What if in your next life, you were reincarnated into a Japanese mangaka? What would you do?

What if in your next life, you were reincarnated into a Japanese mangaka? What would you do?

Die prematurely from a combination of overwork, stress and malnutrition

Definitely not a weekly series.

I'd probably write manga

I'd would become a huge westaboo

Probably write some crappy shounen, because I don't have the memories and experiences from this life.

Depends on the mangaka

For instance if it was Tezuka, I'd do everything in my power to outlive Miyazki just to spite him

Find akira toriyama and ask questions till he hates me

Join the JCP and make revolutionary manga to awaken the class consciousness of the workers.

Yeah, that shit is no different than working in a sweatshop.

A manga about a man who pays off his waifu to not act like his waifu so his friends won't get depressed that they don't have a great waifu.

Probably I'd playing iDOLM@STER instead of finish my manga :^)

What anime is this?

Create manga about Emperor of japan as magical girl.

Be Kubo.

And minister of defence of Japan is magical girl too.

Make a popular series and watch as the publisher gets 90% of the money it generates while I barely have any leisure time. They then make me write a movie plot for it and I only get the upfront fee while they rake in millions.

Make Kami work on Needless 2.

Kill myself and move on to the next life

Write a manga about a lead engineer in charge of a companies design team that builds mechs in a world war. They have to do things like make a design that retrofits a current chassis for cold weather climates but it needs to fit on the current long distance aerial deployment vehicle.

>competitions between a rival engineering team where they have battles like the porsche vs henschel track design for the Tiger tank.
Try and make the manga about the humanity behind the reality of war and the struggle that engineers/scientists meet when they bring weapons into the world.

>tfw your mech design is so successful Innocent people are targeted for the design and tyrannical regimes start using your mech for mass murdering racial subgroups in their backwater 3rd world underdeveloped ruin city.

I'd be the only reader.

>Make a super popular manga
>Die before I finish it

Do a weekly series until it gets popular. Then do whatever I want who cares if I finish it.

Monthly series.
A sol about cute girls with some varying forms of mental, social and emotional oddities that make them not fit with society.

Moe art style with slightly realistic body proportions (think something out of kyoani).

A lot happens, and the girls end alone in a club for "interactive media".

They end playing videogames and developing friendships together.

The catch is that they're actually good at videogames, and so you'll see them try to be esports and shit like that. Going to tournaments, or organizing premades, etc. And the actual gameplay parts would be given as much detail and emphasis as any good shounen would do with its combat.
You'd see them talk of reads, combos, spacing, team comps,metas, etc.

Invest all my skill points in to drawing and make 5 different 70 page monthly series.

Be either unsuccessful and kill myself, or be successful, give in to the pressure and end up ruining it, and killing myself when I'm unable to live up to my previous success.

Write a super popular weakly series and then keeping having tons of hiatus. After that make anime adaptation and them adapt the same thing again for free money

>I want something about modern jets in fiction world/post war world. Like war shinengans between private military corporations in world where AA completely rekt by new jet techs. Or crazy races in post war world where peopel build new shit from wrecks of modern jets and have some technology to wanstead highest G. Or shinengans on the planet with different gravity. Man, I'm artist and sometimes think this is literally $$$ idea floating in air. Wish I was a japanese artist with manga drawing and writing experience

Become a porn actor, there's like thousands of JAV actresses just there, waiting for someone to fuck them, and no one seems to care, that can be me.

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Kill myself since I don't have any talent or creativity and being a mangaka would be the worst fit for me.

Do pointless Marvel remake for asian market.