Since prenatal screening tests were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s...

>Since prenatal screening tests were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s, the vast majority of women -- close to 100 percent -- who received a positive test for Down syndrome terminated their pregnancy.

>About 92% of pregnancies in Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome are terminated.[14] In the United States, termination rates are around 67%, but this rate varied from 61% to 93% among different populations evaluated.

This is an example of abject harm that Christians inflict on our nation. Down Syndrome is a problem that could potentially be 100% done away with, but Christians cling to it.

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We used to tie them up in a bag of rocks and toss them in the river. Those were the good days.

Christians also think its fun to put these, and other equally subhuman creatures in public school with normal children.
I really didn't enjoy being sat next to a girl filling her diapers up in 10th grade and screeching at the top of her lungs right next to me, all of the fucking time, while she just scribbled on a paper with a crayon and got A+ on everything.
What the fuck US

If my kid turns out to be down syndrome, Its getting the coat hanger

I wonder how many tax dollars went to her?

It's probably in the millions.

What would happen if there was no more public school or government assistance? No government-run institutions?

>MFW Icelanders will never get the succ from a downie cutie

As it should. Downies have zero reason to exist. They produce nothing, and massively drain resources. An abortion is absolutely cheap.

There should be a way to perform and abortion after birth because a regular abortion can damage the uterus.

Downers are fucking disgusting. The fewer of them born the better. They have an extra chromosome means they're not technically human beings anyway

In Europe they use the money saved in the downie to bring in a Somali. You get the same economic output and IQ but the downie won't reproduce at least. Ill take the potato over the kebab any day.

One problem at a time.

Good for them.
Every single family that I have ever met with a down syndrome admits that they have no life because they will be taking care of an eternal child. If you speak to the ones in their 60s...they are so fucking exausted...a life taking care of a handicap person with no capacity to take care of itself. Fucking sad to see the state of these people.
The worst part is that a great majority of down people end up dying in their 40s from mental diseases.
Letting people have downies babies is cruelty

Seeing one makes me uncomfortable and my skin crawls.

Elaborate thinking burger. I give you that

I HATE mirrors too

wtf i love abortion now

Had a friend with a downy brother...only thing the kid would do is pull his pork and sway back and forth.
Your gut feeling on the downies is accurate

Because you are too much of a pussy to admit it's eugenics.

really makes you think

They'd need an actual job.

Pic related.

wrong image

The potato is defective.
90% of them die in their 40s due to debilitating mental illnesses. Why would you burden an entire family to take care of said potato and end up seeing it die in the most fucked up way imaginable.

>Not batting your wife's tummy with a baseball bat
That's how we do it here when the test is positive.

rather have a well raised downy than a dindu

true i used be very pro-life
> pro choise is the only way of eugenics
> why have a kiddo that never going to be a true adult and enjoy life and pass on good gens

>wtf i love abortion now

Abortion is god damn blessing. Every time you hear "access to abortion restricted" think "More downies. More poor. More Negroes". Abortion should be free, screenings should be free, and access wide.

The parents are given information beforehand is the ideal method. No state enforcement. And there's no long-term affect on the genetics, since Downies just crop up randomly through errors. You'll never get rid of them.

And they happen to be one of the only countries that jailed their bankers after the 08' meltdown.... really makes you think.

Is it though? We're just killing defective babies, we don't allow people with down syndrome to breed.

I have never seen a news article that said a downs child had intentionally hurt any one.
Could we learn from that? When I saw we I mean all people.

Downies can't breed though right?

>yfw a white downie raised by two heterosexual white parents is still better off than any number of normal blacks

LMAO nice one :^)

Eugenics should have been made socially acceptable.

I don't Luke regular abortions, cause that's like putting a bullet to a random person's head.

But, when dealing with down syndrome, it would be like a mercy killing. I'm ok with that.

In the US our news acts outraged over this. Yes, they're still vehemently pro abortion. Don't ask me to explain Judeo-Christian hypocrisy.

Luke? What the fuck?

Fuck my fat fingers.

>Women have children later
>What used to be an almost nonexistent rate of Downs Syndrome jumps over the years
Although I do agree that they should get the hanger if the test comes back positive, you're saving the child from a really shitty life.

>why have a kiddo that's never going to be a true adult and enjoy life and pass on good genes
Peter Singer approves, suffering for nothing is just useless and a waste.

As a catholic priest I have to tell you, that these little creatures are the best and god created them for reasons you might not understand.

downs must be exterminated medically.

