Why do Americans feel so souless, inhuman, and robotic to me? Like they lack warmth, family values...

Why do Americans feel so souless, inhuman, and robotic to me? Like they lack warmth, family values, friendliness and kindness.
They're either out of their fucking minds or completely retarded, deranged. They weren't always like this. Is this what's coming to Europe?
It's not only Americans that I feel are like this but Asians too.

What are some of the best European countries that their people are not complete brain-rotting zombies?

Thank you fluoride!

capitalism happened

American and Asians. Pretty sure you just categorized over half the worlds population in your summary. What's the saying... When the entire world seems mad, it's time to question the observer? Something like that.

Because we don't have family values. Most people stop giving a shit about their parents when they move out, and a lot of people move far across the country for work, which means starting over in a place with no friends or connections. We kind of see personal relationships as replaceable once they stop being convenient. I've spent a lot of time in Germany and I like it there because family, friends, and community have a much higher value.

Actually every american I've met has been far nicer and open than your average german.

>Is this what's coming to Europe?
Yes, like most trends here they'll eventually make their way to everyone else with a delay of 2-4 years.

everyone sold their soul for Instagram internet points.

Shadow men psyops. The soul of this nation may be unrecoverable at this point.

>What are some of the best European countries that their people are not complete brain-rotting zombies?

whatever m8

Everything here is a scam so people don't trust each other, the American Dream has become a Ponzi scheme to build up people's hopes before crushing them.

You allowed yourselves in Europe to be conquered by refugees. Now you get raped and murdered. Who is stupid now?

fuck i forgot the sage

circumcision is the reason

>Why do Americans feel so souless, inhuman, and robotic to me?

I have the same reaction when I see a childless 50-year-old German woman with dyed red hair smoking cigarettes.

Germany is not the only country in Europe, you guys know that right?

Unironically this. You guys have a heavy fluoridated national water supply, are there any states that don't have it? That and the fact you're so readily prescribed Xanax and anti-depressants and shit like that.

Your not wrong. Most days I feel like a husk.

Americans are poisoned by big soy, GMOs, the jews, and fluoride. Basically zombies at this point

America is a communist country not capitalist, nice try schlomo!

this is a good point too. Jews control most industries and therefore most industries are predatory. Combined with the influx of browns, it puts people in a constant state of suspicion.

zombies in europe too

all over the world, this is the end times