Consumer redpills

>anti-dandruff shampoo makes dandruff worse
>chapstick makes chap worse
what else?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Life cereal actually kills you


Eh I get dandruff from time to time and that dandruff shampoo knocks it down quite a bit. Especially when I use it on my pits and crotch.

Use sulfate-free shampoo. The stuff they put into regular shampoo to make it all sudsy is actually an industrial-strength grease remover that fucks with your skin's natural oiliness.

>Makeup makes you uglier

Anti dandruff shampoo makes the frogs gay.

>Dandruff in the crotch

What in the manner of all fuck.

i use axe anti-dandruff and it works beautifully, the fuck you talking about OP?

Toothpaste turns you gay. Just pull out you're teeth like you great granddaddy he wasnt a faggot was never brushed his fucking teeth..

Teeth are for gay people, that's why fairies collect them.

>t. nigger

>there is such thing as crotch dandruff

>and crotch.

>Especially when I use it on my pits and crotch

but anti-dandruff shampoo literally works.

Acne cream is bad for your skin and will a lot of the time make acne worse in the long run.

Same goes for things like Accutane (Isotretinoin) which make your skin very dry and sensitive and will only help with acne thats caused by a very specific problem, and more than likely give you a bunch of side effects including depression and suicidal thoughts.

diet soda makes you fat

>chapstick makes chap worse

Not for me, it doesn't. It's saved my life on numerous occasions.

Aspertame makes you fat

skim milk was a dairy byproduct unfit for human consumption and used to fatten pigs because it's literally sugar water.

I'd recommend this whole actual book, whose notes are posted here


"helping" homeless people only creates more homeless people

It's a nig

hamburgers arn't made of ham

Sunscreen lowers your sperm count

I spent a lot of time with powders and shit trying to keep it from itching. Turns out I just had dry flaky crotch scalp. Don't know why all you niggers are freaking out.

tums makes you get heartburn more often. sense i stopped using my heartburn stopped.
soda makes you thirsty.

most things are like this.

cholesterol medicine if you stop makes your cholesterol worse than it was originally.


Actual dandruff is yellowish. The flakes from your scalp is just dry skin thay doesn't need medication. A barber told me this after I told them I was using anti-dandriff shampoo. Never have the problem anymore.

>crotch dandruff

damn dog stealingg all your fish


complaining almost always nets you something

Man, at least change your flag. I don't want to be associated with crotch flakes.

you don't actually need shampoo but if you keep using shampoo you strip your hair's natural oils away so your scalp overproduces to compensate, leading to nasty, greasy hair.

you can wean yourself off of shampoo by using less and less until eventually you're not using any at all. if you stop cold turkey you're just gonna turn gross

You will never get into the salty splatoon on that diet bud

Basing grocery purchases on prices per Kilo/lb.
Packages are mostly a way to sell you the same product while making you pay for a premium price.
Unbranded products are usually produced by the same "famous" corporation and sold at a lower price in order to flood the lower market niche while effectively discriminating customers.

>I'm so sorry burger bro

why is there only e celeb threds btw, not even half them is about fishing

anti-anxiety meds give you zits and flatulence


Fluoride (the type thats used in tap water) was originally rat poison and is incredibly bad for your teeth and bones (and many other things). It causes dental fluorosis (discoloration and loss of integrity to the teeth) and high or prolonged exposure causes brain damage and organ failure.


I can't think of anything clever.... but if you buy coffee every day you are retarded.

Buy the cheap folgers tub and make your own coffee, like a white human being.

The burning sensation you get when you put on deodorant is the aluminium.

Most tooth paste makes your teeth sensitive for some reason and the ones with the bits of plastic in them are known for getting stuck in between the skin in the gums and teeth(shit can be very uncomfortable)

Dropping chemicals from planes like aluminium, strontium, barium and sulfuric acid can actually cause huge negative health effects (who would of thought)

nasal spray works better in the anus

I don't give a fuck, black sands
leave me alone

>SunScreen Causes Cancer
- Retinyl Palmitate / Oxybenzone

>Sunscreen causes Birth defects and developmental abnormalities.
- Oxybenzone


he also looks like my grand father, may he rest in peace

>makeup makes me BETTER THAN YOU

It's getting harder to keep going muslim bro, so hard.

Try eating that without any milk


Sodium Laurel sulfate.
Sodium laureth sulfate
The msds actually says "avoid contact with skin".
Look it up.

nobody here has been talking about the fish
this is how we all know you are shills

>causes brain damage and organ failure
Why hasn't this magnificent substance not been introduced to Space Station 13 yet?!!?

You don't even get all that dry skin if you only shampoo twice a week. Half of /fa/ is NoPoo anyway.

mfw when this girl at work the other day said folders "wasn't that good", i could only look back in disgust.

Toothpaste is a Jew trick

Take the Cuban Pill.

Cherios actually make you sad.

