Will sweden uncuck itself now that leaks of swedish rape statistics are leaked?

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Unlikely. I think you can't profess even slight interest is such matters without called names and shunned.
I hope I'm wrong, though. That 4x difference must be dealt with.

Knowing Sweden, they’ll probably just say their justice system is racist and issue an apology to migrants

Lol. They'd rather be killed than be racist.

Raped, not killed. They would rather their mothers, daughters and sisters being raped, than called racist.

>Will sweden uncuck itself

Are the Swedes mentioned, Swedes or "Swedes"?

>Will sweden uncuck itself now that leaks of swedish rape statistics are leaked?


>Be sweden
>look at country
>no significant military power
>no significant economic power
>we need to be a superpower in one field
>have idea to become humanitarian superpower
>invite tons of shitskins
>nigger.dll loaded
>they nog around
>hide statistics from native people and call them racist if someone criticizes what you are doing
>import more niggers
>nigger.dll somehow seems to be a forkbomb
>someone leaks statistics
>double down ... if natives aren't there no natives can be raped.

How long until they blame it on the Russians?

They'll just clame the police are profiling and racist.

There is no such thing as racial profiling in Sweden, just nationality.

In other words, the data would be even worse if we knew the race of the criminals.

No, they will just cuck even harder.

For every swedish name there is about 4-5 non swedish names, abdul, mohamed, mustapha, etc

And even the ones with swedish names dont mean shit when sand niggers change their last names, jews arent the only sand people to borrow european name.

If you look at the top it says about 52% are not swedish.

Not likely. Facts don't matter and peollenjust entrench when given facts that counter their beliefs.

There's an outside hope that this does redpill charismatic influencers who can then appeal to the emotions of Swedes at large, but I doubt it.

Idk man whenever I look at comments under Swedish newspaper articles I get blackpilled af about how poz'd these people are. There were hundreds of people supporting the fact that their government wants to naturalise all Afghan unaccompanied ILLEGAL migrants for fuck sake.

No we won't. The whole thing has already been reported to the police and is gonna be shut down. Scrambling hard to put the lid back on top. Government won't comment on it at all most likely. Daily life and rapes will continue as usual. Swedistan not even a meme.

Then someone needs to move the data out of the country

I feel fucking terrified sweden is so close to Latvia......

Yet so far away.

The vast majority of Swedish media on internet has no comment sections. And there is a huge reason why.

That's defeatist strategy, you can't run forever. If you want to survive, sometimes you have to fight.

I'm honesty surprised about these figures, native Swedes committing 18% of gang rapes seems higher than expected.

"native Swedes" or 2nd generation immigrants

which in all likelihood means non-swede first generation migrant spawn committing the rapes.
I can't see nice svens raping anyone.

Someone has probably already saved it all and the group that actually got all the data still has it. They are just going to shut it down online ASAP. Government is actually taking a lot of steps towards media blackouts now that election is less than a year away. It's scary how much they are trying to control the flow of information in a supposedly free first world country. But already been said, Swedistan is no longer a meme so this is our reality now.

No need to be afraid. They have zero interest in you and you have the ocean and Finland between us. Refugees are even fleeing Finland just openly walking across the border in the north while our border police just look at them.

How high is the false accusationrate in sweden?
I mean I don't think feminists would make false claims against immigrants, but rather against white swedes.

I honestly don't think Swedes are capable of empathy, otherwise they'd have raged a long time ago.

Basically this

durr? they have too much empathy, which is why they were easily manipulated into accepting millions of hostile shitskins into their homeland

See Actual white swedes commuting gang rape... can't even remember last time I ever read about it in the news. And MSM blows anything done by a white person out of proportion when it's usually sandnigger behavior so it's hard to miss.

It could make a significant crack in the narrative, but only if you don't allow the Swedish government to memory hole it.

There is a huge problem of individualism in Scandinavia. It shocking and probably a lot of people think is contradictory because their goverments are social-democrats, but it's the main problem they have, in my opinion.

I've read about few cases of false accusations. MSM mostly pick up those stories if it's a sandnigger getting accused to try and portray them as not rapists when everyone knows that they actually are the cause for pretty much all rapes.

Sounds more likely. Why did the tweet state that the statistics are by ethnicity, though?

what is the percent?

I heard 90% of all rapes are committed by non swedes and 80% of them are against minors

>they have too much empathy

They don't welcome refugees and immigrants for empathy, but for virtue signaling. Scandinavians have a worrying lack of empathy, especially with their own people.

