Break Canada Up !

why the fuck don't we break up the country its fucking huge I hate everyone outside of Ontario anyway .

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ok fuck off then

Maritime Union when?

Make saskatchewan a white ethnostate

sure, you have a crack at it

if only

Agreed, we need our own country with new and decent leaders. The parasitical political hegemony are using Canadians famed polite benevolence to utterly destroy the nation. Trudeau should be buried alive

Fuck off to burgerland traitor.

Why? Canada is a pretty good country


Agreed there's no golden vision unifying us anymore. It's just a civnatcuck golem now

nawwww, Canada is a strong, powerful and healthy country and I see no point in splitting it whatsoever, OP sounds like a jealous troll

This is the worst fucking idea any Canadian has ever had since Big Daddy P Trudeau nixed the reserve requirement for banks.

I think the WAC Bennett plan is the best

Saskatchewan Manitoba and Alberta which get the NWT and Nunavut
BC plus Yukon

Alternate plan is rural north western Ontario is also part of the prairie union

it aint even civ nat
it's "post-nat" now
I kid you not

Lol no

>tfw you live in Southern Ontario and the rest of the country is an irrelevant wasteland

There was never a golden vision unifying Canada. It's always been Ontario and Quebec rule and everyone else gets fucked

There is no point to a country this big. Someone all the way in Ontario should have no say in the affairs of say BC and vice versa

>Maritime Union when?

It would frankly be the best for the Maritimes. At least a portion of authentic Canada could be saved from the multicult rot in Toronto.

No the worst fucking idea was expanding Canada beyond Ontario and Quebec

where do I look this guy up?

Then we can ship all the immigrants to BC and Ont .

Yeah man everyone loves Toronto
Except for the traffic
And the homeless people
And the ethnic enclaves
And the horrendous population density


its one of the best countries in the world are you okay bud?

Gotta have those natural resources to be rich, bro

honestly OP can shut the Fk up

a reminder that parts of """canada"""" is stolen fish

If you break up were taking your land.

pretty much everything outside of south ontario is shit Edmonton if actually hell on earth it looks like fucking mordor at night driving in from the airport

I support it

my grand mother always thought me not to steal, because that's what subhuman canadians do

Dude leaf politics lmao

I'm gonna buy one of your islands

take us please

Red = western China
Orange = extra Northern Michigan (shit hole)
Purple = New Frankastan
Green = Will be under water soon... New Atlantis?

assassinate trudeau and then we can talk

Sounds good to me

>Dominion of Ontario
>Dominion of Quebec
>British Columbia
>Maritime Union
>leave the rest of the country to the USA so we can have your oil

canadians fart a lot too, like the terrance and phillip documentaries show

mu grand mother didn't like japaneese because they farted at the dinner table, and she didn't like canadians because they farted all over the place

This has been recommended a number of times with the argument that the small populations spread across so many legal jurisdictions is an impediment to business.

The maritimers shoot this recommendation down though every single time.

WAC Bennett: best premier BC ever had. Turned BC from a backwater who's only export was logs to the envy of North America
He had a view of Canada that he shared later on he saw it not as a truly unified country with a common goal but as 5 different regions each with their own interests (BC prairies Ontario Quebec maritimes) and if you think about it his observation holds true more today than ever
Man is dead though died in the 70s

Outside Vancouver BC is 93% white.

Ontario on it's own would be a powerhouse. Sort of like the Switzerland of North America. Quebec and the Atlantic provinces would be the Greece of North America and The West would be Russia 2.0

Why don't we just take Canada and push it somewhere else?

>let the separatists leave and take their oil with them

No it's not. East can go fuck itself

>dude praise a fucking leaf lmao I need to have a say in the lives of people 3000km away from where i live in a place I will never visit

you don't fart at the dinner table, that's disgusting

my grand mother taught me that

would be breddy good to be able to drive my guns up to Alaska.

Evict all those Chinks & Paki's and take Van back

Literally stop talking right now. Edmonton is an amazing city, we have the largest in-city green space in the world and were taking care of it. You honestly seem stupid Im just being honest.

Merge Vancouver with Seattle and Portland.

Then nuke them.

maple syrup does not grant you farting rights

you hold it in you, till everyone has eaten

We'd have done that already if not for the federal government

Scratch that we'd have never let them in it was the federal government that brought them here

dude burgers are slaves owned by isreal

Holding in farting is uncomfortable

troll spotted

>Nuke BCs ice free year round seaport

You could use nerve gas on the chinks but we actually need the land and water to not be irradiated

Canada should've been French.

farts are airborne feces user

nice dubzz but are you retarded

Canada isn't breaking up

I second this motion. Let the East have their bullshit - and free the West. It's not like they could stop us.

