We do not need the support of so-called alt-right womyn

In the wake of Lauren Southern and Tara McCarthy stepping out of line and the subsequent Salon piece, I feel we should clarify some things.

First, women contribute nothing of value to the "alt-right" movement. No alt-right woman has ever said anything significant or offered an insightful point of view. They are pure decoration to the movement. Their online presence is perpetuated by the need of betas to hear their own thoughts repeated back to them by semi-attractive females. Ideologically and philosophically, these women are vapid.

Second, these women are not only shallow, they are insincere. Think back to the conservative/traditional women you have known in your life (we all know a handful). What were they like? Do they seem like the sort of women who would devote themselves to a life of online celebrity? Probably not. Women who are actually concerned with conservatism and traditionalism simply do not act this way. Don't be fooled for a second into thinking Tara or Lauren are actually the sort of women you'd want to settle down with. They are not better than any of the other women who exploit corners of the internet for personal success. If they aren't willing to walk the walk, I see no reason to listen to them talk the talk.

Lastly, we don't need them, so if they have a problem with how they've been treated, they can gtfo. Politics is a man's game; it always has been, and it always will. What do we owe women for our victories of the past few years? Absolutely nothing. It was women that got us into this mess in the first place.

The only women whose opinion we should value are those interested being suitable mothers and who want to settle down.

B-but what about her?

Well put OP. I completely agree with you, which is a rare thing to happen.

D&C thread. yeah they're mostly worthless thots but they help attract other women to the movement, which is something every movement needs. These are all commie D&C threads. Don't fall the D&C newfags.

fucking shills. why do I even bother

Who is she

I unironically think this sweetie is based as fuck

Fuck off with your divide and conquer bullshit commie shit

>split with reddit
>split with skeptics tm
>split with tradthots and beta legions
So when does the balkanization of the """Alt-Right""" end? Isn't there a point where there are so few and they are so insignificant that just no one even cares?

Only the weak are led by women.

Trust nothing that bleeds for five days and does not die.

quit making this thread, faggot

Eceleb nazbol threads will be saged and reported. You're a fucking joke Shawn

Political wins in a Le 56% democratic republic require coalition building to marginalize your political enemies. Sure, some alliances are ideologically verboten. I don't care if they're attention whoring or actual whores, as long as they vote the way I prefer.

White women are spoiled brats who are always gonna abuse any power we give them. We need White Sharia.

e mesmo ... gajas tudo puta.a que polas em linha

D&C. Thoughroly convinced that leftys are trying to attack pro white females now

This. A thousand times this.
It's so obvious too.

The "Alt-Right" is the biggest joke on this fucking Planet. 0 difference between them and SJW's. Two sides of the same coin

Op proves once again that they are the quintessential faggot.
Fuck yourself to death, cunt.

Fairly confident that the 'alt right' is a mainstream media strawman and the only people who claim to either be it or take it seriously are teenagers and shills

you ass gonna mess this all up you idiots. dont give more weapons for media.

You sound like you have a case of sour grapes OP.

It'll just go back to how it was before the election. You'll have all your groups back as separate entities, rather than under one umbrella term.

>a leaf

This is what DIVIDE & CONQUER looks like.

Nothing has legitimized our thoughts to normalfags like the existence of these attractive women. And that's why you want to divide them away from the far-right.

It was at one point a useful label but it has been ruined and taken over completely by le faschy haircut man

Fucking this. Too fucking true.

>everyone who says something I don't like is a paid infiltrator
>it is impossible I am a conspiratorial nitwit

They vote the way their boyfriends prefer. That's the only alliance that matters to women, as nature intended.

Why does anyone give a shit what a 22 year old has to say? Oh, right, this board is full of teen faggots.

They're self proclaimed alt lite. They were never what you thought they were. Fucking retards.

as a trad women with kids. no they are liars and hypocritical

everybody end white genocide have moar babies except me because excuse xyz

this is all e celebs. even a lot of men. its utter bs.
they dont care about family on fortune ans famw

Lefties would love us following a "pro white" coalburner. They have no reason to attack.