>Fifteen to thirty percent of women with trisomy 21 are fertile and they have about a 50% risk of having a child with Down syndrome. There is no evidence of a man with Down syndrome fathering a child.

You would carry this logic up until you yourself became a liability to 'the collective'

There is a big difference between killing a person because you don't see them as fit for society VS getting an abortion because you know your child HAS a severe chromosomal anomaly.

Eugenics should be on the table when it comes to genetic diseases. Most people with said diseases would gladly go for assisted suicide but it is against the law.
I would go Robin Williams if I knew I had some fucked up disease that would leave me in a state of lunacy

Abortion is the sole thing that kept the outdated farm equipment population floating around 12-15% of the total population in the US, you should be grateful

Fucking savage

But cripples are not fascinating. The real freaks are the Duggars & the gypsies.

That's another issue. Men and women having children later, which causes a huge amount of problems. It's not just down syndrome, bipoloar, borderline PD, autism, and others increase as the men get older. Solutions.

1. Adopt. Your genetics are nothing special get over yourself. A child born to your 45 year old ass is likely to be riddled with issues. Would you rather a defect free Ukranian child born to young parents, or one that is genetically yours but riddled with mental and physical defects?

2. Freeze your jizz and eggs young. This is what a bio-ethicist has urged. It would save us so many problems.

That wouldn't be abortion though, it would be infanticide. Not as much fun as genocide but just as necessary sometimes

Downies, while retarded, are born innocent. You have no right to kill them.
You can justify the means with an ends, but it doesn't work that way. What you're doing is still a tactic you would otherwise find distressful and wrong, and an injustice. You cannot kill people because their existence complicates your precious fucking welfare state, you murdering filth.

>Downies, while retarded, are born innocent.

Not if you abort them before they're born.

>as the men get older
There haven't been any conclusive studies that older sperm is a direct cause of birth defects, while an aged ovum is very likely to have issues. Don't get me wrong, a 40 year old man isn't going to have a lower chance than a 20 year old man, just that said difference is negligible.

Good question they get married over here sometimes

Most people prefer children grown in their garden with their seed for multiple reasons. The main one is that you don't know what kind of growing conditions adopted children had. Russian orphans, even the most well-adjusted ones, have control issues & will run around recklessly.


We need it for blacks, Mexicans, retards, and Jews. Bring back eugenics, now!

There is a direct correlation with autism & older fathers, user.

So what should be done if one has a retard & they don't want it?

Down syndrome is generally a result of the degenerate practice of old women who rode the carousel in their youth trying to live a normal life and having children after age 30.

abortion is still murder. You can be okay with that murder, but I'm not, and if you weren't a hypocrite, neither would you.
So is the penile mutilation ritual bad because its written in some faggot book written in hebrew or because its the ritualized brutalization and traumatization of an infant, and if its because it victimizes an infant, what makes victimizing an infant so heinous?

>unborn babies aren't human/real/blah blah blah
Go be anti-science, anti-christian, anti-life somewhere else.

we should do this to all people if they dont demonstrate minimum mental capabilities by 5 years old

This story has been talked about thousands of times from every angle possible.

Nothing to see here folks, just a leaf

just figuring now a Downigger and a Retardownie getting beaten by a Jewrangler

Source please? Everything I've found is shaky or a maybe. There's a significant difference in the development process of sperm and the mature ovum. Since you're not halting meiosis for 20+ years in sperm it tends to have less issues.

>Arguing against abortion of those who can't function in a welfare state with Americanized Semitic penis mutilation.

>So what should be done if one has a retard & they don't want it?
The same thing if you always do when the parents won't care for it. Adoption. if you want to drag me over coals for deciding that a dangerous environment rife of pedophiles is better than death, you can go fuck yourself.

Nature has selected them for a reason you're right. Maybe they have ESP powers like the girl from Stranger Things and we don't realize it yet


It is actually really difficult to adopt a white baby without mental or physical problems. The eastern European ones usually have something wrong with them. It's part of the reason white couples end up adopting black babies. Adoption isn't an easy option. If you are a white woman and abort a healthy child instead of putting them up for adoption it is 100% selfish.

t. sanctimonious christcuck

We had one run for president last year, and he has a pretty good guac recipe.

I don't even understand why this is a big or controversial deal, in our pagan days we would tie them to a stick in the ground or kill them. I'd allow parents to have a down syndrome child but I wouldn't want it being a burden on a welfar state. Neets that don't have money and leech of welfare should be murdered too or forced to take part in labor.

Yeah, good luck finding people who would adopt tards.

