How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side...

How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?

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think we already did this thread lad

He's always been a fag.

Most of the people pol loses their shit for are fags.

>stop atacking my daddy
>i need someone to tell me to clean my room
go buy your shitty personality test

A fucking leaf

Nah Jim is just on the side of not being fucking retarded. Do you need a person to tell you that doing good things is good? I do enjoy Peterson for his Psychology and Bible studies tho.

It's ok to have factions. It's actually healthy and inspires people on both sides to dig their heels in. It certainly won't push anyone back to bluepilled SJW nonsense. We want the anti-establishment side to be tumultuous and rich with debate, we want all the passion and new ideas coming from us while the mainstream left and cuckservatives stagnate and die out.

If the future of political discourse is liberal leaning, but fair people like Peterson vs the alt right, that's a huge shift in the overton window.

As long as NEETsocs dont come in doxing and destroying people for not heiling hitler, we should welcome debate between more left leaning and right leaning people.

Jim is The Jester and is just there to poke fun. If you watched his fucking videos he makes it very clear that he harbors no actual animosity.
Plus he's not "attacking" Peterson, he's attacking his followers who are rapidly establishing themselves as fedora 2.0s

nice copy pasta faggot

>a thread was deleted so this fucking leaf can make more e celeb drama shit
God i hate you faggots

>muh leaf brotherhood

leave Jordan alone!
he's a center-liberal, fighting to clean up the left of the your political room.

This is the direction political discourse is taking online. Being this mad won't change anything, faggot.

It's just a coincidence most of these people are right wing or anti-SJW. That has nothing to do with your butthurt though, right?

Peterson and his fans are cringey as fuck. Jim's absolutely right about that.

Jim's main point wasn't so much against Peterson but more against his fans which I agree with. His fans are just very loud. But I enjoy Peterson's talks as well.

Yes let's discuss the very relevant 2 sentences Metokur gave about Peterson this is very important ...

I agree. But his own fanboys are just as bad.

>An ally
Fuck, I'd hate to reply to a leafpost, but I can't help myself.

Listen you fucking leaf, clean your room. Buy my personality test, and give me 60,000 a month to read a desert fairy tale book to you so you can go to sleep.

>He never heard about voluntarism

t. INTJ autist

I know why.
It's because people are treating Peterson like a fucking Messiah.

Problem is you don't need some Messiah to scientifically explain to you why you shouldn't have to be forced to speak a certain way. Peterson is the definition of being over-rated.

Not to mention Peterson is now a millionaire because you of you idiots.

Seriously why do you need a scientist to tell you to not support the tranny delusion

>Not to mention Peterson is now a millionaire because you of you idiots.
>How to spot a communist shill

You missed the point. I'm all about making money. I'm not about charity cases sitting back and collecting a paycheck. He gets donated to and does fucking nothing. Good for him, but you wouldn't catch me throwing my money at that type of bullshit.

This. Gotta give JP credit for convincing fedoralords to embrace Christianity, of all things. That's a hell of a trick.

Ally? He's a road block trying to slow down the inevitable. I mean if that's as far as your willing to go, that's okay. The reality is that both sides are being played for the economic gain of the coastal elites.

>an ally
Fuck off you kike.


>wash your balls, Sup Forums

How could Peterson attack an ally like Faith Goldy so easily? I thought JBP was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminism without a United front?

of course we can jim

I don't actually think you are jim but I know you're watching and laughing

peterson is anti nationalist and anti white race

he's not based at all

Fuck Jim, he's done little to nothing for us yet people still worship him on here. Oh wow, he used a meme from Sup Forums, that must mean he's redpilled and totally not a faggot left-leaning centrist who just so happens to be an edgelord! Fuck that shit, we're far past the point of "doing it for the lulz". Either man the fuck up and start fighting against degeneracy in the west, or you will be branded as the completely useless piece of shit who was too full of himself to redpill his audience.


Peterstein is heading straight for the gas chamber with the rest of his jewish followers.

This. I hate these "unionists" so fucking much. Why don't you ally with fucking marxists already?

fuck off with this "if youre not with me youre against me bullshit"

E-celeb shit doesn't belong here anyway.

>Islam and feminists
>being this new

dont you have a reddit post to make?

Jims audience is pretty fucking redpilled lad and as for him just doing stuff for the lulz, that's fine, there are plenty of other ecelebs getting high off the smell of their own farts. Sometimes you just want to have a laugh at spergs, not everything needs to be super serious all the time, that gets old after a while

I don't know who this Jim is, but (((Peterson))). (((Peterson))) says just enough right things to get a pass, but he isn't /ourguy/ any more than Ben Shapiro or Milo Whatshisjewfagname.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Jordan Peterson's lectures. The social commentary is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the quips will go over a typical listener’s head. There’s also his Biblical analysis, which is deftly woven into his personal philosophy which draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these lectures, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, his analysis of Hitler's holocaust and why it makes him more evil than you think, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jordan Peterson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Jordan Peterson personality test tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Stop spamming this thread you fucking leaf petersonnik.

Peterson is a dumb faggot scam artist