Woman rages in Finland that she got HIV after having sex willingly with a rapefugee. My reaction:

Woman rages in Finland that she got HIV after having sex willingly with a rapefugee. My reaction:


Good, may she spread it to every Finn so you all die off.

serves her right, hope she spread it to all her other liberal swedish frens

your language looks like a drunk baby made it up

Translate to English wtf

Paid the toll

We need super HIV that is resistant to all drugs.

tasty post nordmann... tatsy post

Toll paid

aids is so fucking based

You know what, Switzerland? Your country is pretty cool. I recently read Wolfsmund and it was pretty badass. Props to the Schwyz bro.


What kind of barbaric faggot language is this?


He fucked her in the ads to increase the odds of a successful virus transmission. I wonder what she looks like?

ˈʃɑːd(ə)nˌfrɔJdə,German ˈʃɑːdənˌfrɔydə/Submit
pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.

Now she needs to be denied HIV treatment.

we say skadefryd


We say skadevreugde


Why dont we drop off HIV and AIDs invested whores into the Middle East as sex slaves?

burn the coal..

Because your mom already has a day job

That's the kind of hags we call batikhäxor here in Sweden.
Lonely leftist women that goes after young immigrants, they are a danger to society.

I thought you Czechs were cool?


we say Vahingoniloinen.

Who the fuck do you think you are?


Why is finnish so fucking weird?

Which is why you don't get to be nordic


I say holocaust


Who do you think you are?

>No link or source to story
Fin shit posters are literally the same as Asian shit posters. Learn to fucking post threads.

About time you gave us refugee status!


Dat link

Don't answer a question with another question, didn't they teach you anything at school?



Wtf can everyone read this language or is it already in English and I'm just having a fucking stroke?

Not the same Canadian bucko now go back to putting ketchup on your pizza, buddy.

And be airborne

>we say Vahingoniloinen

Fucking source me up.

Men can't get HIV from hetero sex. You dumb fuck.

>Wtf can everyone read this language

then why did you reply to me? You fucking cross-eyed dipshit?
Who am I? I'm an internet user just like you.


why did you post your face?



Hahahahahahahah... toll has been paid

Was it lauren southern?

here have something funny

some bills come due before others

Thanks lad this is a neat read.

>leaf attempts banter
this is really quite sad to watch

So fags can sneeze on you and give you aids? No thanks

HIV was originally designed as a eugenics measure, only supposed to be transmissible through degeneracy.
They fucked up though, 1970s tech not ideal for making bioweapons, so it could still infect desirable people through blood transfusion or rarely normal sex. That's why next generation of virus will be genetically targeted.

Well at least I had a bit of fun

Any link to the news article? I don't want to believe this.T he skin peeling off looks like shitty makeup. Besides, the gas would affect the rest of his arm, not just one spot.

To prove and disprove that statement I had to get on russian searching tool and look it up in yandex since google shows me only some lgbt nigger sites (yeah, google it, it will lead you to some blackaidsdotcom instead of some scientific article).
The fun thing is, that those blackdotcom said that circumcized men have less chance to get AIDS with female while russian site says the opposite.

Internet freedom you say? Your american internet is already censored as fuck. HA.

tfw utopia was about the creation of AIDS