How does Trump manage to maintain his sanity with all these haters spouting constant vitriol at him...

How does Trump manage to maintain his sanity with all these haters spouting constant vitriol at him? Do you think he cries himself to sleep at night sometimes?

Not saying Moore doesn't seem massively butthurt for writing such a mass of text, but being called a #LOSER constantly, how doesn't that get to him?

focus attention self discipline


Because Trump recognizes their squeals as the bitch tears that they are.

I know that, but when you have other "evidence" like poll ratings, half the country hating you... is he doing it just to spite them? Is he satisfied in all areas of life and he doesn't give a fuck about the opposition?

Winning Rules !

Others competed

I hope he does. Fucker deserves it.

But what does your wife’s bull think about it ?

>this assblasted from one tweet


He reads his Sun Tzu. When your enemy is of choleric temper, irritate him.

>1 killed, 6 injured in a war...
So? They could've stayed home and did some shitty job.
>Not aware
No shit, 7 people in a war

He ignores 99% of them

I think he likes it

Yes. He has reached Buddhist levels of enlightenment through living his p effect life. Trump gives ZERO fucks. He is the definition of based.

>Puerto Ricans are our fellow americans

Sanity is easy to maintain when its the other guys who are insane. Trump is entertained non stop. Theres no such thing as bad publicity. Especially when the media is so blatantly biased.

Doesn't give a shit about them I would think.

A trusted source claims that the janitors working at the trump towers late often hear Donald Trump crying out in frustration that no matter what he do he cant seem to capture the heart of the American citizens like president Obama, and he downs 2 bottles of diet pepsi as he cries and read twitter comments before going to bed.

he probably loves it that one tweet made that fat dyke spaz out so hard

Trump is just going with the flow. But hes also examining the “flow” to see how he can counter it.


>like poll ratings,

The poll ratings that had clinton 99.9% chance to win basically up until the point trump was elected?


>that response
I've never seen such an example of sheer asshurt. Michael Moore is a mess!

I don't think he really reads any of their replies. He just goes on twitter to say "hey, you suck" and then triggered morons spam shit, the media circlejerks about said shit, and the president neither knows nor gives a shit.

Damn it, Nigel. Why didn’t you become Prime Minister.

I think he just doesn't give a fuck.
Look. He is 70 something years old, an the most important thing for him is probably his family (next to his country I hope)

>poll after poll after poll say you're never going to win
>you win
Yea, I am going to believe polls from the same sources about angry people and their anger that I won, hahahahahhahahahhahaha

brexit was his life mission now he feels content just being a talk radio guy

>Delegate important tasks to the over 9000 elite of their respective fields
>Massive hydra of traitors & freaks NEED you to fail or their worldview collapses
>Have MAD twitter skills
>Elite shitposting
>Polarise enemies & Allies like the world has never seen
>Enemies are getting rekt left & right
>Allies are lmao'ing at their lifes & doing it for free
>Delegated tasks are being performed ahead of schedule & under budget without distraction, for the most part.
>We can't be sure because admin opsec is tight like a tiger

>Check twitter before bed
>Notifications are muted so phone doesn't melt
>Only follow 45 people
>Coulter is calling you a fag
>Grab Melania & drift off for 3 hours
>Dream of Coulter flavoured femdom in the 80's

I would be at least disappointed that they continue to be against me in spite of evidence. Trump must be a stronger man.

dude has been winning his entire life

I honestly find it really impressive. For a good two years they've done nothing but bombard him with everything under the sun to brake him but he never does.

I don’t think he cries at night but definitely it would be felt so lonely being himself . Because he had entered the way no one has passed , to get the swamp drained surrounded by all enemies.

The Trump curse caused Moore's show to bomb. Everyone that goes against Trump ends up paying the toll. The 10 comments just shows the salt.

Sloppy Michael Moore sticks, it's a label he will have forever. And he is sloppy.

>To think Michael Moore took an hour to type that message on his phone with his fat fingers.

I thought this faggot would have died from the Trump curse already.

Oh ... really? I’m sad too hear this. People will know how much he is needed one who bring brighter future for America and the world.