They're literally shaking that groyper 1000x more racist than pepe Sup Forums

They're literally shaking that groyper 1000x more racist than pepe Sup Forums.

you literally can't find anything more racist of (((groyper))) than pic related. this is such an obvious shill article. what's their end game Sup Forums?

wtf came up with this name for easter pepe anyways?

Other urls found in this thread:

isn't that magazine helping to spread nazi pepe?

>not knowing the difference between Pepe and Easter Toad

Groyper is literally a false flag because they want to kill Pepe.

This article was made specifically as a psy op.

Look how they purposefully flipped the pepe picture so that the swastika is facing the wrong way.

It's literally an alternative version of pepe and they think it's new

lib-sites use the 'shocking' alt-right news as clickbait.
It's like cable news in 2001-2010 on Al Kaida.
News on 'danger' gets the attention of humans more than anything else.


>new toad mascot

I love this place.

They'll never learn


What is this D&C bullshit? helper was always /ourtoad/

i'm wondering how long it takes before "new far-right hate symbol le 56% face" hits the headlines

Fuck off mook

I can't stop laughing

What the fuck is a groyper?



theyll never publish that meme becauses its too true

P-praise Kek

what the fuck
those bricks are going the wrong way


Praise him indeed!



which one's the most racist?

someone should make an arab looking german mutt desu

It's not even the image I uploaded. Anybody know why this happens?

Groyper has been associated with the movement for several months now. It's mostly on Twatter and Gab that people have been rolling with the meme, but sadly I sense it's beginning to attract normies, so its days are numbered.
In any case, @that_groyper has stated he will abandon the Groyper persona after the new year.

those fucking kikes

Ancient bug moot never fixed. Happens when two images are uploaded at the same time and other conditions are met.

It's a well known bug when people post an image at the same time

Too effective also. They're afraid of le 56% face because it reveals their end goal and the ugliness of it



They will lose

Groyper and Apu. Just face it, We took an Sup Forums meme and made it better. Now it's Groyper and there's nothing you can do about it.

Its a bug I hope never gets fixed, it has lead to lulzy threads/posts in the past

I just thought it was a different pepe. Who is naming all this shit?


Ah, thanks. I always figured it was just mods fucking around or something.

The Manji isn't the Nazi Swastika fucking kikes.

I like apu

Who chose the name Pepe? Or Wojak? It's organic, my dude. That's how memes work. Someone chooses a name and it sticks for whatever reason.

I wonder where his original picture got to

he can find out by attempting to repost it. Sup Forums will pop him an error message with a link to the post

>saving artwork in jpg format
neck urself

Well duh cuz pol is diverse witj many fatties

>Who chose the name Pepe
The guy who drew him original, Matt Furrie

Unfortunately Twatter doesn't use .png

Yea, turns out you're right.

-100% should be white/argentina
Yall half assing your memes euros

Oh also they mean the people who use it are extra racist or something but they suck at separating individuals from creations so they say the images are racist instead.

>Unfortunately Twatter doesn't use .png
yeah it does

Bladerunner and for some reason two cans of coke?


This meme is too esoteric, I give it a 4/10


>1 post by this ID
Fuck off shill, you won't take Pepe back you stupid cunt.

This. Faggot OP is clearly a shill trying to push this Groyper shit because so many normies still use pepe after they tried to label it a hate symbol.

>too esoteric
opinion discarded


I thought you ultra-orthos would know when easter was. Fuck sake.

I always thought he was like a badly drawn pepe








Why is it called a groyper? It's just another version of Pepe, and a pretty old one at that.

Groyper isn't a racist he's a nazi

>matt furie wants to differentiate this version of pepe as a stand-alone meme so he'll be able to send out a C&D because it isn't covered under fair use as a parody of pepe

shhh, they think they're onto something...

Wojak was originally called that feel guy, the creator was a polish namefag from Krautchan's Sup Forums board called Wojak. No idea why people started calling it after him when it gained international popularity.


The year is 2022 and the ADL and Matt Furie Corp. own the legal copyright to any and all images of frogs, toads, or other amphibians.

Drawing an illegal likeness is punishable by publish flogging. Then, in 2031 the first Frog War was fought.

>Sup Forums
Easter Toad is an Sup Forums icon used to make fun of Americans. There's nothing racist about it.

They haven't even seen the final form of Pepe.

Maybe I'm missing something or maybe you're an idiot.
Your picture "groyper.png" has clearly previously been compressed in .jpg, at which point there's no difference in saving it as a .png. Show me any Twitter picture that can be saved in .png, has not been recompressed in .jpg on the Twatter servers and does not lose transparency. You cannot.

contributing to this thread

This is a fucking masterpiece

At least they're white dicks


What's the next stage of his evolution?

This needs the Sherlock Holmes pepe

Cucked by a Pepe.