Explain this to me in in 25 words or less

Explain this to me in in 25 words or less.

mememe with more vagina

girl needs the d, cats are weird, everything's a vagina, japs must breed!

girl going into puberty and discovering stuff.

exactly what it looks like

japan has a really low birth rate and the people just need to start fucking already

an apple a day keeps the sex drive away.

Female masturbation as a metaphor for a self-indulgent reclusive attitude that isolates the subject from both society and the object of their desire. Also cock.

that's one two many words there friend

It's an animated commentary on paid dating

Just like ME!ME!ME! was a critique of otaku culture

>paid dating
what is this?

Basically an escort. Or a prostitute.

It's exactly 25, pal.

I'll do it in fewer than ten words: you are living your life incorrectly.

Female neets and losers are apparently a thing

Drugs are good mmkay

not by my count; buddy.

You're countin' wrong then, fella.
Hyphenated words count as one, not two.

bullshit, you are the wrong here, comrade.

both are wrong

Lonely, thirsty girl gets NTR'd, recesses into fantasy.