From a proud fingoloid

Nearly 100 years ago, then the Russian Grand Duchy of Russia became an independent state. After a bloody civil war, white, strong, and united part of Finland won. After this the whole nation worked hard to achieve a better life. Later Finland became a pawn in international game of power policy. As a result, Helsinki remained as one of the three european capitals that were not captured. In some phases, Finland was an embarrassing problem to Stalin and to Himmler a louse.
Today there are a lot more threats to face. The enemy may no longer be seen. It may hide in the shadow of innocence from elsewhere, in stock markets, in our own rows, or traditionally in the East. To them I say, you can destroy us, you can cause injuries, you can even drown us into our own blood, but without a fight you will not achieve it.

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Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa

the problem is the fight is with yourselves, how do you defeat your own people who are using their intelligence and energy to destroy themselves?

The time will come when people see how rotten everything are. That happened then and it will happen again.

Based Finland


ummm no sweety

You will live to see your culture rot away beneath you without ever putting up a fight you goy slave.

White guard you fucking retard. The same side that should have won there.


Against the Sup Forums narrative one of the Finnish parliaments most traditionalist mainstream politicians is actually the only jew in the parliament. Ben Zyskowicz opposes immigration, social justice identity politics and LGTB-politics, he even voted against the gender neutral marriage.

I been at Helsinki and it full with muslims, niggers, asians, and for some reason, indians.
It not Sweden tier yet, but it only a question of time, and you know it.

>Zysk means profit
The name fucking checks out

And same time Beni us supporting hyper liberal neo-con style politics. Fuck off with that kike. Not everything goes just on left-right axis.

After WWI, big cities of Austria and Germany were full of openly pedophiles, jews, gypsies and that trash. Cities were literally cradles of degeneration. Somebody saw this and you know what happened.

k tom of finland
I been at Moscow and it full with muslims, niggers, asians, and for some reason, russians.

wrong board bro, amerimutts don't understand what you're talking about. what's the point?

Just imagine for a second what would your country
look like otherwise.

Last time you had that kind of attitude, you got slaved for decades. Besides I dont care about the fucking yanks.

Finland has not been independent since 1995.
Our government is ethnically replacing us. In 30 years (or less) Finns will be a minority in Finland.

Happy "independence day."


European union will destroy itself like Soviet union. Brexit, rebelling slavs, anti-european riots rising everywhere. EU and its allies are really afraid now. You can see it in their propaganda.

Finnish goverments in past decades have been a problem, I give you that but whining about it is not helping at all.

Based Finnland. Khanate when?

>Finnish goverments in past decades have been a problem, I give you that but whining about it is not helping at all.
And what is going to help? Our government already paid lip service in 2015, but as you are aware, had never any intention to follow trough and fired the only party that actually gives a shit about Finland.
That party is now polling 7-10%, not even close to enough to making a difference.

You understand that in 4 years, or 8 years, or beyond it'll already be far too late? To make a difference action would be required right now. The 2017 numbers will be far worse yet, -20k at least to Finns and Swedes. And the trend is down every single day more, not less. Our births are nonexistent even with Muslims shitting out kids. AND these are the official numbers, who fucking knows how many Muslims are unofficially here who will of course never leave.

lol. see And that picture doesn't tell the full story. The reality is far worse still.


Why you should be mad? We won after all. Then I checked last time Karelia was still Russian.

If you give a single fuck about your country you take action and dont look statistics. Vote right, get weapons (legally of course), have kids. I know this sounds retarded but it is not the first time that things are looking bad. This nation have thrived from nothing to the top. Same shit you are talking about is happening everywhere and it is true. But never and I mean never give up.


Yeah I visited your country once. Beautiful land and sea. Only thing that bothered me were boypussies selling themself every.fucking.where. Try harder pls.

ok sweety

should be swedish though

Sugoiii goy

EU alisti Suomen ilman taisteluja.

Suuri ja mahtava alisti koko ryssän maan verellä ja sen piti olla ikuista. Kuinkas kävi? "Ei enää ikinä yksin" -asenne oli vahvoilla EU:n liityttäessä ja se on ymmärretävää kun puhutaan historiasta. Mikään ei kuitenkaan ole ikuista. Se kannattaa pitää mielessä.

Ja teidän vuoro tulee vielä, jos ette ole kiltisti.

