Has there ever been a light novel anime that's actually fully covered it's material? Pic sure as fuck not related...

Has there ever been a light novel anime that's actually fully covered it's material? Pic sure as fuck not related, but It seems like way to many anime based on these books ends up just before even the prologue is starting.


Anime are just there to give a "taste" of the LN

Supposedly Rokka did cover almost word-for-word volume 1 with season 1. I know I enjoyed leaping off from that without having to double-back.
These days I spare myself the trouble and just read up to where the latest episode ends.

seems like an expensive way to push novels

anime is there to sell LNs

This is common as fuck for manga, too, though.

There exists at least one anime title that covers light novel series entirely, with all subplots and main plot resolved. There is sequel novel series with same characters but that should not matter.

Buy the LN's.

Full Metal Panic will.

Durarara finished, didn't it? Not counting the sequel series.

I want the next arc getting animated and Ulqi getting his onee-san waifu.

I don't get why they don't make it. Everyone wants it.

Oreimo went all the way

How popular is Horizon anyway? I'd have thought a lot people just can't get into it because of Kawakami's massive lore.

Which one?

Do you count rushed, original endings?
If so, Chaika.

I heard the anime did really really well actually

Denyuuden did. It was pretty faithful too. Of course, there's the small matter of the whole Denyuuden being just a prologue for the sequel Dai Denyuuden, but that's besides the point.

It must work or else Dengeki wouldn't go about funding anime adaptations.

Horizon is moderately popular. People know about it. Students at my Junior High had heard of it at least.

During the anime series the LNs did receive a sales boost and it sold pretty consistently around 20k BDs per volume.

Monogatari is still going strong. If Nisio ever finishes with the LNs (a big if), it may be completely adapted.