Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Fachkräfte Edition

Jamaica coalition is kill.
FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive.
Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other.
SPD now getting ready for big coalition
Presicuck Steinmeier inviting usual suspects for anudda 4 year big coalition of doom


>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag
>fake Höckecaust memorial trolled

>AfD speeches in Bundestag


>Jewtube videos (commentary, AfD shitposting and aesthetics): [

>Kraut/pol/ OP dump

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


good morning

so whats up
still nothing new right?

groko still incoming
islamization and umvolkung on track

The SPD Bundesparteitag will decide this weekend whether or not they will start negotiations with the CDU

show flag
this weekend? i see
lets get weimar rolling!

they will pretend to decide something allright

show tits

Have you guys read through all of the politics related news articles today? So many small but good news it actually feels like things are really getting better bit by bit.

>this weekend?

Most likely

Haven't read too many good things desu

such as?

only because they try to calm things down right now
metapolitics like twitter are the current battleground

Tagesschau says Seehofer won't budge on family reunions and the SPD wants it.

it really is amazing, i gathered that schultz LARPed as tough oppo leader on election eve and is now shilling for de facto more mass migration as condition(!!) for the next installment of grand coalition.
almost as if coreographed...

>Deciding anything

isn't seehofer de facto out?

Just as bavarian prime minister. He is the party leader

Schulz has always been in favour of more mass migration

moin moin

Seehofer is only out on the state level. Söder takes over as runner up for the bavarian election but Seehofer remains the head of the CSU. He'll be out eventually but I guess it really depends on where this is going the next few months and the coming election.

ah yes, i was under the impression he wanted to demonstrate some carthartic enlightenment for once


>die Linke

>Söder wird Bayerns Ministerpräsident: Söder-Kritiker fürchten Rechtsruck der CSU
>Seehofer beharrt auf Aussetzung des Familiennachzugs
>Weil: Neuwahlen wären Geschenk für die AfD
>Stimmung zwischen Deutschtürken und Deutschen am Tiefpunkt
>Bundesweite Razzia gegen gewalttätige G-20-Gegner
>„Sie werden Ihrem Amt nicht gerecht“ – Merkel will sich Kritik stellen
>[...]Trotzdem wären nur 46 Prozent der Deutschen dafür, dass Merkel im Falle von Neuwahlen wieder Kanzlerkandidatin der CDU/CSU wird, eine knappe relative Mehrheit von 48 Prozent sind dagegen.


>"Until now, no one has been able to explain to me why it is so preferable to deport potential terrorists. What is won if they commit horrible crimes somewhere else? The terror has become global long ago" (Katrin Schubert (DIE LINKE))

J U S T...wanted to post the same pic

Gutes Argument um die Gefängnisse zu öffnen. Mir kann auch niemand erklären was wir davon haben kriminelle Geistekranke in geschlossene Anstalten zu verschieben.

i see, interesting construction, power/tactics wise

>J U S T...wanted to post the same pic

Man muss ja jetzt dabei sagen, dass sie alle einen Doppelpass haben und in die Türkei zurück könnten. Ich dagegen habe nur diese eine Heimat.


> tfw people try to explain in vain stuff to you for about some 60 years

quick check:
>big razzia against g20 idjits, well...finally
>drehhofer says hes is open for every resort in berlin and thinks is capable for everything.
>tim mälzer is once again concerned about the food industry
>a few knife attacks here and there, part and parcel
>putin wants the us press out of his realm, according to bild
>trump has won something but not really according to bild
>ah Weltkriegs Fliegerbombe again this time Hannover airport
>i think my schwein pfeift, someone broke into oliver kahns mansion, oh no!



that hook wasnt even that powerful
nice webm tough

> be german
> make coffe
> open newspaper
> see prototypical new world citizen slobtits schubert
> switch to cosmopolitan right away

i am sad...
i thought they somehow get around this abomination.


Eine Gedenkminute an den Abgeordneten Gottschalk der AfD, dessen Handgelenk gebrochen wurde, aber dessen Namen man nie in der Lückenpresse lesen wird. Er hat das falsche Parteibuch.


quoting junge freiheit article right?
feels good to have a förderabo since 2 years

yesterday we laughed about the endless material for memes for the next bayernwahl we know have , söder gave us everything we need.

Yes. Also the brave commentator on Die Welt, before he gets erased.
I considered buying Junge Freiheit, too, but then decided to donate to the AfD instead.

yeah thats the best decision!
well done!

Such a great meme potential

Having an alternative media to our Lügenpresse is important, too. I would like to donate to the Generation Identitaire as well. Decisions, decisions.

good setup, especially for us. during coalition negotiations Seehofer'll have Dobrindt and Söder sitting next to him, Merkel won't be able shove her shit down CSU's throat as easily now. Especially Söder won't take any of that rapefugee crap.

