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Teenagers are fucking dumb, user, I don't know what you expected

now in jpg

Obviously, neither of you have ever been lovesick. It can be quite acute, though it tends to pass quickly once its over.
It's like being cut vs having cancer. Both hurt, but one hurts a hell of a lot right the fuck now while the other builds slowly over time until it is unbearable.
Yes, and teenagers feel emotions much more strongly than children or adults. It's not really their fault.

She's still wrong even going by your own explanation.

What anime is this?

Bokunogatari Piko

The problem here is that a decade of family problems is in a completely different context with being lovesick as is your example of having cancer, let's not even talk about all the influence a family has in your development as a person. You're talking about pain as if it only were impulses leaving all the subjective experience aside, trying to find a solution for being lovesick or cut is a lot simpler than trying to fix a family or dealing with cancer.


Sauce Nao is failing it's one job and iqdb never works


Underrated post

Someone's daddy spanked him a bit too hard

It's fair to assume that Hanekawa might be more than just lovesick when it comes to Araragi, since she has had real bad family problems that would bend her perception of the way normal people act. Someone who actually gives her the time of day all of a sudden would be like crack to her. Some buff emo hunk comes and shines a little light into her life, but because she doesn't know how to do anything normally because her upbringing was so shit she doesn't take the logical step and butt in to stop Senjougahara from stealing her man.

A big part of why her crush on Ararararagi causes more damage than the family shit is because she knows it is her own fault for not doing something about it and even though it was the one good thing that came her way in the past decade and she still blew it.

Also there was fault on his part. He doesn't find himself worthy of her, and probably still doesn't.

"family problems" is pretty vague. So Hanekawa didn't have her own room and slept in the hallways, big deal. Lovesickness can be quite severe.

Or whatever else, I can't remember all that well

couldnt even get the dick
guess she doesnt know everything

That's what she's been trying to tell him this entire time. It's a cry for help.

Whats the phrase she says?
I only know what I know?
I like the way she says it but can't find a vid.

where is part three of kizu didnt it come out last friday¿

selfless bumpffgh
movi3 was good as straigh5 shot

Aberrations are not exactly human, user.

She is fucking right, even a few years of family problems really hurt.

Enjoy waiting 6 months gaijin scum

From her POV, family problems are normal, they've always been there. Whereas, this being the first time she's been in love and it being an unrequited one at that, it's creating tons of negative emotions that she's never felt before and has no way to deal wth.

She's essentially been love deprived since her family problems started, so the statement is basically comparing the climax of her issues with the broadest scope of them

shes a high school female, what do you expect, logic?
nah nigga

When is Kizu 2 getting decent subs?

What? Kizu 2 subs dropped a while ago