Why shouldn't the Government guarantee education

So, why shouldn't the Government guarantee certain things, such as education, and use taxes to guarantee education for everyone in the nation, as well as things such as healthcare, hospitals, etc?

bump because I want an answer

Why should they?

Education should ideally be handled at the local level, or at least at the state level. Federal education regulations are cancer.

Because spics and niggers. This country will inevitably be every man for themselves, private schools or favelas. See you on the other side.

Because it’s not the government’s job. It’s up to the individual to get an education if the want it, health care if they want it, etc.

How much education?

Elementary and high school, yeah.
Beyond that, you're on your own.

Housing was a HUMAN RIGHT in Libya, before you Amerimutts destroyed it and handed it over to ISIS

Something to think about...

Do you think you could elaborate on that?

Then where are my taxes going, and why shouldn't they be going into education?

Democracy only works if you have a public that is capable of understanding what they are voting for.
So, some basic level of education is needed.

it does you faggot
not everyone is made for college
half of the population are below 100

why would they go to college?

We do guarantee education until 12th grade, what are you talking about? College isn't for everyone and we shouldn't subsidize or force it. Most blacks can't even into algebra

Education is to ensure jobs.

Tertiary education isn't necessary to do so, ergo the government only needs to do so if they think doing so will turn a profit.

I can. Common Core (Obama era) was the governments way of 'fixing the problem' with our education. Only thing was that it took power away from teachers so instead of learning for the sake of knowledge, you get teachers teaching for a test. Students are having anxiety problems and study hard for 1 test then forget it all to make room for the next test. That is why our standards are dropping so fast, the students arent retaining the info bc of CC.

>I can. Common Core (Obama era) was the governments way of 'fixing the problem' with our education

Yes that was abysmal. I remember it.

>Only thing was that it took power away from teachers so instead of learning for the sake of knowledge, you get teachers teaching for a test.

Exactly true, I agree.

Common core was abysmal. Do you think it isn't possible for the Government to take the taxes and use it to guarantee good education because of this reason alone?

No Child Left Behind (Bush Era) was the beginning of the end.

Because the government should only be involved in industries that require mass organization (transit). When the government gets involved with more industries, corruption runs rampant.

Citizens need to care for themselves. The government should only be there for protection, law, & order.

More like No Child Left Behind

It wouldn't pay off in US. It pays off in Europe (or at least it used to prior to nonwhites invasion).

>So, why shouldn't the Government guarantee certain things, such as education, and use taxes to guarantee education for everyone in the nation
they do, it's called elementary and high school, colleges are not paid because 8/10 are useless and most people in Europe under 26 use them to purely avoid working and taxes
>healthcare, hospitals, etc
why should anybody pay for your poor life choices?

I just think they've shown they are incompetent. And that applies to more than just education ie - healthcare, infrastructure, military spending. If you want to waste a shit load of cash with little result then yeah, let the government do it...

This is also true

If the Government should not pay for healthcare, then it should lower taxes accordingly, correct?

Yes. But undoubtedly, they will find another tax to implement.

But you must realize that not only healthcare and education are paid by taxes. Enviroment regulations so you can breathe fresh air? Taxes. Roads? Taxes. Food regula---ah you're american, ignore this one, funding your best ally Israel? Taxes. etc.

Because trusting the state to teach your children what and how to think is literally the dumbest thing you could do for your kids.

Regardless, if you didn't pay for it, the gov't has absolutely no right to demand other people give it to you or get shot/go to jail. There are already free Christian schools, and they'd explode overnight if we finally got the state's grubby hands out of education.

They spend more to produce less, all the while indoctrinating your children to support bigger government and think there were more black slaves than Irish.

This is exactly why Christians opposed public education.

Healthcare's even dumber. You don't have a right to demand a doctor help you or provide medicine to you, commie.

>If you want to waste a shit load of cash with little result then yeah, let the government do it...

That's true, the US Government is incompetent when it comes to these things. If they are daft enough to fuck up high schools, then they are too stupid to create a decent healthcare system. I would agree with that.