No I'm not (turn the last two numbers you got around)

Can we just bomb vancouver toronto and banff subsequently killing all the chinks and niggers

No more transfer payments

Can Maine and New Hampshire join the Maritime Union?

Republic of Vancouver Island reporting
I lived in southern Ontario briefly, it's an absolute shithole
>pic related is wasteland where every leaf hopes to retire

Calgary is full of Muslims and has a Muslim mayor don't forget to bomb Calgary as well

This is the same problem we have in the US. Originally our system was supposed to be various states governing themselves and protected from outsiders by the big government. What ended up happening is the Northern states deciding to enforce their morality on the Southern states and the US has fallen slowly to ruin ever since.

small particles of feces flying in your nose, that's what farts are. it's not just gas

stfu you never got to quebec, you fucking retards stood on the coast up north.

Good, we'll make due on our own. Maybe our quality of life will drop but our peace of mind will go up. And we'll actually be able to start enacting common sense legislation. Who knows maybe even murderers will start going to jail. Most Westerners don't even want to go East - let alone be ruled by it.

sage this thread, Canada not breaking up, Canada good country, that's it
Today, Canada is not a lawfully established Country!
To ensure the deception was laid to rest, the "Government of Canada" knew they needed to amend 'The Constitution Act, 1982' without provincial interference. There was the Meech Lake Accord of 1987, followed five years later by the Charlottetown Accord. These accords failed and the "Government of Canada" did not get what it wanted: amending the "Constitution Act" without asking permission from the provinces.
THIS is the only way to put the power back into the hands of the people!

Also every drink of water you've ever drank was once piss from at least one creature. Probably many. Also the air you breath was in the ass of an animal at one point in the past. Probably many as well.

jokes on you quebec as all the good oil

Yes, I agree. Let Alberta, SK, Manitoba and the territories balkanize into a global resource and food production hub of global trade instead of sending all of our shit to Quebec and Ontario.

Yes pls.

>hate everyone outside of Ontario
Ontario is mainly the reason why Canada is cucked

tfw 20 y/o in "newfinland", as you mainlanders would say. Pretty much a communist shithole, government taxing the piss out of everything therefore raping the middle and working class, expected to become worse in the future.

Is pic related my only option?

Toronto here.

It sucks. Being born in the best city in the country, I have nowhere to visit. I went to Vancouver, fucking chinese people everywhere, Montreal, meh, hobos filled the streets. I was born in the best I have nowhere else to go.

still waiting for you guys to stop being poor, quebec is the bank of canada.

>int : start to control your fucking debt

I am so glad my family left Ontario, growing up in beautiful BC was godly


Maritime Provinces joine Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and the Adirondacks as the REAL white ethnostate.


The transfer payments I'm referring to is the oil and gas revenues that's been sent east for decades

80s or 90s?

If you didn't see the 80s I feel sorry for you. SoCred era was the best era for BC

Well you'll lose south-ontario outside of Toronto as well. We fucking hate the rest of Ontario outside of the wilderness and wildlife. You fucks make us look bad up in Toronto.

Hey at least your 56% whiteness would go up amerimutt

All I know is as a Westerner, I don't sound the same, I don't think the same and I don't live the same. Why the fuck do they get to dictate anything about us? Because BC owed the federal government of Canada money over 150 years ago? Fuck that our debt has been paid in full, let us free.

You're "western living" is wrong. It's not Canadian. Fuck off you're not going anywhere.

he was right about everything its too hard to fix things in such a huge country . people here hardly care about provincial politicians thats why ontario is going the way it is if we were a nation theres no way we would be ruled by some dyke bitch

born in 80
Today, Canada is not a lawfully established Country!
To ensure the deception was laid to rest, the "Government of Canada" knew they needed to amend 'The Constitution Act, 1982' without provincial interference. There was the Meech Lake Accord of 1987, followed five years later by the Charlottetown Accord. These accords failed and the "Government of Canada" did not get what it wanted: amending the "Constitution Act" without asking permission from the provinces.
THIS is the only way to put the power back into the hands of the people!

Toronto is a nigger filled liberal shithole faggot

Too bad Quebec didn't vote themselves out in the 90s, it would have set off a nice chain reaction.

uuuuuuughhh it sucks having everything I need a stones throw away from me god I wish I had fucking barn animals shitting all over the place waiting to be gutted for food. Man this city sucks.