Wait? Corbyn wants to give out state-issued waifus?

Wait? Corbyn wants to give out state-issued waifus?

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Women are icky

didn't TV already do this meme?

wrong gender sorry

i would unironically become a communist.


wtf I love communism now

Corbyn is cool, whenever someone gets so viciously attacked by the global propaganda network hes got to be good

Wait till they force you to marry a nog because of affirmative action..

They'll probably be single mothers looking for an open wallet.

State-issued BLACKED ham planets for the boys. A nice muslim for every ten year old girl.

Do not give into the enemy so quickly

God bless that man

synagogue of satan


Hope you like feminine penis.

I was in favor of it until I realized what this actually means. No control over which state-issued waifu I'm given? Sounds like a dangerous game of Russian roulette and the bullet is a fat, black, smelly, disgusting, tranny skank, Plus, the good state-issued waifus will be assigned to others, and then I'll have to crush my dreams of ever being with them in the current choice system. It probably won't even take our merits into account while assigning waifus. Fucking gubmint ruins EVERYTHING.

>State-issued BLACKED ham planets for the boys. A nice muslim for every ten year old girl.
checked and this.
welcome to your state sponsored dysgenics program

As absurd as this sounds, it does sound consistent with socialism. if I was British and reading this, I'd be sweating bullets right about now and trying to get citizenship in Niger.

These are the things revolutions are made of.

because they definitely don't mean "free white wives for muslim immigrants" at all...
it's not like w're building 200,000 houses a year and bringing in 200,000 immigrants who all get prioritised on the housing list....

If that was what the plan was, then I feel sorry for the Muslim immigrants. I know they fuck goats and all, but a British woman who is on the dole seems like a huge downgrade to me.

>Hum. Excuse me, but my """waifu""" isn't according to my specifications. Actually you didn't ask me for my specifications at all which I assume was a mistake. I wanted mine to be like 2B and the only thing you got right is the weight I guess.

I'm convinced Corbyn's a crypto NatSoc.

LMAO you're alright for a fag.

>say hello to your new gf user
>our social science algorithm matched her to you

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Nazis look down on the untermench instead of trying to breed more?

The idea is presented as reduction in benefits for failure to comply, which clearly indicates they are talking about the bottom feeders in the country. The worst people Britain has to offer. And they want to breed these people.

I knew governmentsgetgfs was ahead of his time when i first laid eyes on his kooky blog years before you did

Some fundy Mormon communities did that shit here (read about Warren Jeffs)

Here's what happens:

>leader and his buddies get all the prime pussy
>everyone not in the inner circle gets post-wall roasties and old women
>young men without the right political connections are outright exiled from the community because of waifu shortage


He was racist, not classist.


Ilsa McKee noted that the lectures of Hitler Youth and the BDM on the need to produce more children produced several illegitimate children, which neither the mothers nor the possible fathers regarded as problematic.[25] These and other behaviors taught led to parents complaining that their authority was being undermined. In 1944, a group of parents complained to the court that the leaders of the League were openly telling their daughters to have illegitimate children.[26] Public opinion attributed a great deal of sexual laxity to the members.[27] The preparation camps for the 'Landdienst' (land service) of girls and boys often lay adjacent to each other. 900 of the girls participating in the 1936 Reichsparteitag in Nürnberg became pregnant. In 1937, a prohibition came out saying that camping was forbidden to the BDM.[28]


Met your state issued wife...Matthew. She is pre-op.

They are all going to be race mixing matches
If that happens and you fuckers don't go full IRA your going extinct

This isn't about class. You don't end up on government dole in a modern western country if you're even slightly above the common criminal in terms of your personality and ability.

Poor people are a class, but not all poor people are bottom feeders. Some actually work.

Good god, man. Have some decency.

He's a social democrat and a return to true labor values

wtf now i love Corbybn

She must have expressed a deep seated need for daily semen enemas...

This could work if I only have to look at her ass.

thanks. goin to bed now. i dont really care what you do. when we get along like this it makes me wanna say certain "nice" things but that might put you on the spot so that's not my place to do. ill take my boner and go elsewhere lol. ciao4now

never going to happen. its misogynistic, probably.

Hehehe, his ass. It's a man, baby.


Watch a documentary "Sons of Perdition" to see what happens to the young men when they're banished.


based corbyn

>state issued waifu

>leader and his buddies get all the prime pussy
you realize that happens in every system ever created, right?
What delusional world do you live in where you believe thats not the case?

>inb4 Obama
I would not a bit surprised to learn the Obama family is completely staged.

Wait until they start (((assigning))) xers to the men. It would be very LGBTTAQRSYhJ phobic not to, after all.

why did you use the ancap flag for this post retard

Where do I sign up for my state issued "girlfriend".