Handgelenk gebrochen?

>Weniger Anti-Terror Agenten für Berlin
>SPD wanted 20 more agents
>Because of "Die Linke" and "Die Grünen" Berlin just gets 10 more

Somebody never got hit on the stomach with his hands up.
You dont have to use any force, the guy will just crumble.
Go out more little one. thats a typical "hundertschaft" punch. I ate them a few times. Not as bad as "knüppel in die kniekehle" tho.

only a few pockets left
goodbye funghis!

I think I'll miss them. Their videos were god-tier, lots of meme material.

yes, lets hope Söder doesn't cuck in and gets to be the most disagreeable shrek ever.
seehorster couldn't do it by any imagination, he is probably relieved thet shrek will be by his side

why would you receive that punch in the first place tough? whats your peer group?
a hook to the kidney or to the lower ribs is far more painful
well placed and you will throw up
boxer here


holy shit

>This is my swamp now



Former Cologne Ultra and general nuissance to colognes police force a few years back.
Used to go to Antifa rallies just to get into fights with them. Times long gone.

And of course theres worse punches, getting that hook without being able to braze yourself for it in that position isnt nice im telling you.

>SPD now getting ready for big coalition
Is there a time limit for forming a government before you guys legally have to have another election?
Or can the politicos just sit around jerking each other off for literal years?

>Cologne Ultra
very nice!
>Used to go to Antifa rallies just to get into fights with them
how does that usually work out?

90 days I think. If there isn't a government after a certain amount of time apaprently the president has to disolve the bundestag and then there'll be reelections.

Black block hiding behind police lines and acting like theywanna break through, all they do is hurl stones and bottles from afar most of the time.
They did turn a lot more violent in recent years tho, seems like all that financial aid helped them recruit general kanacken thugs.

Most of the time clashes get breaken up real quick by the police especially when they come running with dogs and/or horses. fuck police horses man.

don't know, but probably not all too important.
germ state tv and newspaper conglomerates still consider merkel underhandedly chancellour and that is probably sufficient and official enough for most germs

WOW! Based Austria! So right-wing, such traditionalism! Wow!

>he still believes in political solutions

>general kanacken thugs
i think that has more to do with the general acab standing of their hiphop idols than the budget
>They did turn a lot more violent in recent years tho
mh thats somehow still good for our cause

very interesting tough! thank you user!

Dunja ist die lächelnde, fünfte Kolonne, die den Moderaten in den Staatsmedien spielt, damit uns die Messernden, Tretenden, Vollverschleiernden, Explodierenden und Gruppenvergewaltigendend nicht ganz mehr ins Auge springen. Quasi die akzentfreie Version von:

well said

Ganz ehrlich, alle Schläger die Spaß an Straßengewalt haben gehören an sich an die Wand.

she is right. we shouldn't send them back. we should kill them, it's way cheaper.


Gute Arbeit!


It would actually be more accurate with some Green politician on it desu

Like Beck, Ströbele or Trittin


Du wirst sie irgendwann brauchen, Sören. And better hope you will have more on your side than Pierre Vogel. Prepare your anus!

Die degenerierteste Sau im ganzen Land. Kein Wunder dass der Judenrat so versessen auf ihn war, ihn zu rehabilitieren und gegen die NAZI-AfD in Stellung zu bringen. Mit Roth und Schulz ein perfektes Abbild der DDR 2.

ty user

Wehren oder Arsch hinhalten Kleiner?

>gehören an sich an die Wand.
mih violence is much better than your violence

Oy Gevalt

Es ist ein Unterschied ob man sich wehrt oder an so einer degenerierten Veranstaltung teilnimmt, weil man psychologische Probleme und sich an Gewalt aufgeilt. Vielleicht seit ihr notwendig aber für euch ist kein Platz in einer funktionierenden Zukunft.

wtf she didnt.....
typical spiegel writer

>Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.

>Coal mining is mass murder

The absolute state of the German Left

30 (depending on culture) years ago people like him were convincing you the same things about gays. Next step is paedophilia and necrophilia.

>mass murder
They have to make a reference to the holocaust. Holocaust = greatest tragedy in human history. Coal mining = holocaust.

Serious question here: why do Germans pretend they are white?

Who knows what kind of shit the future holds. With genetical engineering and all.

Nice meme

Tfw too brainlet to know German

whiter than you achmed

Make it more obvious next time Tyrese Mueller.

G*rmanistans never learn. Pol is English speaking board so please stop linkin Nazi language here. Thank you for cooperating.

Don't reply to /leftypol/. They just discovered the thread.
