Why do I No Longer Enjoy Orgasms?

In my teens I was always horny and enjoyed masturbation.

Now it always feels unsatisfying. Like going for a pee or blowing your nose. It's just 'meh'.

It being so unsatisfying leaves me feeling depressed.

Anyone know what causes this?

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subliminal classical conditioning....

they are trying to turn you gay.

You're probably just addicted to Porn and masterbation. Just try to stop for a while


Dumping your balls into the fertile womb of a young woman is the ONLY way semen should leave your body.

Congrats, you have fucked yourself up for life. Dopamine and serotonin resistance+pavlovian conditioning. Might as well an hero now you lifenoob, cause it's all downhill from here.

The Law of Diminishing Returns

It's time to change your life, buddy. It's time to make a change. That's what that fucking means.

that's time travel

time travel makes you gay

your brain got used to this
you must go full nofap nosex for long, long time

it's called getting older dude. Orgasms are great when you first do it because you didn't know that pleasure is possible. Now you've been having orgasms for 10 or 15 years and you expect it to be just as exciting as the first time?

I barely feel orgasms at all anymore. However orgasms from real sex are always much stronger than fapping, I have found. The body knows when you're actually with a woman and responds accordingly I guess.

Is it the same for you?

You need to eat an onion a day you no lifting faggot

Hardcore porn nd efexor for 4 years killed my orgasms. Like blowing my nose... just for maintenance.
Feels bad man... I NEVER fuck my high school sweetheart wife.
I'm 32.
The best sex I have now is when I don't jerky for a week and summon wet dreams... they're as amazing as when I was 12. But I have daughters and wet dreams are risky because apparently I moan a lot. .. I dunno. Don't take (((anxiety meds))) for aspergers and don't get exposed to you r fathers max hardcore schoolgirls tapes when you are a going thru puberty and u b fine.

Yep. Tolerance can happen with anything, even orgasms. Its just like a drug.

Your tolerance is just really high. You must beat it harder and faster for longer in reps.
Or just quit doing it so much.

same here mohammed, you could try raping white women i hear if you get caught you don't even go to jail!

Edge harder and use quality onaholes.

Won't help you with coming down from orgasm high faster, but it definitely helps with the initial strength.

Digits. Maybe you jerk off to much?

I bet your technique hasn't evolved one iota since you were a teen.

You need to be trying new, weird, freaky shit. Different lubes, different toys, different fetishes, exhibitionism, self-strangulation, all that shit.

Try microwaving different kinds of produce and fucking it.

Orgasms not being as intense started when I got put on Prozac.

If I stopped taking them for a few days they'd come back.

Now I've been on them for years.

Now even not taking the pills won't return my orgasm.

I'm worried they might have fucked up my body.

Unless it would have happened anyway by getting older. I dunno. I just know it feels shitty senpai.

just change up what you fap to

Time to get creative. Stick yer thumb in yer ass.

women can sense user's power

Here ya go mate if you read and use this you'll cure depression, contact aliens, save the Earth from imminent disaster, discover the meaning of life, get anything you wish for, etc...

>i'm not even joking

Stop watching porn so much
Stop masturbating so much
fuck more girls and develop better emotional conenctions during sex

You're getting too fat.

Drop some weight and the orgasms will come back but even better.

Low T
You need to exercise more.
Sometime harsh exercise itself can get the libido going

Ofc this only works if you're young like me idk about middle aged fossils

>Anyone know what causes this?

Age and maturing.

I been off for 11 months now after 4 years on... still no rad cums.
I never liked sex much anyway... but miss rad cums.
Have u tried suicide? Don't reddit space, it makes u look like a dork. And the Sup Forums backseat bus cool kids don't like dorks.

I'm the oldest goy itt and I get more pussy than all of you combined because jus primae noctis. I know its wrong but it's the only way I can enjoy it.

Do you have sauce for it being low T?

time travel is a meme to cover up other top secret shit.


>Digits. Maybe you jerk off to much?


You sound retarded.

Could be that you are fat and lack stamina to get to the point of ejaculation with your mind still in the game.

>rad cums

Look, even if I wanted to get past the first word, I can't. That burns my goddamn retinas to look at. It's like staring at the sun. Using a computer/phone is just staring at a lightbulb--don't make the lightbulb yellow. Don't use crazy colors for font and don't CHANGE the font color. Those graphics are trash. I don't know what was written, but the point is, it can't be worthwhile because of how it was prepared. Fix your shit, user.