Only worth picking up this season is ACCA 13 and Youjo Senki

>Only worth picking up this season is ACCA 13 and Youjo Senki.
>The rest is moeshit, SoL and "comfyshit".
>All are basically SoL with different people but in the end it's the same shit, it's just that the shit differs taste from one another.

Man, this season sure is filled with diversity.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion.

funny pic op !!

nice meme

Blocks your path

>Only worth picking up this season is ACCA 13 and Youjo Senki.
>both have Aoi Yuuki as part of the cast

>ACCA isn't SoL

How can Hackizaki even recover? Old fart should do the world a favor and enroll himself into a retirement home.

>S-Senpai, I hate it too!

No problem m80.

straight out of the classics and everyone's favorite.

I haven't watched this, I guess I could check it out now.

Truly a goddess.

from what I've seen in EP1 is that it's more of a thriller, mystery/Detective vibe from it, that's a lot more compared to your typical daily life of a moeblob.

Just make a rec thread on /wsr/, mate.

Its a Natsume Ono show. Of course its SoL

>>Only worth picking up this season is ACCA 13 and Youjo Senki.

Really made me think.

Think about you killing yourself, that is.

well if it is, at least it isn't moeshit so it's automatically better.

The rest are the same, I watched everything else on what's on Sup Forums's list and they're all the same show. Dragongirl and her girlfriend doing random things for lulz, angels and demons doing random things for lulz, otherworld guy doing random things for lulz. little catgirls doing random things, fuuka is your seasonal beta mc,
sluts sol the anime, sluts sol the anime 2.0 with NTR, fat guy gets /fit/ but still became an orbiter, the rest are garbage not worth mentioning about.

What did the bad man told you?

The only good show this season is a sequel.

Let me guess...


unironically what would that be?

>still on my backlog, haven't even touched it for a year.

I just remembered this exist.

Unironically it's Rakugo. It's the only show I'm watching this season that I can genuinely call good.

So is Cucku no Honkai SoL then? It sure ain't moe or comfy.

>I don't like it so it's trash.
That's nice to know OP, I think this season is top quality.

Everybody knows your taste is fucking abyssmal, so you're just confirming his point really.

I'll try watching s1 and get pass the snail paced first few episodes. I hope the pacing gets better, Sup Forums really like this show but I couldn't get pass on how slow it's going.

It's Sup Forums-tier drama so that's pretty SoL

You know what? Good for you. You're still a fag.

>It's Sup Forums-tier drama so that's pretty SoL
What sort of argument is this? "I don't like it so it's an SoL"?

calm down sonny, I'm not arguing anything, doesn everything need to be an argument lately with you fags? I'm just saying it's a teledrama, it's a SoL.

>worth picking up

Fuuka is worth it for the twists though. Even if they were already spoiled to you.

>[6] Robin E. Brenner
So he is basically just another anime blogger who is also a librarian and so managed to get his wildly inaccurate ramblings published by a bunch of librarians.

I've been watching only one or two shows since 2007. It's always been mostly shit.
I don't think people that suck down 12 or so shows a season are neurotypical.

>most of Ponyo
have the courtesy to think your shitposting through next time

I don't think you understand what "argument" means in that sense, user.

>not Little Witch Academia

>stop watching my movie
>stop praising my work
I know people have gone on about him being a real beta, but cmon now. Its like he's already about to crack under his fame, and its barely even begun yet. Time to nut up man.

>wikipedia says it so it's always true!
That "SoL anime and manga" category it links there lists Mob Psycho 100, Chihayafuru, Houseki no Kuni, I Am A Hero, and Cosprayers, among other things.

>its barely even begun yet
He's been famous for ages, though. They were already doing the whole "next Miyazaki" bullshit over a decade ago, before he even did 5cps.

He was "anime" famous and not even remotely close to this level.

>ACCA 13 and Youjo Senki.
Of all the shows, you picked total garbage.

And it's fucking great. SOL is my shit and I don't care if you think it's shit.

>cheap rehash cash crab when ova 2 was already scraping the barrel for content
I am legitimately upset.

Fuck off Lelouch.

Heres hoping it doesn't turn into "diana's fuckup of the week"

Old man, pls go.

>>The rest is moeshit, SoL and "comfyshit".
Try Onihei.