
Little OT
I am studying physics at university, and we just had a poll on religion, and it resulted out that like 30% of us believe in god/allah.
Thing is, how can you be religious while studying universe's origin? Isn't this a total nonsense?
In my pov,

Believe is a low-end minds fault, no other reasons besides low iq or money.
What do u think Sup Forums?

PS don't point me that famous scientists believed in god, that was in the last century and religion was yet a social acceptance thing

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>what is symmetry breaking
Seriously, god is has been proven to be literally everywhere.

>How it feels to be an atheist

You study the world > it's extremely complex > it can't be made randomly > God must have made it.

It's an easy process unless you're a sheep. Kinda ironic that cucks like you call us sheep.

I think you belong on plebbit for making a thread about something you clearly don't understand.

The problem is that you see others' beliefs as "religion," but you label your own belief as "science."

Even though your religious belief--20 billion years ago, nothing exploded for no reason and spawned everything--is just as ridiculous as believing in a man who walks on water or a baby born from a flower or the world sitting on a turtle's back.

Everything that everybody believes is just made-up horseshit, the only assholes in this world are the ones obsessed with proving their horseshit right and everybody else's horseshit wrong, because none of it fucking matters.

Let's say there's a God. So what? Now what? What changes? Nothing. But wait, what if there IS NO GOD? So what? Now what? What changes? Nothing.

There would be no physics if man's belief in God and his pursuit of finding "truth" were not there.

>b-b-b-but science is also a religion
You are retarded. We have loads of evidence for the Big bang. We have 0 evidence that a zombie jew who was the son of god roamed the earth 2000 years ago.

This is bait.
It's hubris to suggest you know all the answers, which makes religion 'stupid' but cuts both ways. Study what you can, learn as much as possible and leave the unknowable to the philosophers and drunkards.

stupid position. increasingly religious here but there are universal laws that take care of most materialistic things.

>PS don't point me that famous scientists believed in god, that was in the last century and religion was yet a social acceptance thing
you fuckin retarded m8?
atheism didn't start this century you daft cunt, it's been a philosophical question for ages. Thousands of years of thought has gone into this. "muh big bang" is not an answer, even if it was created by a catholic priest, what came before the big bang? At what point did nothing become something?
you are a great example of why the fedora meme exists
there is no deductive argument towards Gods existence, or in your case, lack there of
If you want a logic based argument for theism, just look at pascals wager, other than that, the most logical conclusion would be agnosticism. Tho if you use Pascals wager, make sure to read Clifford's objections. You can't have faith if you're religious for an instrumental reason, it's immoral. Regardless, we're talking logic, not morality here

>wad abutt allahs?
fucking kill yourself

Reason is a whore. She will fuck anybody that wishes to use her. This worshipping of "Science" is bizarre. Like worshipping a socket wrench. We are creators, and are aware of something more, and that we are more than the sum of our parts. You could completely describe the physical processes of a living human being, and yet even then you would miss the entire point because he is more than the processes that make him.

OP suck your girlfriend's cock. Try to have a bit of vision and humility.

there's really not that much to understand about it

No religion can be proven to be the one true religion. This means that all religions are either true or false. But since most religions claim that other religions are wrong, then that must mean that all religions are false.

1: Religion is focused on belief not facts, it is intended for morale, it just got corrupt over time due to overgrown
2: Religion is not to be followed 100%,it wasn't ever meant to be, if you ever imply that, you're retarded
3: Atheism is a strong concept under weak people and thus not for everybody.

>Emergence – How Stupid Things Become Smart Together

Care enough to give an example?

While I agree with your second point, would you mind elaborating more?


What's the split, you cunt. How many mudslimes ya got in there?

>there is no inductive truth towards religion
well firstly, if a god is not all good and all powerful, he wouldn't deserve worship. that negates a fuck ton of different religions right there.
but then we also have to look at the effects of the type of religious beliefs. Islam turned the arab world into a shit hole, judaism turned jews into Christ killing lying snakes. Christianity turned Europe into a strong cultural bastion. No other place in the world did the rebirth exist except Christian Europe
of course this is inductive. You're right, there is no proof aside from some unscientific miracles that happen every so often
tho I could just use your logic to say there are no objective truths at all

You're stuck in a materialist perspective. Science can be extremely informative in establishing facts, but it's completely incapable of establishing value.