Exactly....how many normal people do y'all know that cosplay as anime characters? Like c'mon. The one girl I knew who was heavily into that scene was also a big fan of BDSM and making homemade pornography.

mudsharks aren't pro-white.

finally some decent talk instead of the beta orbiter whining

Those women are not Alt-right, Lauren and Britt don't even claim to be.

The alt-right is nothing more than a meme that will never be taken seriously in Public and if people do start to take it seriously it will be compared to Nazism and banned.

The right needs trad youtubers even if in their personal lives they are not Trad (Lauren southern) millennial Youtubers that have millions of views a week are influential to our youth.

Ending immigration is 10000000 times more important than for every woman to be pregnant.

Who the fuck cares. If you don't want to support them just don't, ignore them. They still throw redpills that are palatable to normies and women because in their bluepilled psyche if it comes from a women it's more credible. There is absolutely NOTHING bad about letting these girls do their thing, the more people there are promoting the ideas we stand for the better, ulterior motives, or personal lives matter little.

Strong post OP.


>they're mostly worthless thots but they help attract other women to the movement

This is the only correct answer.

>Nothing has legitimized our thoughts to normalfags like the existence of these attractive women. And that's why you want to divide them away from the far-right.
If they want to continue doing that, it's fine as long as they keep their mouths shut about not being respected. Of course they're not fucking respected.

Normie losers crave white poosey so the cunt serves a purpose, but adults should just see them as necessary bait.

we NEED both!!!!! you can need them equally not that hard to understand. when people havw families they want to protect thejr futures.

No g-gurlz allowed.

Enjoy being kiss-less virgins your whole life and only having that fat bitch from Britain First to fap over.

>Tara McCarthy
steped out of line? how ? can someone get me up to speed?

These are useless discussions to have on Sup Forums. If you read Sup Forums, you'll be ahead of these YouTubers anyway.

And for fuck's sake, can't you think for yourself? These people are good for helping to spread our findings and memes. Beyond that, they're for normies who need an introduction into a paradigm alternate to the mainstream. That's it.

Anyone who feels the need to strike up discussions about them here needs to lurk moar. This shit is so fucking high school. It's one thing to share their content when they've got something good to say, but it's another entirely to discuss them themselves as though they are politics. They're not.

Stupid loser faggots. Where's your backbone?

Some women can be useful to the cause. Historically there've been ones like Joan of Arc, Theodora, etc. More recently some women like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman have sowed the necessary seeds of discord amongst our enemies.

Of course their biology makes them far less likely than males to be suitable.

the "alt-right" was a nickname used by a few wp Spencer-faggot types that was then adopted by the msm to lump everyone right of Chomsky under a neo-nazi banner
who gives a fuck what women think about anything
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire

She's definitely a hoe, you can tell by her face. In her day she guzzled quite a lot of cum but her videos are informing and a soft touch makes it an easier pill to swallow.

it isn't too much to ask you to simply ignore their existence rather that take time you could be spending attacking leftist women to attack people who already agree with you

Women won't be needed anymore after artificial wombs are invented.




this user, unironically, gets it.
>if strong men gather, the women will inevitably follow
The women were and okay boon, but they should never be given power. That is the current choice: tell them no or let ourselves be controlled by women (suicide)
>hint hint: whether you like it or not, the trolls and mean anons have already made the choice for you.

>square jaw
>wide, square shoulders
>receding hairline
this chick looks like a man.

They are not equally important what so ever.

Shut your fucking mouth neckbeard.
You do realise that it is now impossible to win without women? It's not the 19th century you fucking autists. Women are now influential in society, they have money, they have rights, they have social clout. How do you expect to win without attracting the other half of the population? Even if your ultimate goal is to take women's rights away, you still need the support of women to gain the mass following to win. Sperging out and saying 'wimminz shud be in the kitchens n sheet, so weez dun need demz' is fucking delusional. You will not get to the point of sending them all back to the kitchen without their support in the culture war. You're declaring victory before the war has even started. Use your fucking brains you fucking neckbeards.

Do you people think anyone in the real world that isnt a lobotimised sponge gives a shit about what you talk about?

