Would apartment rents go down if apartment owners didn't have to pay so much taxes?

Would apartment rents go down if apartment owners didn't have to pay so much taxes?

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Would my Dad stop beating my Mom if they lowered the price of milk?

if it's occupied, i don't think it would ever go down. it would only go down if the owner has trouble finding an occupant.

Theoretically, yes, but the demand for housing is inelastic so any effects will be small. Throw in the fact that there are real world barriers to moving and inflation, you might decrease taxes and not actually see rents come down.

probably not
however if taxes on builders and developers go down they might build more apartments
that could ease supply and lower cost


Only when you're country stops selling milk in bags will your leaf father stop beating your leaf mother

I'm dumb. Inelastic demand would mean shifts in supply have a large effect on price. You still have the real world effects of inflation and it being a pain in the ass to move though.


>Would apartment rents go down

Yes, apartment rents would go down if more negroes moved into the apartment complex

If more white people move in, rent would rise

you want to pay less rent money? move 2 da hood n shiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeettttttt

Remove section 8 housing and the rent would drop.
Niggers will have to sleep in the street.
They know they can get a certain amount of money from section 8 which is why they charge higher rent.

I assure you they would go down as long as interest rates stayed the same and home values stayed the same. Those are the three driving factors. Prices would creep down. I'm not going to lower your rent halfway through a lease but I assume that's not what you meant.

The free market will fix it! If you don't get a rent decrease it just means your landlord didn't get enough of a tax cut and needs and even bigger tax cut. OYYYYYYYY VEYYYYY

You build more units prices come down

this. Why the fuck would you change your rent prices because of an irrelevant issue? It could mean you might be more competitive but if you have extra money you could either invest in other things or do things like maintain your current place better.

He'll have to because as another self made slum lord I will viciously undercut him to keep my properties full. Provided of course you are white or asian cause FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKK renting to black people. Do not ever rent to black people just tell them their credit was to low everytime unless theyre IDK nation of Islam levels of functional.

It's a renters market. They'll charge whatever they want.

fuck you faggot. landlords for the most part are doing gods work housing undesirables and pathetic faggots who could never afford a home of their own. You stupid fucking niggers should be grateful. Landlords operate on razor thin profit margins if they make anything at all. Generally, most hope to break even while building equity in their home. Scumcunts like you think every landlord is living high off the hog when the reality is they are likely losing money on their rental properties because of taxes, nigger tenants like you. Go kill yourself

I have read over user's post and can verify this to be factually accurate.

Obviously, the market would shift because my profit margins would change so I'd start undercutting my neighbours. (I own a townhouse with a loose strata, but it's basically the same thing.)

Applications with apostrophes in the name get lost in the mail every time. I don't know how that happens. It's really fucking weird.
>same with resumés

Yes, the more landlords have to pay in property taxes the more rents will spike, and trailing this, home prices as well

Rent would go down like a rock if you stop importing third world immigrant shits.
Less demand = price goes down.
It's that simple, but the left will feign to not understand that to get their daily fix of pozz loads.

At this point I'm surprised that it's even remotely profitable to provide rental housing. High upfront costs, insane taxes, and an increasing number of niggerized tenants just make it a terrible deal.



That's why landlords have like 15 page long tenant contracts. If you actually sit down and read that shit you'd be surprised at some of the shit they try to say isn't allowed.

Cukistan strikes again!!

I'd put it like this: Apartment rents wouldn't be so high had it not been for rising property taxes.

people on fixed incomes can't usually be sued by private citizens.

rent seeking from retirees, welfare, disabled, etc. is a risky business.

>Lower prices of milk
>less hours for milk man
>no one to sexually satisfy your mom
>unhappy mom
>dinner becomes shit
>dad pissed
>mom beat again

I like the "Acts of God" clause some put in. Reminds me of all the times niggers invoke the name of God or Jesus (or Allah in the newer cases) in the hopes it will make up for two months of missed payments and inevitable insolvency.

Afterwards they take it upon themselves to trash the property, which from listening to landlords should be punishable by firing squad.

No. Jews jewing jews jewing jews.


As someone who actually owns and rents property: Absolutely fucking not. I'd put that money to work - or more likely put towards retirement.

If the tax money was used to improve things around apartments it would be worth paying more.

I don't live I socialist hell holes like Texas where your real estate taxes are 6k a year for a 200k house but here in Colorado i pay about a 3rd of that and have raised rents every 12 to 18th months regardless of increases in property taxes.

that's why your rent is over double the price of the mortgage. its cheaper to own.

You might get more mileage from relaxed regulations on building code and stuff. Allow people to erect shitty houses and you'd see cheaper rent.