Everyone has a system for establishing value, whether they recognize it or not. The choice is between a system developed over thousands of years and accepted by nearly everyone (religion), or a system you made up yourself. You sound reasonably smart, but for the same reasons you wouldn't build your own car, you probably shouldn't try to build your own belief system: it isn't your area of expertise, and even if it was that's a hell of a lot of work for one person.

Good goy. Israel is based am I right?

>This means that all religions are either true or false
>then that must mean that all religions are false
Both of these are retardo leaps to conclusion.

(explaining number 3) not all people wants to hear or talk about the truth of their religion, poor, alcoholics, people whose said religion saved their lives in any way. These people won't care about how much you would try to evaluate or deny their religion. they don't care about that and many will end up being aggressive over it in order to defend it,increasing they belief even further and thus they may even have a chance of becoming fanatics.

I'm a physics grad.

I was marginally religious, and making all kinds of excuses for it. But eventually I just kept getting bashed over the head with how fucking retarded these people actually are. They are so stupid, it's beyond belief.

Go into the California fire thread, it's full of crazy religious psychos proclaiming it "god's judgement"
California burns every single year dumbasses

The autistic, frenetic repetition of Bible verses to explain world events is completely psychotic. These people are total rubes, perfectly indoctrinated political pawns. They don't need any evidence, or any logic, or anything, just "believe". So you get these talk radio hosts and politicians that are able to completely steer these people however they want, like a horse with a bit in it's mouth, just by saying the word "god" a few times.

It's very sad to see humans reduced to this

Friendly reminder the big bang theory is brought to you by catholics and it btfo out of atheists who were all banking on the steady state universe theory

OP confirms 70% of physics majors are stupid. Most physicists today don't actually work, they pontificate junk science for politicians who throw them paltry sums of cash. It's the welfare branch of science, taking way more than it gives. Is this why you picked that major?

You don't serve God because others do it. You don't reject God because others fail at it. That is just fear of mockery, fear or rejection.

Nah I don't buy it. Just a fancy way of saying from chaos, patterns of growing complexity came to existence. This is deceptive as it does not describe the giant leaps of the formation of protein from amino acids, or the formation of folding and replicating proteins.

it makes far more sense than
>you can't explain everything therefore god is real

I bet you like Rick and Morty too

No faith in logic.
No logic in faith.
People trying to see one in the other are idiots. Nothing in science proves or disproves the existence of god(s) or supernatural spiritual entities. By their very definition, they cannot be proven.
Some people believe, some do not, some hesitates. For now, nobody has any real arguments except that the most hardcore of each group, like militant atheists or muslims, are complete morons that crave attention and power over other people.
People made idiotic/horrible things because of beliefs ? Well science provided the means and never opposed these deeds in any meaninful way.
Science is a tool, and belief is a personal thing. Great minds tried for many years to find the answer. It is always the same. Nobody knows. So choose to believe or not, and stfu.

Since you're so fucking smart, can you examine the true function and structure of the anus and honestly conclude it's a sexual organ?

religion is a mental illness, you are brainwashed as a child to believe into things that do not exist to explain things that we cannot explain, it amazes me how an otherwise rational and intelligent person can throw any logic out of the window and believe in the bullshit that is written in old books meant to fool poor peasants who didn't know any better, probably it's too hard to rationalize that we were created randomly out of a series of chaotic events and that we truly have no greater purpose in life than a penguin or an ant has...


Faith is belief in spite of evidence to the contrary.