Will Trudeau try this?

>there will be state issued traps to combat black market trap sexbots in your lifetime

Yup. Because the thing is that migrants tend to not be ready for a transgendered girlfriend because of their culture. So you can't assign them those.
But if you were raised in the west you have zero reason to be transphobic.
And even then there could be shortages so sex changes will be part of the program to make sure everyone can be paired up.

Let's make an article like in the OP but with dogs instead kek.

>The only thing the UK government could do to return social cohesion to its Isles would be a complete reversal of almost every major decision it's made in the last 100 years against the wishes of the native population.
>Only bigger goberment can save this.

Reminds me of some fucked up porn I used to read in the 90s.

How would that work? Like a state sponsored matchmaking service? Seems like something that wouldn't work that well

>State-issued BLACKED ham planets for the boys. A nice muslim for every ten year old girl.
This. It wouldnt be anything but this.
The social shaming for anyone not racemixing comes shortly after.

Wtf I love communism now

What you think it means:
>State issued waifu
>Saving the white race
>Return to the nuclear family unit

What it actually means:
>Men forced to shack up with crusty roasties
>Forced interracial relationships
>Still can divorce you without consequence

No this is for breeding so no traps at least. Just some browning of the gene pool.

Well you can still adopt. Women would have more babies if they knew they could be taken care of by a nice progressive family who doesn't care what color it is. Especially if they got paid for their trouble.
Also I know people here seem to think that race mixing is bad but there isn't a million ways to fix the paki inbreeding problem they've got over there you know. White women should breed with them.

>government runs out of women
>starts conscripting and issuing other men

I will move to Britbong land if this happens.


Give me a Paige waifu or fuck the fuck off REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I would unironically smash your throat in with a jade axe you filthy cunt

They are going to force the racemixing on you now.
You people never knew liberty.

He means white girls to muslims.

See girls? We told you you weren't top of the heap any more.
You will literally be chattel and be assigned husbands like the oh so liberal concept of arranged marriages.

Going conservative won't help either. They'll just steal your kids for their pedo parties.
UKip all the way. It has to be an outsider party or you'll end your days as Wife #4 in tiny stinking council estate flat producing babies for god knows what horrors.

You. I like you.

This is what happens when you are owned by a Jewish run monarchy overflowing with marxist parasites.


lol you will get some granny or unfuckable lardass

Cannot find this online so OP is a one toothed faggot. Toast link nig

OMG shut up you're ruining the thread.

abo female animals for the beta virgins.

Just go down to local meth dealer's house. There will be plenty of nigger boons you can fuck for tree fiddy if you really need to get laid that badly.

They won't be handing out primo filly to the likes of you, dumbass. The slimes will get the white girls, the whites get the niggers and streetrats, if the slimes haven't claimed multiple wives before then cuz it's dey culcha. Any waiting list and you'll be holding the door for everyone else.

This always annoys me because Gorbachev worked tirelessly to preserve the USSR and only threw in the towel when defeat was inevitable.
You wanna blame someone, blame Yeltsin.

>State issued girlfriends

Government-employed prostitutes.

not for whity he wants multicultural and jihadi breeding grounds lel

TFM talked about this.

Someone has to take care of these strong independent single mothers, and it is going to be you.

Your algorithms need work Dr. Evil

FAKE JEWS. Move along now!!! OP is a ginger nigger

>govt picking your waifu
>literally forced race mixing/letting a fatty dole dosser marry you
>Sounds like it could be horrific.

Wtf I love my curent wife now

He means for the Jihadis

>if you don't participate your welfare will go down
Is that what I'm reading?

I'm ok with this form of socialism

>vote labour because socially inept incel
>get state issued grillfriend
>turns out to be a paki muslim
>have to convert to Islam to get her or my tax rate will increase by 40%

Lol you retards are lapping up this crap. OP won't even post the link to the original article

>state-issued girlfriends
Hi user, I’m your new gf!

Meh. It's your state issued bull that's going to fuck her anyway so whatever.

fuck off to /r9k/ you freak

great, now get on the treadmill, slave!

>Wait? Corbyn wants to give out state-issued waifus?
That sounds nice. Maybe I should move to the UK.

I've got a SJW boner! Oh baby, peg me so hard.

Is this a joke? If it isn't Corbyn really is our fucking guy why the fuck did you support Terrorist May?

Or so bad that even they hate him

Meh, atleast he'll upend things

The elite dont want this issue fixed, as they created it for the purpose of depopulation. Create a whole generation of non procreating citizens and as the old die off, what as the population declines dramatically.

Faggots there's no source and I can't find one OP is full of shit as usual

While it's a far better plan than *importing millions of third worlders* like the jews want for white countries in general, it's a luck-of-the-draw and he is a complete communist so...