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Only if I get to flirt (and drink) with an ageless goth loli goddess and a cute blue haired genius mage, and end up over my head when they accept my advances.

Elf a shit.

Does the deal come with a cute short girl with huge tits versed in CQC?

Uh, sure


the lack of doujins of this show is disturbing

This guy has his priorities straight

Rory's design there looks absolutely atrocious. Where is the elegant gothic lolita? She just looks painfully generic.

Will I be able to fuck 2D loli pussy if I join the Corps?

Fixed that for you, you dirty slanderous Chink

You're looking for the Navy there, champ.

I hated her anime design. The manga was cuter and bustier.

That elf is cute. I wonder what she looks like wearing a helmet.



Why aren't we getting more translated Rory doujins?

>(Generally) not as tough as Marines
>many women are bull dykes that were not tough enough to make the Marines
>Air Force has all the hot women

No thanks. Infantry gets all the pussy but they get shit on more than anyone so it's not a fair trade.

Also that blue hair isn't regulation, give that bitch an Article 15.


something about her facial proportions is a huge turn off for the anime design. I think its how far apart the eyes are in comparison to the size of the face.

Also the head dress is cringey.

But her headband-ear things are much better in her anime design.

Looks like she's wearing a fish on her head.

Who's to say she isn't

>(2.68 MB, 4088x5872
What's the fucking point of this shit?
Goddammit. People, go back to using images that don't take 1 minute to fucking load. Goddammit, Sup Forums, put some limits on that shit or something.

>People, go back to using images that don't take 1 minute to fucking load

who uses dial up still?

Obviously she is worst girl

How do you like your elves?

Blueberry sounds good

Every flavor other than vanilla is great. Vanilla is also pretty good though so I can't lose no matter how I choose, however blueberry would've won flat out was the hair black or silver instead of pink.

after that one episode where the death god tried to sleep with the commander and he bitched out, I dropped the series.

Do these shows ever get flak in Japan for being a glorified army recruitment scheme? IIRC America's Army got a lot of shit in the US, for using a popular medium for children to get kids interested in the military.

No, but I got this shirt recently. It's actually got a subtle sparkle in actuality, unlike the picture.

wtf no

Two great tastes that taste great together

Hiroshima's shitty new image servers apparently.

Don't click on the fucking image then?

You missed out on the episode where he did in fact do it.

I can't wait until Trump gives Japan Nukes.

If anything, this should deter people from joining.

Diluted by at least 50%. Pure elves that are worth the effort are too rare.

Silver hair blue eyes are the best


I'd still fuck her.

I like the last one where they are reversed, and the purple heir blue eyes one too, wish there was one with the purple hair, dark skin and blue eyes so I could see how that looks.

Might as well post latest chapter.













>Stupid sexy Delf









>great show
>suddenly harem shit
>harem shit part is the worst and start to skip those parts.
Flautist arc was a mistake , same about the dragon.


It's barely a Harem. At least not a typical one. Unless you're counting a harem as being any series that has more than one girl in the story.












And that's that

For some weird reason I want yo join the army now

The orgy in the novel though?

Pina and the rest of the girls drug itami and have a massive orgy.

If that's legit, then yeah that's a harem. That is, if you can prove what you said is true.