First of all 52% rapes were commuted by NATIVE Swedes so it’s pretty much 50/50 chance whether you get raped by a native or a refugee.
Second of all you can really see why reporting ethnicity is biased against the refugees! Non-Swedish names? Since when does Sweden have a culture to begin with!?
Lastly it’s not even 600 rapes. 600 raped women are a bargain price to pay for MILLIONS of children saved.
Also the number raped would be lower as a lot were gangrapes and this statistic only counts RAPISTS.

My opinion is that it's in some way like Asian culture. No one dares to stick out and you NEED to have certain opinions else you are a social outcast or social piranha. Your life gets tougher in almost every way if you have the wrong opinions and that's why I keep mine to myself. If I was open about them I would have a hard time able to land a job because I would not share the companies "value base".

but people with migrant backgrounds count as swedes, so the 52% say little to nothing

>be woman 2000 years ago
>know your place in society you are taught that you need male protection, many just want to rape and kill you
>one day you are walking in the field to find a wounded enemy warrior, your women instics tells you to help him and you do.
>you save the wounded warrior lifes, he thanks you with all his heart and leaves without harming you, you feel you did a good and great thing you smile and are happy
>the wounded warrior returns after weeks of being missing back to his village/tribe. The earl hears of you returns and invits you to tell him how did you survive.
>the wounded warrior is pressured by pier pressure if not even tortured to tell how did this happen
>the wounded warrior tells his chief that a lovely young woman saved him in a village that nobody knew was there 100 miles away.
>1 week later the chief marches on the village where the woman lives who saved the woundede warrior
>the woman is raped and killed, as their men weren't strong enough to work together, build walls, force them into submission and not leave their homes without protection, they dont stand a chance and many are taken as slaves

There are two types of societies that survived and flurished

Stepp tribe semi-nomadic that raped, murdered or got raped and murdered together aswhole men and women.

Or "civilized" societies who build walls, alliances, and fought for the protection OF THE WOMEN and CHIDLREN by enforcing laws, and restriction to women SO THAT THEY WONT SAVE THE FUCKING WOUNDER WARRIOR

>be men
>2000 years ago
>find wounded warrior
>stab the motherfucker, you are doing him a favor, he wont come back or tell his chief about your location so that you have time to build walls.

>be modern women
Still think instictual due to male protectionism, be kind, lovely and want to help
>be modern men
lack the tools to mold men into men, get pumped by social equality crap, estrogen and being told that is ok to shove a 10 inch cock in your ass

thanks for the guaranteed bumps

Quality bait i rate 8/8

Its 100% not about ethnicity look at this pic look at finland and look at the name.

As if I gave a fuck about a bunch of blond light weight transgenders living on a ice cube sucking black dicks they imported. Fuck off.

The sad thing is that I can't even be sure anymore wether posts like this are bait or average Lefties.

On topic: Give it some time, and the swedish media will somehow turn this into another "sign that racism is prevalent and has to be fight on all fronts". Something along the lines of "The high rate of non-native new Swedes receiving capital punishment are a clear sign of rampant racism and prejudice amongst high ranking members of the legal justice system."

Most in Scadinavia just live in small family groups with a few friends and a lot of people have family outside the cities that they stay with periodically. I wouldn't say they don't empathize it's more that they isolate themselves so very few peopel will know someone who's been raped who isn't very close to them anyway. Therefore they can always just think 'it's just one tragedy doesn't mean I should get wound up and criticise the government'. If it happens to close family they'll be extremely hurt by it of course but they'll still be seen as just troublemakers if they try to get others to criticise the government.


>Will sweden uncuck itself now that leaks of swedish rape statistics are leaked?

They are actually going to legislate against regular citizens from looking at court records to find out the ethnicity of a criminal
That's only going to be allowed for (((journalists))) and other "protected" groups

not kidding.

They would rather legislate against something rather than dealing with the problem

>when not even committed white supremacists are as reverent and implicitly convinced of the all-encompassing capability of the white man to be the cause and master of all things


No. Leftists always make excuses and when they cant make excuses any more. They refuse to acklowledge the elephamt in the room. And change thw subject until they feel comfy again. Facts are racist lol

When social activism is presented with inconvenient facts, they double down that they have failed not themselves or the people of their nation. They will double and triple down and say that they have failed the immigrants and they haven't done ENOUGH to help them.