>inb4 ''I am not Sopsy''

Finland, behold, your day has now come dawning;
Banished is night, its menace gone with light,
Larks' song again in morning-brightness ringing,
Filling the air to heaven's great height,
And morning's glow, night's darkness overcoming;
Your day is come, o my native land.
O Finland, rise, stand proud, the future facing,
Your valiant deeds recalling, once again;
O Finland rise, in the world's sight erasing
From your fair brows vile slavery's stain.
You were not broken by oppressors ruling;
Your morn has come, o my native land.

So about the same, really.

Näin. Juuri näin.

We'll see about that, you subhuman tatar

According to reddit your country doesn't exist. Moomin is Japanese. Finns BTFO.

wrong, idiot. Japan is Finnish not the other way around

Did you know that the only jews that fought for axis were Finns?

Fuck you.
Wrong side won the civil war.
We will remember comrade Viljanen until the end.

How about dropping two things there again to remind about you genius military strategy.

Stay salty, Russkie.

Yes nice. I guess you would have love to born in a province of a snowy Mexico that takes commands from people who are masters of the best society.

desu this country will become Sweden tier enriched very soon. People are working hard to destroy our country and most young people are so dull and apathetic it's ridiculous
My plan is to go further north where I can live in peace

We have no use for defeatist faggots like you in the North.

purjo pore

Back to the reddit soyboy.

Olisimpa venäläinen, mutta valitettavasti olen vaan normaali suomalainen sekä vaalilautakunnan varajäsen ;(

Pysy silti suolasena, Ryssä.

the people of finland are disgusting all bark no bite depressed cucks, i for one will not raise my children here to become like them.

>All these defeatist Finns crying about Finland
>Not realize they themselves are the main problem

Persut eivät enään ikinä tule voittamaan vaaleja saatikka vaikuttamaan politiikkaan, natsi.

Persuille ihan sama.
Ällös huoli, äidin pikku pullamössö, kaikki eivät Suomessa ole vielä tollasia säälittäviä yhteiskunnan elättejä.

>boomers who always vote for the same liars who sell off our country piece by piece and have flooded our cities with muslims are not the problem
>brainwashed lefties who hate Finland are not the problem
>nazi larpers who unironically wear camo pants and shave their heads in the year of our lord 2017, destroying all chances of gaining legitimacy are not the problem

Kyllä aika iso osa suomen miehistä suorittaa vielä asepalveluksen ja elää sen aikaa minun verorahoillani, valitettavasti.

There will always be problems. It's cunts like you who take a defeatist attitude instead of trying to be part of the solution are the main issue. It's you who enables those others cunts.

Pysy siellä etelässä ja korjaa ne ongelmat

Russian Grand Duchy of Russia

Kyllä ihmiset vielä ymmärtävät. Täällä on eletty lähes täydellisyydessä muuhun maailmaan verrattuna vuosikymmeniä. Sitten kun paskaa alkaa lentämään tosissaan niin rupeaa tapahtumaan.

Nignogit ei pääse taloudelliseen kehitykseen mukaan, koska kulttuurierot. Talouden mennessä vituilleen julkisesta aletaan tinkimään millä on tuhoiset seuraukset nignogeille. Kapinaa tulee olemaan havaittavissa, mutta täällä ongelmat osataan ennemmin tai myöhemmin ratkaista.

Ala-arvoinen käännös. Ymmärrän ja pahoittelen.

Luuletko tosissaan että enemmistö sosiaalihuollon palveluiden ja tulonsiirtojen saajoista on neekereitä?

Patriotism, not defeatism, ok?
If Jaegers had been like you, we'd be talking Russia right now. Cyka blyat.

such stoicism
very patriotism

Ei tällä hetkellä, mutta mm. ylempänä olevaa taulukkoa katsellessa ja huomioon ottaen sen faktan, että iäkäs väestö poistuu vauhdilla keskuudestamme, kyseinen asia muuttuu vähitellen todellisuudeksi.

They just literally banned NRM. If we can't organize then what the hell can we do?

Epäilen sillä edelleen suurin valtiollinen kuluerä mitä Kelasta tai sosiaalipalveluista kulkee tulee nimenomaan vanhuksille.

Vaikka vanhuksia poistuukin. niin niitä myös tulee lisää, erityisesti kun suuret ikäluokat eivät ole vieläkään eläköityneet.

You do what you can. You spread patriotism in your everyday life. You keep hope alive. You don't need NRM for these things.
I have no winning strategy to give to you today, but I can tell you that if you sink into despair and act like you're already beaten, it's already over and you might as well kill yourself.

Endure, faggot. Have some of that Sisu that is so advertised.

