Convince me that trickle down economics works

Convince me that trickle down economics works.

Why? Just trust me, it works.

Its an economic doctrine made up by the elites as an excuse to keep publicly raping the middle and lower class. It doesn't work and has been disproven time and time again

Watch what happens when the new tax law goes into effect.

"Trickle Down economics" doesn't actually exist. No one has advocated for something like it, it is purely a liberal boogieman.

>No one has advocated for something like it
Are you retarded?? What's the current tax plan then?

How fucking new are you?

Are you retarded? He's right - no one has actually used the term. However, Trump and his cabinet of corporate shills have been pushing a tax reform which is exactly that.

Tax cuts to the richest, for the """"benefit of america""""""" aka lining their own pocket, setting a torch to the country before laughing all the way to their private banks in the Cayman Islands.

You got trolled into electing a president that cares about nothing but his own wealth and influence.

Really depends on what you call trickle down economics.
It is often portrayed as giving rich people money so they can invest in jobs n'shiiit, but in reality it just means stealing less from from those with lot's of money and making the tax burden more equal.

An across the board tax cut with removal of insurance mandate. At median family income I'll save $2000 and not have to itemize to do it.

Gee, I wonder why the brackets are extended and pretty much everyone gets a cut then?

If you give money to the most productive and successful people in your society you expect them to invest it in a good way, generating a lot of value for everybody. Good investment also generates new jobs and more consumption that eventually will "trickle" to low-income people.

>and then we told those silly goyim, "yeah! the wealth will just trickle down!"

It's actually called supply side economics, trickle down is an oversimplification. Introduced during the Reagan administration, it was meant to cut taxes across the board and cut government spending by gutting social programs. Reagan also wanted increased military spending. He got his tax cuts and military spending but cuts to social programs was blocked. Wasn't fully implemented and failed.

>if we tax people less, they will have more money to put towards other pursuits
fucking commies are so retarded

enjoy your $40 cut you fucking retard

"Trickle Down Economics" was a term the Democrats made up in the 80's to denigrate Reagan's economic policy of supply side economics.
The supply side economics plan was first implemented by John F. Kennedy.
>Literally a Democrat Party platform

It has never existed. That phrase is entirely made up.

Convince me that stealing money from rich people and giving it to poor people works.

>Convince me that trickle down economics works.

its 4d chess

This, basically. All economy is "trickle down", because wealth is created by enterprises, and most of it by the successful, large companies. Worthless, gutter trash people shouldn't expect anything for nothing though. The problem these people are facing isn't exploitation, they aren't fighting unfair exploitation at this moment, some of them are even unemployed, they have nothing or very little to offer and they are unsatisfied by how little they are actually worth to other people.

>1 post by this id

Thanks for sticking around to hear our arguments.


It doesn't. This coming from someone who used to be a hardline libertarian.

The best tax scheme in my opinion, is extremely high taxes for the ultra-rich, and next to nothing at all for the middle class and as the commies call it, the bourgeoisie; i.e. the people making 50k, six figures to a quarter mil a year.

The poor can't do jack. They won't be the ones starting a new business that competes with currentstanding corporations, and forces the free enterprise system to actually be of benefit labor and the consumer.
The already extremely wealthy Aren't going to do jack, but gather more, try to stiff labor wages, screw over the consumer in quality and quantity in the long run, and spend it on frivolity.
The middle class need a generation of skilled labor/degree holders to boister up a more successful following generation. (lower their taxes)
The well-off bourgeoisie is where society improves. Which are incidentally the ones society fuck over the most. The small-mid sized business owner. The smaller competing firm or corporation that has to fight a losing battle against the WalMart.

And despite what jackasses say, the ultra-rich aren't going to "hurrdurr go muh Galt" if you tax them 90%. Those fuckers could retire tomorrow on their multi-million bank accounts and jack off all day. They don't, not because of any sort of desire for resources. It's status, hubris, and boredom is why they keep chasing the carrot of more wealth. That's why they put in 40 or more hours of their limited lives doing any sort of work.

You fleece 9 dollars out of 10 in taxes? They're still going to chase that 10th. Because that's all they got in their life to do, after they've stacked their first 10 million or bought their yacht. What, they're really going to be happier with a second yacht or third summer home mansion? That's status pecker-measuring shit. Fuck that, tax them, & reduce the burden on society's up and up so richfags have to compete with more firms that can arise.

>still thinking a media manufactured strawman was an actual economic policy
The Big Lie really does work.

More like $40 a week. If you think that's nothing, that's why you're still a poorfag spending half your income on guac toast.

What do you mean by tricked down economics?

If you don't define your terms, we might as well try to catch the wind.

> He thinks $2000 is impressive
> Lose out on deductions and benefits

Daily reminder that my local plant pays workers union wages. With just a few years of experience you can get up to $40 an hour. On top of this the company helps workers pay towards a tech or stem degree which helps with upward mobility. All thanks to local democrats. None of this is covered by the same company in deep red states. Average wages there are half the amount mentioned above. If I was uneducated with no proper work skills, why the fuck would I ever vote with conservashits? Take your 2k and shove it up your ass. I’ll take the 40k instead faggot.

No economist has ever claimed that trickle down economics works, let alone exists.

It's a strawman

>has been disproven time and time again

It's not like the elites even pay their taxes. Why do you think the MSM barely ever gives coverage to whenever a new Tax Haven is busted open?

Do you think rich people have all their money in gold coins in a vault like Scrooge McDuck?
They have pieces of paper that say they own x% of this company and y% of that company. They have bonds (otherwise known as IOUs).
They either spend their money, in which case they're employing people, or they invest their money, which means giving it to someone else who then employs people.