Millenials: an entire generation of weaponized idiots

Millenials: an entire generation of weaponized idiots

no real education
absolutely no life experience
think life is a checklist you fill out
materialistic, own nothing but debt
think having bad habits makes you "mature"
think having recreational sex makes you "desirable"
Think that they will be "young" forever, then when they are not they blow up like balloons and start amputating.
all this and they believe they are here to teach us all about life and explain things to us as if we were as dumb as they are.

Millenials- the most toxic product ever produced by corporations

Hey, listen up
*outsources jobs*
when I was your age
*guts manufacturing sector*
We had to pull ourselves up
*impovrishes nation*
By our bootstraps
*imports third worlders*
Look our boss in the eye
*require college degree for entry level position*
Shake his hand
*Increases national debt through social security*
And work our asses off
*decreases wages*
You kids today have it so easy
*hyperinflates property values*
With all of your fancy iPhones
*Implements suicide nets at slave factories*
And internet technology
*Implements orwellian police state*
You need to learn the value of hard work
*Pays college tuition with part time job at McDonalds*
And earning what you want
*makes penises illeigal*
instead of demanding it for free
*squanders inheritance*
Learn to appriciate the value of money
*erodes purchasing power of the dollar*
Instead of wasting it so flagrantly
*sends hundreds of billions of dollars to third world nations per year*
Pay your own way
*comps $100k in sushi*
And stop being so damned degenerate
*Acid flashbacks to woodstock*
Get a wife and raise a family
*implements no fault divorce*
We aren't going to be able to support you forever
*cashes retirement check*
So you need to take responsability for the future
*sells land to foreign nations*
You have to get right with god
*donates childrens trust fund to televangelist*
And stop being such a weakling
*poisons water supply*
So man the fuck up and give me some grandchildren
*donates daughter to remote african tribes*
Or this Great nation is doomed
*Votes for communism*
*shits self*
*downs 37 perscriptions*
*audible pacemaker sounds*
*outlives children*
*gets raped to death by muslim nurses*
*wills life savings to clinton foundation*

Thanks for raising a shit generation, boomers


How are you any better than millennials though?
I also wonder this when Sup Forums condemns "men these days", young men, modern men, whatever you want to call it.
Sure, you can sit in your comfy virtual ivory tower and act as though you are superior, but are you?

>That gif
Fucking hell my eyes
Get a webm you asshole

Lol get over urself dad t. Gen zyklon


>hur dur all non millennials are boomers
fuck off retard.


Saved. Kek

Bewildered but-hurt boomers in this thread [ ITT ]

i ran into fair few, who for some fkn reason spoke about fkn. and 90% of the time they went if chick licks between your hole and balls it is man g-spot. and than even further about squirting. and we know it is just pissing ffs.
millenails will be amongst last generations unless absolute monarchy with bitchslap attitude comes along.

Yes. I am superior.

I am the master of my life. I decide what, when, how, where, and why.

I have a technical skilled degree....gainfully employed...mininal bills and compared to others....very little debt.

You have no idea who lurks here...nor who posts here.

The loudest thought is not always the majority. The silent majority on Sup Forums influences the ENTIRE WORLD.

you write like an autistic boomer on fagbook

Her dur he makes valid points so let's criticise his formatting!!!

Wow you really got me.

Best way to kill myself?

Nice i got trips

Yeah okay
Who do you think created these corporations, this generation of "idiots"?
Besides life is basically a checklist to fill out
Get married
Get a job
Etc etc.

this is gold

Oh vey shut it down.


>Yes. I am superior
>You have no idea who lurks here...nor who posts here
You just contradicted yourself.
Whatever you need to post on here to feel superior to an abstract "men these days" strawmen, go ahead. You obviously need that to sleep at night.

>be boomer
>raise 'worst generation'
>then expect
>get mad again
You wanted stupid, you got stupid.


tying a noose to a bridge then jumping is 100% guaranteed to snap your neck if the fall is long enough, i think 19 feet

>Dumb down and corrupt education so nobody calls you racist
>Gut moral foundations so nobody calls you sexist
>Build massive global corporations to condense all wealth to only a select few elite because it gets you a nice bonus.
>Massively inflate housing because it makes your 5 houses worth more.
>Actively oppose the group of Millennials that want to correct all of your horrible decisions.
>Blame Millennials for behaving like degenerate and uneducated retards
Fuck off and die grandpa, your grandkids need to get things done now.

Saged because bait, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.