Let me in, oh tendie woman!

>surely it can't be that b-
I cannot believe..

>list crime stats
>Migrants pissed they're being imprisoned

>Don't list crime stats
>Ayo whitey is hiding how much he imprisons us

Literally a no win situation.

what is youth custody?

I tried posting this in another thread but people wouldn’t click on it because of the url

t. Schlomo Goldstein

that's absurd in the first place, since civilzations were based on trade which is why cities that needed to be protected sprang up, to house the surplus and goods and protect the markets from thieves and raiders. It has nothing to do with women, who were just as active as the men in the fields and the day to day subsistence. Men didn't force women into submission, the reality of subsistence forced women into that lifestyle which was the only viable means for them to survive. Men were also forced by reality to maintain the family.

Hahaha no. The only thing our media is writing about it is that a "extreme right" group has published a registry of convicted criminals between 2004 and 2014 (before the influx of a couple of hundred thousand "refugees"). Some commie group is trying to get it shutdown for violating privacy rights. Best part about the article I read was
>the site also divides the people it lists by "swedish" and "non-swedish". It is unclear how the distinction has been made.

They'll say that the only way to prevent the rapes will be to genocide the ethnic Swedes.
The Swedes will happily line to be killed since they don't care about living, morals, or decency.
Swedes are just handing over their country and future to a bunch of animals that deserve nothing.
Literally casting their pearls before swine.
Sweden is gone forever.

>leaks of swedish rape statistics
Were these leaked by a good goy or russian hackers?


Dudes, immigrants commit 50% of rapes but they are barley 15% of the population, tell me somethibg aint wrong with those statistics

Ofc native sweds are going to commit
More rape since we are a OVERWHELMING MAJORITY
Fucked up part is we arent commiting more rapes we are breaking even with the minority

>Were these leaked by a good goy or russian hackers?

Oh god, you just made me realize that they will begin blaming everything on Russians, starting with next year (election year)

> white man to be the cause and master of all things
except that not even white supremacists (the actual ones, not the ones that get called that way because they don't like some random feminists hairdo) see things that way outside the delusions of modern-day leftwing circlejerks, who keep projecting their own behavior on ideals on ideological and political opponents.

>Carlos Quezada
Fuck, how cucked is that fuckin country when beaners who aren’t even from the same continent are making their way over there and raping women?

that was my point, you misread my post

Neither, all government documents and correspondence in Sweden is public domain, this site just went through the bother of requesting all the files and compiling it into a database.

Russia is blamed also in Finland. There is also major Nato propaganda going on. EU is lost.

Found the guy that didn't pass statistics.

>native swedes
You mean like the "native Finn" Mohamd Yassin Ben Lotfi Mbark:

what's the penalty for raping children in America?

When will we annex Sweden and parition it together with Finnland? We can get the muzzie parts, we don't care, Chechens will pacify them.



Spot the white bread raycist!
I take it you’re a native Swede so the best way to stope rape is to start with yourself. Be a good ally to women and always speak out when they are being put in uncomfortable position.
Now regarding the REFUGEES (migrant should be banned as a word as it implies being opportunistic):
They come from a more sexually open and liberated society than our frigid European post christian ones. They are just not aware of the consent laws yet and I am sure with education and acceptance we will bridge this gap. Anyway, of course they are on edge. They came from a nicer sunnier place with a richness of culture to dreary frozen rock to flee genuine war and prosecution. Not something you virgin neets would understand. They are strangers amongst strangers. How would you feel being surrounded by people who are nothing like you? They just reach out for affection and warmth in only way they know for now. Now that I think of it I am sure it should be called sexual confusion or courship confusion but by no means rape.


5 months for raping a child.

what we could power with the ovens they'll fuel

Up from 180 hours of community service.

>will Sweden uncuck itself
Lol no

I can already see what the Swedish reaction will be

>100% of the people are MEN, therefore MEN ARE THE PROBLEM

Fucking Sven how have you not snapped yet fuuuuuuuuu

death sentence was removed as an option only in 2008 in America

I know that feel.

they will just say that stats are racist and go on with their shit

they will probably just deny it and say that its racist that this was leaked.

most of the raped are swedish women, most of them support niggers and immigrants. why care?

Click on "rapists" and you get their nationality. You could infer ethnicity from that. The first seven, for example, are from Afghanistan, so that tells you something about them.

I think that in some cases they did a name analysis. You should just go to the website and check for yourself.

