


this is bait

post socialist memes

100 million people killed by commies in the 20th century.

Failed everywhere.

Reality beats academic sources,

Every communist country has either collapsed or reverted back to capitalism.

this isn't funny. read bordiga you pleb

Well, yea academic sources pointing out communism is bad is superior

(((academic sources)))


always buy new books, nigger. capitalism is good.

The 100 million number is from the black book of communism who's author admitted inflating the numbers (like including people who would have been born) a large amount to arrive at that nice round number.
Even when they had a red flag they still paid workers wages, still traded commoditys, still had money. Thats not really communist in the way Marx described it. More like an extreme version of Sweden.


(((Academic Sources)))

Academically sound reading right here.

fixed it for you

replace the word communism with fascism, put "academic sources" in echoes, and this is literally the cucked left

taking the bait


>Academic sources
>Karl Marx told me it would work


not a single argument against OP... why can't right wingers argue?

Where is the trip code user? We talked about this several times. Trust me you are going to feel so good as your prestige and recognition levels rise. New suggestion 'Fommie Caggot'. What do you think? It has a certain ring to it that is going to help people recognize and subliminally respect you no matter what kind of bullshit you post.

But communism's never been tried so how can there supposedly be so many (((academic studies))) on it? Can't have it both ways, faggots. Also
>let's not forget people were literally risking getting shot and eaten by dogs over barbed-wire to escape the USSR over the Berlin Wall to capitalist East Germany because communism was just that shitty.
>Marx wasn't even a marxist, didn't criticize Capitalism he criticized the human condition as a whole and none of his economic theories were worth the paper they were written on. Every one of his theories has been refuted by economists solidly since as early as 1904.
>Someone give me a status update on Venezuela please
B-but hey, wearing a che t-shirt is still cool, r-r-right guys?

The last step of theory is the confirmation through physical. Physical evidence has shown that communism is a complete failure.

If intelecfags want to write books based on a failed theory that doesn't follow experimental reproduction that makes them worse than astrologists.

Except both say the same thing...

How many communist advocates deal with the issue of finite resources and the lack of investment of the workers when their lot in life cannot get better?

I read it to the tune of the jingle

>Thats not really communist in the way Marx described it.
And there will never be. It simply does not work.

Are you saying that its 'only' 75 million? What number are you stepping up to when you say 100 million is inflated?

Marx was pie in the sky lazy shit who never worked a day in his life and kicked his servant to the curb when he got her pregnant. Why do faggots worship this moron?

Take some ownership jackass, are you saying communism didn't kill anyone? No gulags? no population displacements? Make an assertion about numbers. Unless you do, >100 million is the number.

my grandfather didn't sneak into Yugoslavia to enjoy Communism, he snuck out of it to get the fuck away from it.

We did the biggest study of all to determine whether communism was good or bad, it resulted in something like 140 million corpses. If you put all the dead head to toe in a straight line it would go around the earth nearly 20 times. If a communist issued poster imploring people not to eat their own children, or people risking death en masse to escape these hellholes isn't enough to discredit you then perhaps it's time this hell was brought to life again just so you can see it with your own eyes.

My dead great-grandfather and refugee grandpa told me communism is bad.

You've enough of my family's blood on your hands. Get out.


The fact that it's impossible to estimate to the nearest 10 million should be a good indication of how bad this was. Why don't you fuck off to North Korea a literal relic of the communist states you worship, your ideology tastes like wallpaper paste and the rotting flesh of your countrymen that people are forced to eat to hang on in your artificial utopian hell. The best punishment for a communist is to let him have what he wants.



Not even a thread. Sage

Kill yourself faggot

Please cite the portions of "Physical Chemistry" that prove Gommunism is a good idea.

i like it


that s cause real comunism is utopia . comunism always ended up in totalitarism . ask yourself why CHINA shifted from " comunism " to borderline capitalism ?