City roads are maintained by the cities via their OWN taxes. Highways can become private, which we already use ie - turnpikes. Federal government is literal cancer and has been neglecting our national highway system forever
>Dont you like your shitty roads user?
No we fucking hate them and its the feds fault

Can you read?

Can you do basic math?

Fuck even I can and it's all the magnificent work of the government of the united states of america.

England teached me no english.

because they guarantee a missuse of resources to add no value on to the kids, no personal value, no market value

Home-schoolers that don't even follow the state agenda grow more mature, enlighted and make best professionals

public education is an acronism for state indoctrination

This. Literally every home schooled kid I've met (they have to come to the schools for testing) are light years beyond the average kid

>public education is an acronism for state indoctrination

This is something I really fear fundamentally and it's why I asked this question. General mistrust is one of the biggest reasons why I say that taxes should be low, and that the Government shouldn't be involved. Because I do not have a lot of trust for the Government and I feel that if given the opportunity, corrupt people will lord over me and my family and make my life shit for their own selfish purposes.

This is my biggest reason for being opposed to "free education" which is provided by the state for personal reasons. Just the sheer faggotry alone makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

Mandatory vaccines to enter public school anyone?

Schools are just holding camps for children. They do not teach anymore.


Listen here retard. We can't have nice or free things as long as we have more than 20% of blacks or spics.
Tyrone and Paco not only not pay attention in class, but they disturb it as much as they can. So at the exams they suck because they didn't pay attention and because they are dumb af. Then liberal faggots bitch about racism and how whites are doing better because of white privilege, and force the education material to be dumbed down. Which Tyrone and Paco still fail at because their parents don't give ashit and because they don't pay attention in school. Which leads to a spiral of the education system going down. So, fuck off with your lets make more shit free. Go fuck yourself, it is hard to get a job because you have to get a college degree because employers know school graduates are fuckin dumb that learned basically nothing.

You don't want the federal government educating children. That's just a recipe for factionalized propaganda aimed at the youth. Imagine if Obama determined what all the children in the country would read and think.
Instead, education should be private, but that would result in the underclasses refusing to educate their children at all. As a compromise, let reasonable people educate their children themselves or in private settings, and give the underclasses public education. Public education should be handled at the local level by boards independent of local government: school boards, whose members ideally should be parents of children in the school system.
An education through high school should suffice to prepare a student in basic literacy and math for a low-level job sufficient to keep one from becoming a dependent on the state (though welfare should be abolished, it won't be). Further education should not be publicly funded: public funding is an investment to keep people from becoming dependent on further public funding. Taxation is theft, so the less the government steals to redistribute the better.

>let reasonable people educate their children themselves

most people lack the education to even begin to handle the responsibility of educating another. Where do you draw that line? Anyone with a college degree of course is ok to teach others, if I can pass college level math and ennngrish I can teach a child. Yet other then that? Does the C- level parent get to pass on that c- level education? What about dumb parents with smart kids? Should that kid have no chance to advance being his parents are GED level idiots?
You also can't hand over school board level anything to just parents being every parent thinks their mongoloid moron of a kid is special. No, the current school system is fine if parents would take more responsibility for their child's education, schools need to push that on the parent a bit more. We are not better off with a bunch of low educated people or aspie social retards due to zero interaction in a home school class size of like 1 or 2.
People can't even train their dogs to an acceptable level but you want to hand over education? Yeah.. no.

I'd rather have parents determine what education their own children will get than have the government make that decision for parents. Good parents want the best for their children; bad parents don't; the government never wants what is best for anyone but rather what is easiest to implement without hurting the chances for an increased budget next fiscal year.

Is it possible that the decadence of our society has resulted in a moral sickness, which goes beyond the question of whether or not the government is paying for high school and elementary schools?

Who better to spread the festering moral sicknesses of the country than government-sponsored corruptors of the youth? When education is in the hands of the state, children learn what the rulers think is right, not what the people believe.