I ironically think trannies are fucking freaks...

I ironically think trannies are fucking freaks, they all should be dragged from their homes and beaten to death in the streets.
Does Sup Forums agree?

I unironically think trannies should be dragged out and beaten in the streets. No user I don’t agree with you.

Why not send them to a mental hospital where they need help?

I agree with you in spirit, but I can't get behind dragging people out of their homes and murdering them. Sterilized definitely, perhaps quarantined, but yours is a step too far.

They should be dragged into the nearest alleyway and beaten off mercilessly!

I'm suprised you're all acting like libtards, but to be fair, I may be a bit off the rails on this topic, like I genuinely start to tense up with anger at the thought of tranny freaks actually being accepted in society, I just want so badly to see them thrown from buildings, drowned, or killed by nothing but my bear hands.

Put up or shut up, faggot. You are here just to roleplay. If you really mean what you say, do something that ends up in the news.

No. I think they should be ignored, like one ignores a street person shitting himself on the sidewalk.

>Sterilized definitely

the fun part is they do it themselves

the group think is strong in this one

I like the idea of sending the incurably mentally ill to geographically isolated rest centres. I'm not big into killing them unless they refuse to go.

It should certainly be a great shame.
That its celebrated now is a society destroying embarrassment.

Caitlin Jenner is a hoax.

trannies are a lie, they all have t

I prefer my gay mens

tiny penises*

protip: cops don't cry when they find dead trannies in the streets

Because OP is a faggot shill.

Trannies can never be rehabilitated, thats why the bible calls for death to anything that deviates from a normal heterosexual relationship. OP is right, death is the only answer.

Why is there any rehabilitation at all if its all deviation from the norm?


But what if you're just genetically built to take cock? I didn't choose this fate user.

Try it tho. I'm a fag, but a fag with a gun.

Your not. Don't trick yourself into what (((society))) tells you. No proof of a gay gene, no proof of more than 2 genders. Your only option right now is to kys unfortunately your too far gone. I can see it clear as day.

>reddit fag

>calling put reddit.

Plz user.

You're not. Lift weights and inject testosterone and you'll be a man in no time.

Otherwise choose to be a revolting freak who will commit suicide and go to hell.

>God emperor posts
>calling out a plebbitor



Jesus Christ, no. You can't beat them to death they'll get their faggot tranny AIDS blood everywhere. They need to be gassed.

I 100% agree for traps that don't pass. But if I just wanna live my life to clean and cook for some white bull and I def pass good enough to go to all the neighborhood association meetings and PTA stuff. No pride parades or anything. I don't wanna intrude on your life. Just let me take some dick and be a traditional housewife, Fuck.

Kill trans folks that look like garbage and don't give a fuck.

If a dude is
>beer belly
>big jaw
>obvious adams apple
Then ya he should get stoned to death.

Post more so I can think about you later

I just don't want to be financially chained to these assholes

Not here user. All these redditors are too squeamish and triggered. Fucking soyboys would make bad bulls too. Probably don't make enough to support a family to be honest.


I literally never understood this, honestly what on earth about total hatred of someone for no other reason than they don't feel comfortable with who they are benefits the planet in any way?

The anti-straight cis shit is a meme. Literally, none but a handful of the trans community hates cishets and the minority of transgender people that do hate us, are only acting on emotion after experiencing this kind of shit.

This is honestly the reason the right has such a bad name. Concentrate on politics instead of hating people and the "ALL RIGHTIES R WASIS HOMOPHOB NAZIS LOL" meme will die out. You niggers don't understand that we're in a meme war and we could be on top if only this shit would stop. Honestly the ONLY thing the left really has is the "MUH SCRIMINATION" shit, take that away and they're a bunch of corrupt socialist retards who could never win an election.

I don't want you to be either. Fuck all these trannies asking for handouts. That being said, most of the burden of public assistance is from minorities. No use getting upsetto about a handfull of us freaks when we have boatloads and boatloads of free loaders coming to the west.


