Never stop your opponent from making a mistake


As you know by now Braving Ruins twitter has been reported. There is word the Kraut and Jeff plan a doxing DRP.

The le skeptic community has taken a page form the sjw playbook. Use doxing and deplateforming to attack their opposition then cry foul if we do the same back.

They can point at the big bad alt-right meannies and say we are a bunch of crybullies, when it was them doing it all along.

Don't fall for this. When they make their moves it will be tempting to do the same to them, DON'T DO IT! DO NOT DOX/DEPLATEFORM THEM BACK!

They will lose their credibility after every attempt they make, as long as we don't sink down to their lever. What are your thoughts Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Just report each and every (((sceptic))) video. Not just to take away there shekels but to accelerate this all. When there videos get taken down they pick a side in the retard war. One easy way to take down a sceptics live stream is to donate through superchat with a link to a violent video. They will play the clip you send them and then you can report the channel for showing violent content.

Kraut is on twitter right now, claiming that people are doxing a friend of his right now. Straight out of the sjw playbook.

the jew crys out in pain as he strikes you

don't be a Lazia Cus

Why? Mass reporting Skeptics makes them look good and will change the focus from biological facts about race to who doxxed whom.

It's in our best interest to keep Kohl und Heißgetränk blabbering nonsense about biology for as long as possible.

The facts are on our side and so overwhelming that there's no getting around it. What is happening right now is a massive spreading of race realism and the underlying science. It's hard to justify liberal immigration policies or multiculturalism if large parts of the populace are aware of race realism.

Just sit tight and enjoy JFs videos for now.


If anything, these attacks on the alt--right will backfire on them. They won't be able to moral grandstand, as long as we don't take the bait.


What does this stand for?

coach red pill, a youtuber, he made a video about this

Coach red pill.

I type like a retarted monkey. He posted the news today .

Thanks, I know who he is now, just didn't know he made a new video on this subject.

dont report them. Truth is on our side. The best thing anyone could do to hurt us is false flagging. It makes you look weak and wrong

Sargon needs to fucking get his ducks in a row and chill out the septic community before it implodes like the SJW community did, and before that the creationist community

Yeah it got me thinking. That and along with Sargon and his fans going after Braving Ruin,

It reminded me of what the sjw's tactics during gamergate.

Keep in mind Sargon is a 'Rules for Radicals' fan.

What? That's the most retarted thing I heard yet in this current shit show. If Kraut truly wants to dox Coach RP, his target is already ahead of him.

CRP doxxed himself, with his full adress, in a youtube video already.

He preempted him. Smart move on his part, he won't take to much heat.

However, they won't stop there. They have circled the wagons.

If any youtuber is reading this, you might want to tell your followers to no take the bait.

They're gonna try their best to make it really fuckin tempting.

This. Every time Kraut makes a video about race realism, he immediately gets shit on, and comes out looking like a retard.
If we flag their videos, they come out looking morally better, AND no one can see how stupid they are.

Yeah, that's going to be entertaining. The Skeptics will turn septic soon.

Perhabs the Alt-Right could try to rebrand them as Septic-Community.

Yup. At this point it's best to let entropy run it's course.

Don't sink down to their level and keep the arguments on the facts. No drama.

You fucking morons are so easily led. You all tear yourselves apart. The skeptic community was a good place for people to get info not covered by the msm. Yt is getting D&Ced and you cant even see it. Step back ffs and dont participate in petty internet squabbles.

Report videos. Help the fucking msm get their monopoly back. Good idea.

Who's watching all these Sargon spawns? They all act like they know their shit but they come off pretentious retards, they are almost as bad as the atheist community from the early days of YouTube, Sargon needs to reign his arm chair intellectuals in.


Don't take the bait

Coach is a cool guy
I subbed to this nigga when he didnt have 1k subs

Unnecessary. There are dozens of /ourguys/ on YT who will expose those skeptics for what they really are: alt-SJWs.

Kraut was great only when making fun of leftists and kangz

Sargon and the rest should realize this is happening to Kraut because he went after RageAfterStorm's job. He lost the moral high ground ages ago, and Sargon should wise up to this

I have a hard time taking CRP seriously, this seems like bullshit


Can you prove this isn't more astroturfing bullshit like everything "Alt-Right" seemingly is?

Sounds like bait. Cool it, and respond to tit for tat. No need for infighting on the right.

To late. People are ready falling for the traps. The drama is ridiculous.

>using commie tactics
The truth is on our side. We dont need to censor anyone, shitter.