Post side characters who should be MCs

Post side characters who should be MCs






Nah,it would ruin his charm and possibly his character.

I was going to say that the game was fun largely because of the unpredictable shit he pulled and the secrets he kept, so playing as him the whole time would be boring. But on the other hand, considering his goals it would have been an entirely different game. Since he acted mostly independently of the other SHSLs and his interests were often in direct conflict with theirs, rather than he and Monokuma being the only antagonists the entire student cast would be the antagonists. Hinata and Naegi worked as protagonists because of their prowess in investigation and deduction compared to most of the other characters, and because of their dogged persistence, and of course Komaeda fits these criteria as well. It would go from a game about enacting justice and escaping the murder game to a game about manipulating your peers to try to get the most extreme emotions and willpowers out of them as possible. Instead of only trying to solve the case during the trial, you might be given more information by his own thoughts and consider what information to reveal when based on the others' potential reactions. I think it'd be hard to pull off, but it could make for a very interesting and different game. I had a blast playing as him in chapter 4, but that was mainly because we finally got to peek inside the head of someone who you've never been sure if anything he says is what he truly believes or not.

Really? I think Ganta was the best MC for DMWL unless you mean to say you want a completely different story, just set in the same universe.

I honestly always thought he would make a more interesting character than Ganta.


>it would ruin his charm
We played as him once, and it was the best part of the game.

That's one hell of a wall. In a good way. Mostly agree.

Aren't these characters good because they ARE side characters?




>That's one hell of a wall.
I-I think he's a really interesting character and I enjoy writing about him.

already a main character, fuck Emilia

>already a main character, fuck Emilia

i love emilia

Yes,we played as him,but only in a short segment.Playing as him for 20 hours wouldn't give the same feeling as merely observing him.
Of course,it'll be fantastic if it's done right,I just think it's very hard and it'll probably not be done right.

>i love emilia

but then they would have to name the show after her

emilia is my life partner, we eat, we cry, we laugh together, i will die for my waifu, i will die for emilia

Absolutely not.

I love how Reddit is now in love with an anime that has three different kinds of womanizer.
>The hound dog who insists he feels equal amounts of love for both girls.
>The wife-beater clown who demands total devotion from his partner while showing none of it himself.
>Military boy who wanted to beat a swordmaster explicitly so he could force her to give up the sword, put on a dress, and make his babies.