The anti-freak meme is a distraction from the real globalist enemy.

No. Just treat them as the crazy unstable beings they are.

That's the problem tho. Society's idea of treatment now is just encouragement. There is no we can fix u and make u act how you biologically are. Its, oh you feel like a woman, here's 6 months of hormones that will give you cancer for sure. You're cured.

If you even need estrogen then you shouldn't be a trans. Agreed.

Where can I see more

t. mentally ill tranny

Where can I see more


I don't believe anyone should be killed... I'm not a muslim who's book just got burned or a nigger who "go looked at funny"

Because in a sense they're right.

""""Gender"""" as opposed to sex is actually a social construct. The only thing that is real is the fact that you're born with either a penis or a vagina. The "Men do this and women do that" thing is a spook, remove all social/moral/ideological factors and concentrate on the physical and there is literally nothing besides penis and vagoo.

So when you look at a society that has changed its moral values, or just removed them all together, stuff like this fits perfectly. This is why Anarchy is so big now, gen y has decided our base morality is out of date and want to implement their own, and looking at where the moral/social ideologies of the past thousand years or so have got us, it would make sense for them to want some kind of change.


I'm a tranny. AMA

>just penis and vagoo
>emotional cycles
>body shape

You're an idiot. Gender may be partially socially descript, but sex is not exclusively a matter of gentalia.

They are freaks yes. Why would you drag them out of their homes though

you want to be a traditional housewife? great, when can i get you pregnant?

>traditional housewife
but aren't those traditionally child-bearing and traditionally actually women?

>missing the point this fucking hard

Nigga I literally said sex is real, when I said "just penis and vagoo" I obviously was implying the other aspects of sex. Everything else is a social construct.

My point is that there is literally no justifiable reason for attacking something that isn't real, because your definition of something that isn't real differs

As a transsexual I know more about womanhood than most women. My vagina bleeds every day. Genetic women only bleed from theirs for a week every month

What are you going to use when you kill yourself, Brittrap? Pills, plastic knife, or suffocation by plastic bag?

>The "Men do this and women do that" thing is a spook, remove all social/moral/ideological factors and concentrate on the physical and there is literally nothing besides penis and vagoo
oh you sweet summer faggot
your naïveté is astounding

I'm hoping a big black bull will do it for me

The difference being for women it's the lining of their uterus that only women have, while yours is blood and puss that emits from open wounds anywhere on the body.

>wanting to procreate in this terrible era of oligarchy and globalism

I wanna cook your meals and stay quiet while you have business partners over. Dinner before you get home and shirt ironed before you leave. I don't want to coddle any rugrats.

No, I unironically believe it

i speak for myself but yeah

just the really ugly ones like that freak Jenner

leave the hot ones alone

pls explain the literal physical dimensions of gender beyond what actually exists pls

Sterilized repeat offenders after rehabilitation. Same with faggots

the physical dimensions aren't the point
women behave as they do because they are women
men because they are men

Fucking this. If somone doesn't make you wanna vomit and lives respectfully, what's the big deal? Fucking spazstics.

Maybe you do make people vomit, though?

t. Emotional snowflake

How so?

i whole heartily agree...transvestites should be purged from this society along with the homosexuals and other social degenerates

No, rightwing death squad applicant, you sissy little ass raping faggot

found the faggot


I do not want to have to wait an entire generation for this cancer to die off

No. But their illness shouldnt be normalized or promoted and it should be illegal to perform actual operations on them and pump them full of hormones.

Hans, you will taking it in the ass soon enough. He is just advocating natural selection in a more rapid way.

nigga think about what you're saying.

if this was even remotely true, there would be no transgender community.

Yes but kill the Jews first.