There are some wierdos, but not many. What would happen if absolutely no taxpayer money supported adoption or foster care? Or went to tard care?

Too lazy, but a cursory Google search will give you plenty.

Plus, it makes sense that old scrotoms would produce inferior offspring.

Exactly. Murder is wrong. Letting them die later is different. That is literally what I'm saying.

If I point a gun and blow your fucking stupid brains out all over your comfy chair, I am personally responsible. If you got shot stealing chicken tendies and I just didn't do anything to stop it, I'm in the clear.

If you want to be a libertine, be a libertine, but understand the types you break bread with then. The ends do not justify the means. You're having your way with logic because you're shitty people.

They cling to it because these pro-lifers believe that all life is sacred even if the child is mentally handicapped, physically deformed, etc

Makes me wonder why people don't homeschool.
Homeschool your child and bypass all this shit. Socialise them with other homeschooled kids.

Oh god. You are right. How fucked up.

They're in denial. They want to justify all the time, work, & stress into taking care of tards & there is no objective benefit to any of it.

>Hitler is posted
>Wew what a christcuck

>stupid brains out all over your comfy chair
My chair isn't comfortable and I'm not stupid.
>stealing chicken tendies
I wouldn't, thief's should be put into hard labor and not shot though. They can still help society.
There's nothing wrong with deleting a non functioning node in the system, it's also quite a liberating and an empathetic act to abort them before they're born since they would only experience useless suffering.

Is it murder to abandon a baby or retard in the woods? You aren't killing them; you're giving them the opportunity to raise themselves.

funny, i sat by a girl filling her diapers up in 10th grade but she didnt have down syndrome

Downies do have a range of retardation though to be fair to that guy. Some can do low level work, quite a few live independently.

I agree murder is murder, and one thing that separates us as humans from animals is that we don't cull our own offspring if they have a defect.

>What would happen if absolutely no taxpayer money supported adoption or foster care? Or went to tard care?
One of the only true functions of government is disaster relief for children. Children do not have time or ability to compete.

Once they're eighteen though...

But it's just so much more efficient and superior to abort it and try again. I'd say at least 90% of people do that.


You do not get to decide for me if the struggle of life does or does not justify the fight itself. You are stupid, it was a hypothetical anyway, and at any rate, you can go fuck yourself.

The priest at the beginning of 300 the movie would have taken one look and launched them down the side of the temple into the skulls

We are animals, user. We kill our offspring all the time. How many instances are there of women drowning their own children?

What kind of manual labor can you have someone do nowadays that a robot cannot do better?

Yes, we do. All the time. But typically you are not a person, so...

The existence of repugnant evil doesn't justify its existence. That's the very concept of justice. You are a nigger. Go eat a banana.

>You do not get to decide for me if the struggle of life does or does not justify the fight itself
For people with trisomy 21? Yes I do and It doesn't justify the fight itself.
>You are stupid
>go fuck yourself
I'd rather not

I'm not sure if I'm misinterpreting your post or not but aborting downies is a form of eugenics.

No. Because they have mutated chromosome. That make them infertile

Painting, construction working, or watching over machines that do labor.

We should do the same for Niggers

>For people with trisomy 21? Yes I do
Why, because you're smarter than they are? If they had fifteen years on you as an eight year old, I'm sure downy could make paste of your thin, faggot skull. If your ability to succeed and do as you please is the justification for what you do, that is might makes right, and not a lawful form of justice at all. If normal children are given provision, so should downies. Once they hit eighteen, the market decides their fate.

At no point to get to make the executive decision to kill people because you think it would make the world a better place. That is justifying the means with an ends.

In your own words
>because their existence complicates your precious fucking welfare state, you murdering filth.

>If normal children are given provision, so should downies.
And unless you think disasters and war should allow orphans to die in the street, this is a valid function of government. That's definitely a position to make, but not one that puts the existence of your state, or your people very high.

You are using a moral argument against a practical action. No one has a good time flushing potato fetuses, they are either indifferent or understand that it's the most logical decision to not raise a waste of space. People flush down kids because that child has no choice but to be a useless retard. It's arguably cruel to the child rather than killing it before it can even think.

>but it hurts my feelings!

Who cares.

This bullshit was posted on Reddit too. Fuck Iceland's eugenics, and fuck anyone trying to terminate an innocent child

But look at the positive impact it had on the nation. Iceland is objectively a better place than if it had a bunch of retards running around.

Don’t know why but I got healed by this photo , user.I wish I could have someone to smile at me this gentle kind.