Huomenna mennä pojat

Looks swedish

it's weird seeing the nordic face shape with the asian straight dark hair and green eyes, pretty cute though.

VVM:n taulukot :D no joo.
Suuret ikäluokat ovat elättäneet itsensä mitä moninaisimmilla töillä, joita on siihen aikaan ollut aina paskan lapioinnista johtamiseen.

Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että tulojen diversiteetti suurien ikäluokkien keskuudessa on ollut valtava ja tämä vaikuttaa myös siihen, että saatavien (kansan)eläkkeiden suuruus vaihtelee erittäin paljon. Nyt kun julkisia palveluita ajetaan alas, pienen eläkkeen omaavilla henkilöillä ei ole varaa pitää itseään hengissä, mistä johtuu suuri poistuvuus.

Nyt kun kantasuomalaiset eivät enää lisäänny tarpeeksi, suurin osa hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan tulonsiirroista menee nogeille.

To: Finland Buddy

My Finnish grandma and her family moved to northern Minnesota. Come join us the weather and landscape is much like yours.
We can all listen to the Kalevala together.

Also if anyone knows a good method for learning Finnish, I'd like to know. So far I've been doing crappy game apps and books on tape. No Rosetta Stone for Suomi.

Move here. Yank mormons I have spotted here are learning to speak finnish fast.

Says a guy whose royal family is about to get some (((pure blood)).

I doubt that patriotic fervor will do any good in the long term anyhow, developed economies are just going to keep declining.

I mean even if we left the union, restored our currency and central bank we would still have to face the falling rate of investment.

Better to be slightly pessimistic and enjoy what remains of this heyday of our society before it collapses.

And this is why I say you are the main problem. Hedonistic attitudes with no willingness to make sacrifices.

If it was only weakness of spirit that was stopping our society form achieving utopia we would be already be living an earthly paradise.

Unfortunately, meager idealism without any realpolitik solutions is not going to take us anywhere.

Alright. Lets give up then.

>You do what you can. You spread patriotism in your everyday life. You keep hope alive.
You do that only to feel good about yourself. You have no solutions because there are none unless by some miracle Mestari will save us.

Just stop being such idealist and accept that we are going to need some levels of immigration to upkeep the necessary population base in society.

I'm truly sad to see the state of the Finnish people. I hoped atleast people in Sup Forums would have more backbone than this.

I will continue to do what I can. Perhaps I should concentrate my efforts more locally, since apparently Finland as it is now is a lost cause.

I'm sure you're a good lad but no one is impressed by your muh patriotism routine. You're no better than us

do you honestly think that immigration from third world countries will save out wellfare state?

even the fucking somalis who came here in the 90's.. like 80% of them are still on welfare..they are a drag forever to us WE DONT NEED THEM.. quite the opposite.

it makes my blood boil when you faggots use that same old mantra "we need immigration to save us" sure, lets take more immigrants from the west who actually are willing to work for their living instead of more wellfare leeches.

free veps people you fucking faggots

why not split norway, sweden, finland and maybe karelia (only the northern parts) into the graet northern country of Botnia?
we do have lots more in common compared to the southerners.

master race

Trust me, I really want to in a socio-economically frictionless worls, but this:
And the fact that my job training is literally based on gaining knowledge for which to navigate an arcane American institution.

Plus, the non-Finnish side came to North America in 1540s so I have a familial history here about as long as Finnish has been a written language :P

But if things change, know that I've already gone to the Finnish embassy website to research my potential emigration.

I will be lighting two candles in my window tonight to usher in remembrance of 100 years of freedom from vittu perkele russkies

No Denmark and Iceland?

He says one thing in the public, yet does another behind the close doors: he was one of the cuckoomus politicians against working together with Halla-Aho's persut

Definitely not our guy

Not really and Somalis don`t even make up the majority of our immigrants. Majority of our immigration still comes form Estonia and Russia, and I do think that we are at least depending on Estonian labor at this point.

fuck em, southern scum

Putin's veps faggot.

Thats the problem. The culture that immigrants are coming from is much more closer to a jungle than modern society. They have pathriarchy, fucking religion as a way of life and much worse the parents are not raising the kids in to finnish culture. They promote their own ideals denying everything else, How you can accept these things as a part of working society?

Markle is dried up and Harry isn't even a spare tyre, but I got no problem Finnman just saying it's interesting. Then again most germans have dark hair and eyes so I'm starting to think continental aryans are a meme and they only exist in Norway.