It's not meant to be logical or rational.

how can you believe in God just because you learned that the universe spontaneously came into existence with a million variables set to produce intelligent civilizations

this poster is enlighted

The English word faith is thought to date from 1200–1250, from the Middle English feith, via Anglo-French fed, Old French feid, feit from Latin fidem, accusative of fidēs (trust), akin to fīdere (to trust).
The Greek word in the Bible is πίστη, whose best translation is trust.
When engaging with people of faith, you should take their definition and engage with that, not with your own definition that is easy to knock down and refute.

you're dumb, you shouldn't be studying science, you should be studying the Soah.

not really. it can be proven with philosophy.

>1 (one) post by this ID

are you saying you study physics, you guys are proving intelligent design and you say religion is stupid? are you fucking retarded?

You can't even write in proper English. Moreover, the errors made-- as well the trite thoughts expressed and their obvious troll-bait status-- suggests you may be nothing but a shill-bot. Get unplugged.

>Thing is, how can you be religious while studying universe's origin? Isn't this a total nonsense?

good point. for both religion and modern science is a system of belief, a "religion". you cant cult in both - have to pick one.

do you trust your logic? And can your logic be wrong? You BELIEVE in what you think makes the most sense. It's really not that difficult. Faith really is a cognition as much as any other, and all humans use it ALL THE TIME.

Also, very often you don't have enough information to reach the perfect conclusion, in such cases you make assumptions. An assumption based on what makes most sense.

For example, If I travel by plane 2morrow, how can I know if that plane will crash or not? I simply can't, however knowing the probability of plane crashes I can use that to make a good assumption. And I must trust(have faith) that assumption to be correct (I don't think the plane will crash)
If I didn't trust that assumption, I would never have taken the flight.

>god is has been proven
Sure they have. Thousands of them. I remember when Ra as real and Apollo was apparent. Jupiter and Zeus are still the main gods.

If you can't see the difference between pagan Gods which are themselves created beings even according to the mythology of the people believing in them and the Christian God which is himself the metaphysical ultimate, never created, first cause and all that, which has rich philosophical tradition for all history then you seriously need to evaluate your position more.

>how can you be religious while studying universe's origin?

seems like you're assuming a conclusion before the evidence has presented itself. (that there is no creator).

meant to say for all its history*

Daily reminder that attempts to equate a given opinion with low intelligence are themselves indicative of low intelligence.

>You're stuck in a materialist perspective.
Belief in no gods does not mean you are excluded from believing it will be a nice day or believing other subjective ideas.

>The choice is between a system developed over thousands of years and accepted by nearly everyone (religion), or a system you made up yourself
False dilemma fallacy. Why are theists such binary thinkers? All morals are subjective, relative and written by men. The only difference is the religious lie and claim that some supernatural being "inspired" their morals.

>you probably shouldn't try to build your own belief system:
The opposite is true. We all have our own system of morals based on social and legal expectations. Everyone has a slightly different understanding of what is right and wrong.

Invent your own religion, your own gods? Sure why not, everyone else does, especially the ones invented thousands of years ago.

>Faith is belief in spite of evidence to the contrary.
What about faith in gods? We know all the previous gods were human inventions, what does that say about the current crop of gods?

>pagan Gods
>created beings
>Christian God
>metaphysical ultimate?
You need to work on being less insanely gullible. The ONLY reason you're a Christian is because you were NOT born in Saudi Arabia. Otherwise you'd be here bleating about Allah and Mohammad.

you do realize muslims are also monotheists? we worship the same creator as them.

All the Abrahamic religions are cancers upon humanity. Not a dime's worth of difference between them.

Frendly reminder to who? I see only one side doesnt belive in it


Europe was a "curtural bastion" waaay before christian mythology ever got invented, in fact, it was European culture which shaped the development of Christianity, not vice-versa, i won't deny that among the abrahamic religions it's the only one that brought atleast a trace of positive with it, but still, a pretty shitty trade if you ask me.

science is hard thefore god

the percentage is even higher at elite schools.

Also I know many rocket, HEP, quantum experts that are spiritual/religious. you're a neckbeard.


Too angsty


As science grows religion shrinks.
As soon as technology can prolong life forever (singularity) religion dies.

Good point.

1) Anything which begins to exist has a cause
2) The universe began to exist
3) Thus the universe has a cause