> Gender doesn't real
> You can be born the wrong gender

> Sex is a social construct
> Gay people are born that way, so conversion therapy doesn't work

> Genitals do not define gender or sex
> Transgenders change or hide their genitals to look like a different sex

> Transgenderism is destroying patriarchy by subverting gender norms
> Transgenders adopt the most stereotypical elements of whatever gender they claim

> Women do not naturally want anything different than men, and natural affinity for certain choices does not factor into the wage gap or career decisions or styles of dress
> Transwomen have female brains and this is evidenced by them displaying female behavior and aesthetic preferences

> White CIS men are the most privileged and are shitlords by default, and are basically rape machines that can't be trusted around women
> White trans-women (who don't need to even try to pass, you transphobic shitlord) are among the most oppressed minorities and should be allowed into all women's spaces including bathrooms and locker-rooms (they never rape women, you transphobic shitlord)

> Trans are more oppressed than homosexuals
> Iran executes homosexuals and funds sex change procedures (cue liberal "HOW WEIRD?? SO RANDOM xD")

I'll repeat what I already fucking said. Try it spaz. You wouldn't even be able to tell Im a degenerate. We're all around you. I would sign up too desu. You're mad at the wrong folks. Fuck freaks like CJ, but I was born looking like a breeding cow with a petite face. What the Fuck else do you want me to do?

OKAY! As long as

>breeding cow
Skinny boy hips, shapeless boylegs, wide masculine arms, large hamds - 10/10 passing, would never be mistaken for a biological male.

I grew up in San Fagsicko, paelex bitch! I can see you freaks from a mile away (LITERALLY). Find a high bridge and jump, friendo

>Lets go to Sup Forums and post something edgy because they will all agree with me!
OP is a gigantic faggot


>skinny boy hips

I apreciate the 10/10 though. Thats some bailey numbers.

I'm more angry that these trannies are just gay men that want to get into conservative circles
I don't like it when i can't tell then i can't avoid it I don't wata see a fucking penis.

when they where pure leftwingers i could deal with that as they usually just stay in their hugbox with all the unpassable ones

now they infect the left and right.
I'm pissed off too user.

hopefully these new rightwing trannies make a stealth hugbox and just fuck off.

I changed my opinion. No sterilization or rehabilitation. Kill them all by any means at hand.

Im down for a ethnostate tranny hugbox.

lmao, the curve of your ass doesn't hide your skinny boy hips, user, even if you try to find the best angle for selfies. You just look like a twink. Twinks ≠ women, no matter what the degenerate end of Sup Forums tells you. Someone's guilty, secret gay fantasies aren't a basis for passing as an actual woman, because you have literally no female phsyical aspects.


No. cringing? Yes.

They make me physically sick.

> Consent should be enthusiastic and men should never 'expect sex' from a woman
> The cotton ceiling is real and it's transphobic for CIS lesbians to not want to have sex with 'transwomen'

> Gender should be undermined and destroyed
> We should respect gender identity

> Children cannot consent to sex
> Children can consent to a sex change

> Transwomen gain a more enhanced version of female oppression
> Transmen do not gain a more enhanced version of male privilege

> Sex and gender are a *spectrum* and being assigned one or the other is *oppressive*, chromosomes don't matter
> I'm a transwoman so I take estrogen, get my dick transmuted into an approximation of a vagina, grow long hair, wax my facial hair, and train my voice to be higher, which by mere coincidence tends to correspond to 99%+ of people born with two X chromosomes

you're right. It is very cringe worthy. Seeing you cry for mercy as someone sticks a knife in your throat won't make me cringe though.

show face

The problem is they adopt children

I'm not gonna show my face amoung these euphoric death threats haha.

Nah.Just shunned. But if a recognizable male shows up in a Ladies' Room, that would be a different story. Downside: people- some women, can't help the way they look (e.g. Janet Reno moose-types), so it would be cruel (adding insult to injury) to victimize them further after nature already has. Tricky business.

Sup Forums is a board of peace you bigot.
We let then kill themselves, it's more humane

I can guarantee that everyone here is 100% into traps, dont let it get to you

Agreed. Without a wealthy white bull it's unsafe and irresponsible for any unstable tranny (myself included) to adopt.