>then why are crandle of civilization "socities" whom build the first trade networks, also had the biggest walls, biggest armies which we would not see for like another 2000 years
When the greeks rekted the aysrian empire they were baffled that in those lands there were cities bigger and with walls largers that were in ruin.
Thats why "sand-nigger" religions are about putting women into place, so they dont get raped by invaders or rivals
Where as stepp-tribes saw women more as equals, if you read anything about the stepp tribes they had a more equality based society, men still rule but a woman was not allowed to breed if she didn't kill someone in battle.

As 100 men and women riding horses and being able to survive in the middle of syberia means a higher chance of survival of the whole tribe.
Stepp tribes are also less racist and more tolerent, since you can replenish your people by taking slaves the enemy you've conqured and "raping them" to create a generation of mixed turks/mongols/slav/caucasian/iranian/hunic

Fun fact the meaning of "bulgur" bascily burlgary todays bascily means "MIXED" stepp tribes didn't give a fuck who you were as long as you were good enough to fight and surive, be a cunt and you die.

Read tacitius and Livy about germans tribes and how their society was build, women were fierced warriors but they were on the stepp, they were also more equal to men, but men still rule.

Women in ancient germanic tribes would often kill themselfs, and their childrne AND THEIR fathers, brothers, and husbands if they lost a the battle and ran away. SInce she know that she's going to get raped and killed by the winner of said battle.

But guess what kind of women get to have babies

Those who sit inside the city walls for generation as it stands tall and strong until an coalition of nomadic tribes bring 100.000 men raining down arrows and siege equipment waiting for the moment to plunder and rape the city.

what's up with samis ad kiddie diddling?
Been a lot of that lately, thought it was just that weird ass sect shit

LOL sounds like Swedistan is having a parallel nigger problem to America.
Maybe it's not just black niggers we have to look out for

Well, there's only one reasonable explanation for these crime rates.
Sweden, global champion of racial harmony, is affected by the same institutional racism that persecutes minorities here in the United States of AmeriKKKa.

not surprising, the only newspaper I know of that touches these subjects there, friatider.se, lit had to move to the baltics to operate in peace from the gov

That's also the things the police prioritze there, while claiming they don't have enough resources to tackle real crime. I fucking hat them so much, get rekt sven """police""", you deserve to get raped

You are too poor to be interesting for them.

Men forced women into submission in"civilized" societies, like those in the crandle of civilization the middle east especially.

All religions, inforced by men to make keep women safe, even if it's againts their will.
They also in often times allow under the social construct of marriage, rape. Guess what not many women agreed to their future partners in case of a arrange marriage.

Thats also rape, but she has no choice, she has to bear the children of soldiers, kings and emperors.

Women who can survive being raped either by their husbands which they may not want, or by the conquring tribes, get to have babies.

In other words. we die for our women and children, we build society for women and children, we make trade, money , alliances and secure the resorces we need so that women spread their fucking legs and we make a new generation.

Sadly the way we became what we are is no longer valid. when you had 100.000 men and women as a nation, tribe, who were connect by culture. you surival was dependent on "women" lose 90% of your women and your nation DIES
lose 90% of your men, and guess what you need 10 guys to fuck 5.000 women and you have an army a new generation of capable men.

As we as men developt the tools to make us able to breed more efficient and safer. We became more, our weapons required less of us. And today we are 7 bilion, and it takes 1 man and a button to end us all.

Facts are trade and alliances allowed civilized societies to developt and make the modern world.

Where as stepp tribes who were superior of milenia, got left behind. Look at mongolia, they still live like 2000 years ago, but they dont stand a chance againts a tank

well not memeing here but latvia is known for coalburning woman. even on the internet. its much worse than sweden. same for croatia in the east europe, paradise for blacks who love tight white pussies. (google croatia black man disneyland). its quite sad that white women will thrown everything away only because blacks are 3 inches bigger

Can somebody briefly tell me what is written in this message? It's related to the truck attack

It's not "niggers." There are two kinds of people in the world: the civilized, who plan for the future and build a better world for themselves and their children, and the barbarous, who take and loot and invade and waste and rape and burn. The "refugees" are, plainly and frankly, barbarians. Europe spent centuries building, and now they've let the barbarian horde begin invasions. The quality of living can only decrease now: as the native Europeans die out and are replaced by the barbarians, everything will erode. Those who build will die out, and the barbarians will burn down what's left.