Buuuhuu woman are worthless buuuhuuu they never let me fuck them

>another leaf
nobody asked Lauren to shill herself here

So how many alt-right heroes have you guys abandoned at this point? When will you admit that being alt-right is a shame?

Lauren Southern fucks niggers. Her only out from this situation is to post extensive, hi-res nudes.

you're the idiot replying to a shill thread and bumping it. who's the fucking idiot. the guy who knowingly posted fake news knowing you would reply. or the stupid fuck who replied and gave them the bump they were after. idiot


They have DONE things worth of respecting, therefore they deserve respect. What have you done? Those women have put themselves in the crossfire from all side and dared to stood up for European people.

Fuck off and KYS.

>somebody stop them from making fun of my online gf


They are useful for spreading the word. Of course, to think the "tradgirl" would do cosplay is idiotic, as said in point 2. However, they are more appealing to the wider audience, think how many teenage boys might get baited by Southern's boobs and maybe, in the meantime, listen what she has to say. Of course, they're not saying anything new, just repeating things they read someplace else, but through them these ideas reach much wider audience.

they're useful

weev is a troll who supports Anglin, with all of his baggage and history of race mixing.

>instantly starts insulting women
>expects me to take this seriously

>the guy who knowingly posted fake news knowing you would reply
eat a bucket of aids, faggot

>Buuuhuu woman are worthless buuuhuuu they never let me fuck them
I know women are worthless because it's so easy to fuck them.

Imagine being told you have nothing to offer by male pussies too afraid to show their faces or reveal their "power level" to anyone

mgtow is so fucking cringe

>We do not need the support of so-called alt-right womyn.
You don't get to decide that. Fuck your shit, fuck your slide threads and derail tactics. Fuck you and die in a hotel fire, faggot.

Shut the fuck up and provide them with your betabux. This the closest thing to a 3DPD you will ever get.

>It was women that got us into this mess in the first place.
Or was it complacent weak men that were too pathetic to preserve traditions, and uphold the values our society was built upon?

Men are just as much to blame as women, but it will take strong MEN to course correct and restore the natural order.

Who's the "we"?


better to be a bitter virgin than a happy virgin orbiter defending coalburners and "born again virgins (xDDDD)"

redpilling the white women is a huge part of shifting the overton window to the right.

This needs to be made clear:

Doesn't matter what any of us think, the trolls will attack them anyway. If they can't hack it then they will disappear.
>you can't control that

But user! Women are just retards who are slaves to impulse and will fuck any old chad! We can beat the jews without them!!!

Being a mudshark is worse than doing nothing, retard.

Americans, dog bless McDonalds.

One of these thots drops out, two more show up to take her place. Watch, pretty soon some new /ourgirl/ will appear from the ether and have 20 threads made about her a day. The right "attracts women" by being the bad boy in a feminized society, not by placing them on a pedestal.

Dickie spencer invented the term u dingus.

What do you expect from little virgins lookng for attention?

>whores are

I agree OP
Women hate and envy each other pettily, so it really doesn't matter if they go. They also respect and follow men more than other women (e.g. Obama/Bernie gaining their support over Hillshit). These thots just want ez money and I'll be glad to see them go.


Wrong it was invented by a Jew named Paul Gotfried. Spencer does not deny this.

is the police officer who couldn't stop a murder just as guilty as the murderer? top kek nice thinking. anything to make the degenerate sluts (who ruined western culture) look better

>dated a mulatto in high school before she was redpilled

zomg what a scandal, this is surely worth shitting up Sup Forums with multiple threads

Ok.Guess I'm gonna go fuck myself then?

You fags sure are pushing this shit hard.

WEW, the kike shilling from the e-celeb obsesses is strong today, isn't it?

I can practically smell the matzoh.

So? Who harasses them anyway? Probably a bunch of butthurt lefties, lefties are the saddest people online. The kind of values Sup Forums envisions i also one of not whining, deal with your own shit. How come we need to be the champions of justice etc. Who the fuck cares anyway.

>attracting women
>by letting them influence anything

Kek, it's suicide. They can join if they want, they are welcome and I think we all hope all women would share our ideas. But it ends there, in the interest of everyone involved