
Do you think Michiru could be developed in a way that made her interesting? What should have been her challenges in volumes 8-11?

No. She's a cousin, any flags with her would be gross.

Utaha a best. A BEST.

Eriri a shit. A SHIT.

But incest is wincest!

>Can't even win in her own spin off
>Completely irrelevant in the main series
>Ugly cow tits
Eriri > Utaha

>implying she won't win in KM hard
>implying she still didn't get more than Eriri will ever get in the main series
>likes disgusting flat chest

Utaha >>> Eriri

It's disgusting.

A best

At least Eriri didn't get something as bad as Volume 10.

New info soon.

She got a shitty spin off no one cares about, the worst scenes in the entire franchise and will get absolutely BTFO.

Eriri got closer to Tomoya than Utaha ever did, that has to count for something.

Utaha stole his kiss and has been sharing the more intimate scenes with Tomoya. Talking with him isn't really special, Megumi has already made more progress and she isn't even his childhood friend.

They deserved better.

Mayu > Utaha > Megumi >>>>> trash >>>> Eriri

Have sex with me.

It was just stealing, doesn't count for much.


1. Utaha
2. Mayu
3. Megumi
4. Michiru
5. Izumi


9999. Eriri

Only one of them's having sex though.

Eriri is the best.

Eriri would be better if there were more SoL with her, Tomoya, and Megumi to really give off the love triangle feel. As of now too much time was wasted on Utaha.

Megumi = Eriri > Utaha > Michiru > Izumi

Why did Megumi cut her hair? She looked great.

Is this a meme or are they actually banging?

They were going to fuck after the birthday date, but then things happened.


>Can't even win in her own spin off
That's Eriririririri.

Eriri won and had no love rival competition in Egoistic Lily. though.

There's no proof Eriri won.

Megumi and Utaha aren't love rivals in EL, and Eriri wants Tomoya to conquer the "heroine" properly. It's a metaphor alluding to Eriri who's the heroine in the scenario that they were in. Tomoya will do just that.

Well, there was a ferris wheel date in the LN too, so I'll have to check if that was there too.

To motivate the fag of Tomoya.

He seemed more disappointed than anything.