those must be absolute because if not you can kill someone and claim innocence on the grounds of moral relativity in court.

Kantian ethics is your best bet. But to claim absolute truth in morality is ridiculous.

Nigger steal
Here is one of your undeniable truth

There is absolute truth, though we are unable to determine what it is due to chaos getting in the way of pretty much everything.

Once we are able to solve and predict chaotic/dynamic systems on a big enough scale we'll be able to get closer to what is universally true.


Feels so terrifyingly true at times. The world really appears to be a fractal mirror.

>But to claim absolute truth in morality is ridiculous.
Can you explain this? Because in some cultures, cannibalism, genital mutilation, or other barbaric practices are allowed. These seem to be lacking morally no matter how you look at it.

listen, it's all about bankrolls, hoes, clothes, n cadillac doos.

There is an objective truth and natural law. Dont fall for the nihilistic nonsense. If you stand on a nihilist's toes they will tell you to move because they know you are in the wrong.

No, those cultures still have morals. Maybe not anywhere near as advanced as ours, but there's still morals.

Right, they naturally have some, or else their civilization would not exist. But they are not as advanced as ours because of the barbaric practices that are not moral, which shows tht there is a single truth.

You just can not open an umbrella up in your ass. Trust me, user.

You might have died immediately after typing that. Try again...if you're alive.

What makes you think theirs is any less moral than ours, relative to something more advanced than western civilization?

1000 years from now what we could consider good may be barbaric at that time as well.

It's not justifying cannibalism, but that doesn't mean we have a single truth either.

There are many metrics tht we can use to measure progress of civilizations such as standard of living, GDP, etc tht seem to put us above them everywhere. Also the fact tht the western type of civilization has prevailed among most of the worlds population shows tht it is the better way to do things.

This is called relativism and was pushed by the postmodernist jews to take away your religion and turn your own women against you,.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

Unless.. (insert Matrix argument here..)

There is no absolute truth.

I'm no expert but a lot of morality were core genetic impulses like don't consume members of your own species or mate with family members because that would imperil the chances of you successfully passing on your genes. But if that was a way of defining ethics then using a condom would be punishable by death. Cannibalism is often practised in nature and has been done by humans ritually or for survival. The answer I'm guessing is morality is a constructed truth in which we optimize our actions to benefit all higher conscious beings as much as possible.

Like we obey the law so that others won't harm us as well and we have protection.

and 1000 years later, we would have learned more about the absolute truth and thus been able to follow it more by shedding our current barbaric practices and progressing to be a better civilization as a result.

Yeah, so far, doesn't mean it's the de facto truth either. I agree western civilization is the best civilization to have ever existed compared to everything else.

That doesn't necessarily mean it couldn't be better though.

Sup Forums is alternative truth.

...try instead to realize the spoon. There is no truth.

>if not you can kill someone and claim innocence on the grounds of moral relativity in court.

You mean like soldiers in war?

I would say tht there is this absolute truth when it comes to morality, but humans are far from knowing what it is and we attempt to learn more about it and to replicate it but in faulty ways. But we do try to get better as we learn more. Right now, we have many things wrong tht we may get right in the future. In the past, there were many things wrong tht are better now, for example.

Right,the point is tht there is this truth, but its just unknown to us. And yes, western civ isnt perfect, we try to make it more so as time continues.

No one here said war is good.

>So is there an absolute truth in this universe or not?
Yes there is
>How do we know what the absolute truth of our reality is?
We don't know. We are unable to perceive it.

>Is there an objective correct way of doing things?
Yes. Obey God. But you will find that you are unable to obey God completely, just like you are unable to perceive objective truth.
>Is moral relativity a meme
No, it's a sin.

Sounds legit. It's either genetic or memetic (meaning ideas constructed by the human mind and not actually "real").
It's "real" or "true" if we agree upon it.

>But if that was a way of defining ethics then using a condom would be punishable by death

Remember Onan?
Notice how the societies that have embraced birth control are dying out?
People seem to love mocking me for taking the Bible literally, but they don't seem to see the figurative connection between Onan spilling his seed in order to not be fruitful and the effects of birth control on society.

But the memetic, as u call it, is an attempt to follow what is real.

Well yeah, the best memes carries the truth :)