How would you even go about undoing this fucking daisy chain of indoctrination

How would you even go about undoing this fucking daisy chain of indoctrination

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You don't.
For every liberal retard there's 5 other chicks who were too busy snapchatting to give a shit about politics.




Maybe this too

It will take a worldwide nuclear conflict in which countless millions will die. And in the aftermath, we will discover a secret war between genetically modified superhumans was the cause of many of the wars and events of our lifetime. But in the wake of this destruction and the decades of chaos and smaller wars follow, slowly peace will seep into our lives once again and a glorious AnCap future will await us, as most governments will end up economically collapsed and decapitated of leadership. In the AnCap age, people will have it tough, but they'll appreciate what they have. People will band together into small communities tied to trade and survival. Scientists and engineers from the world before will find necessity once again, REAL necessity... and from their conversion to farmers and craftsmen new and incredible technologies will be born. The matter synthesizer, able to convert just about anything into other materials, so long as they aren't too molecularly complex.. The melding of lithium isotopes into dilithium, and ultimately warp drive.

The only solution is to become star trek. But you're gonna see some real shit first.


Why? If anything we should be encouraging more of it. Increasing the amount of polarization in society will lead to more chaos, and more happenings. Are you not here for entertainment? Moderation, liberalism, and centrism should be attacked in all forms, for maximum amounts of hilarity.

The world burns the brightest on the fuel of animosity. To encourage chaos you must make the abnormal, normal.


After some point, no amount of red pills are going to help. The only solution is a final solution.

gifs told me 9mm can't stop anything

Glorifying WW2 resistance (like Schindler) and civil rights movement are giving moral cover for marxists to ignore laws they don't like. Start there.


apparently hiding people in countries that weren't Germany was against the law.

World War 3.
We already have the recipe now!
Only a situation like seeing their homeland destroyed to rubbles, their families killed in front of their eyes would open up their minds to the real horrors of life. Their tiny bubbles of "safe-space" and entitlement needs to be obliterated with bombs and guns. This might sound too dramatic and a bit over the top to cure this degenerate disease but if we won't do anything then it might be the end of our civilization. Every once in a while a purge (say World War) would make sure that the useless degenerates don't use up the resources meant for the productive hardworking members of the society.

post niggers being niggers

Pic basically means you can publicly execute lefties and walk away scott free, if you set things up correctly beforehand. Bonus points if you get a non-white to do it.

It'd also be the best method for undoing the indoctrination.

>this was considered ressistance in the west
if you're going to be a faggot and consider everyone with opposing views a nazi, at least go all the way and fucking fight them instead of being such a pussy. i remember seeing a documentary about some dutch or danish factory where they talked about how brave the workers were for secretly dumping some car parts in a channel or some shit and how they slowed down the "nazi machinery". either fight or don't, you sackless fucking faggots.

"i'm a hero because i said to punch nazis online and got no backlash whatsoever no need to thank me... kid...."

>he thinks women actually have opinions
Once the Jewish propaganda stream in school and media is ended, you will notice women going back to normal. As for the liberal males, some need educating with real information like I did (I guarantee there will be a lot that have questioned the lefts narrative but haven't researched themselves) others need testosterone and education and others just need gas.

Questionable if it's even worth trying. As Yuri explains, a fully indoctrinated subject is immune to facts and arguments that contradict their worldview, their brain literally discards them. Your best bet is to ask leading / difficult questions and try to get them to make the connections themselves, thereby bypassing the SHUT IT DOWN crimestop response.

Often they have to come to the painful realization everything they believe is wrong themselves, and if they do it's somewhat common to deal with it by becoming a radical on the other side.

All true, and lol at the last part!

Nah. Some superlib went to Haiti and got raped, still blamed white men