Hair follicles are dead cells. Something dead cannot be made healthy. Shampoo jews BTFO

The biggest scam of all times.
Also "W" should be called double-V

Kroger fruit loops turn your poop green

pretty much all psychiatric meds make the problem permanent when it would otherwise be transient. Schizophrenia is not permanent in the third world.

>Toothpaste is a Jew trick
True, bongs have been bucking the hand wringers for a millennia.

Not if you sterilize them

>my country

That's because the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


dandruff is caused by a variety of things. you should use a product which addresses your specific problem
t. has bad dandruff in a poor climate and was prescribed ketoconazole shampoo for it by a dermatologist (worked well, now I just use a basic men's shampoo with caffeine extract)

Now they like the brown in the mouth and the ass.

Knowing this, and lolbertarians/ancaps still trust corporations. I just assume both are larpers

I hate my armpits so much. I bought organic non anti-p deodorant, and every day by the end of classes I have giant disgusting sweat stains under my pits.

I switched to anti-p, and it didn't even make a difference...... I feel like my pits are just supposed to sweat. I'm gonna start brining a change of shirt to school.

Welp, guess I'm never going out in the sun again. One of the few downsides of being white as fuck.

Fluoride is massively fucked. I've looked into it in deeply and I can't understand why it's given to humans, apart from to dumb them down and make them die quicker.

Fluoride effects the body in many ways, it's an Endocrine Disruptor, which means it;s gonna cause hormone imbalance and developmental abnormalities.

It also increases the bodys pick-up of heavy metals, so you know you're gonna be absorbing more Lead, Mercury and other such neurotoxic metals to the brain.

I read a study from 1998 by a Japanese University who had found that Fluoride increased the risk of having Down Syndrome kids, how was it not banned after this???

Also in regards to Anti-Depressants, they're all pretty much fluoride based. Magnesium is the precursor for Serotonin, so without Magnesium in the body, you can't make serotonin and thus get depressed.

When you take the anti depressant, the fluoride attaches to the Magnesium, creating magnesium fluoride which is taken up in preference of uncombined Magnesium. This also then blocks pickup of the real magnesium, serotonin becomes depleted even more and the depression spirals. Dosage is normally increased, depression worsens and then suicide is initiated...

All in all, fluoride is completely fucked... I would recommend Sup Forums finds some fluoride free toothaste and get a water distiller if you live in a fluoridated area.

I've been fluoride free for 7 years now and it honestly felt like waking up from a zombie slumber. The change in cognition is unfathomable. Highly recommended..

wrong, but sunscreen instead does not protect against the sun at all, in fact it enhances the damage as a layer of sunscreen will act as a prism/magnifying glass letting in more focuses amounts of ultraviolet light from the spectrum.

Yeah I've tried that before and it was great. I can honestly barly taste the difference between cheap coffee and starbucks or dunkin donuts. Only soy boys drink that shit.

no idiot, dandruff is a fucking fungus. if you have dandruff, you are a filthy person. what dandruff shampoos do is dry out your scalp so the fungus has nothing to feed off of.

If the gay was a gene it would breed itself out of existence.

exactly. a closed mouth doesn't get fed.


>crotch dandruff

Sodomise Lauren Southern

5.56 is a Jew trick to cheat undercut .223

Acne products that contain alcohol are shit. Mouthwash that contains alcohol is shit.

Best decision I've ever made in my life was never taking meds. First I got diagnosed with social anxiety. "Take meds user" me-"bye nigger"

Then depression. "Take meds user" me-"peace out faggot"

And then this massive insane cunt diagnosed me with bi-polar type 2, and I ended up spending 3 days in a mental hospital because I refused to take meds.

All of that was 6 years ago now, I never took meds, and I'm completely fine. I don't even smoke weed or drink anymore.

Everytime I see one of my friends claim they have social anxiety or something like that I cringe..... once they take the meds I just think "there goes another one"

I know one guy who tried to stab his mom after he got off anti-depressants....... yeah they sure did a great job, LMAO

Fucking psychology kikes. Frued sucks.


Buying tons of imported stuff, of bad china quality, degrades your own country.
Stuff that you 99% of the time don't need anyway. (black friday anyone)

And gay

Changing your oil with new oil is a scam. You can go to your local oil change place and get 5-6 quarts from their used oil disposal (for free) its mixed with different grades and the expensive synthetic oil that lasts longer

The jew's choice!

Honestly most things seem to have the opposite effect

>deoderant with anti-antiperspirant makes me perspire MORE
>acne creams and face wash increase my acne
>antidepressants made me more depressed

>tubs of 20% newspaper, 40% sawdust and 40% of whatever brown coffee-like powder could be swept up

How can I hate watching something but keep watching it?

Like when some immigrant fucks your wife?

>chapstick makes chap worse

I KNEW IT. But now I'm addicted to the chap stick. If I don't unchap my lips every 2 hours or so they bleed.