Why do niggers hate Trump?


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books.google.com/books?id=uekLAAAAIAAJ&dq=the lost cause regained&pg=PA112#v=onepage&q=the lost cause regained&f=false

Because they’re irrational and easily manipulated

They are tribal, unable to form independent thought. To make matters worse, the ones that are even slightly intelligent are in positions of power and realize that in order to retain that power they have to pander to the tribal negro.

Nigs want back on the plantation. It's the main reason they vote Democrat.

They see Trump as KING WHITEY.

Because they're fucking stupid.

Black fragility at it's finest

because they have monkey brains

Because white people like him.


Damn this niggas right!

Niggers have low I.Q.'s

they hate obama more

Joy hates faggots and Trump

This nigger is next to go. Czheck ‘em.

finally a smart black guy

They hate everything.
All they can do is hate
Theyre thoroughly unpleasant people

So why did they all vote for him?

This, to be honest.

Cause Trump is making them work.


I voted for Trump. I only hate Trump now because of you guys. Well I don't even hate Trump. I hate his supporters.

cause trump is bringing in jobs and cutting welfare,2 things niggers are afraid of

Having trump around is all it takes to keep niggers away?! Fuck im joining the 2020 meme wars

For example look at the comments in his thread.
Why should I vote for a next Republican if this is how most Republicans view black people?


American Niggers, excuse you.
American Niggers love Democrats because of gibmedats

Implying you won't vote on Wednesday

fuck off, nigger.

out of all the niggers in the universe this one is the most annoying fake ass pieces of shit I've ever heard. Always talking like he's the most self righteous preacher. If China made a knock off of mlk, it would still be miles better than this fucking clown.

You know he'd be one of those house niggers who would be all yes massa oh no massa....and then turn around when no one is looking cracker ass cracker mother fucker.

Fake liars talking about peace when the only way to accomplish that is to have skynet eliminate all humans.


Niggers don't have critical thinking for the most part, basically run on instinct like animals, they just go with the flow, not even aware they exist. Factor in they're all mostly low IQ and violent. Just a bunch of cattle going about their every day.

they don't because trump is one

You are real tough behind your computer virgin.

The comments in this thread are completely accurate though.you not being able to see that is a good example of what they're saying.

In what way are they accurate it's just a bunch of degrading and hateful comments.

>black people hate civil rights museum because muh trump
i had no idea they hated civil rights so much

They're hellbent on having their own special identity that's beyond trash. Slavery taught them a sense of civilzation but they're inherent stupidity stopped them from being independent of whites. Since then, they have had to compete on an inherently unequal playing field as themselves and as such they havn't caught up 150 years later and never will.

books.google.com/books?id=uekLAAAAIAAJ&dq=the lost cause regained&pg=PA112#v=onepage&q=the lost cause regained&f=false

muh dick: the intellectual guide to american posts

they are corrupt, thieving pieces of shit. is it any wonder that some shit like 8 black politicians have been caught outright stealing from taxpayers with 2-3 having been sentenced to prison, 3 awaiting sentencing, and the rest waiting for court with investigation ongoing into multiple other shitskin politicians

The hardest truths to accept are uncomfortable.

the intellectual guide behind autistic alt right posts

Because the media tell them to and they have no critical thinking skills. This is why all their countries are shit holes.

Same I support him but other supporters make me cringe. It's like weed , the borderline retards ruin it for everyone

No it isn't. You see it as degrading and hateful because you still see it as an us (blacks) vs them (whites) situation yet you have no ability to look at your own culture (American black culture) critically and see the frankly abundant problems and issues that it has.

When they get pointed out to you you get upset and that makes you think it is hateful or degrading to point out the problem with American black culture. It is not. Take a deep long look at yourself and the culture of the people you defend and really tell me comments like this are wrong.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all of any subculture can be described in one comment but as always when talking about large groups of people it is completely necessary to make generalisations and paint with a broad brush.

There are no truths here. I'm still asking you to explain what is accurate here.

Despite being only 12% of the population:

Blacks in the United States commit 56% of all robbery.

53% of all murder.

1 out of every 3 rapes.

Young black men also kill at 14x the rate of young white men.

My source, FBI Table 43a, crime by race.


>Nigs want back on the plantation. It's the main reason they vote Democrat.
>Because they’re irrational and easily manipulated
>Because they're fucking stupid.
>because they have monkey brains
>Black fragility at it's finest
>Niggers have low I.Q.'s

>These are not degrading and hateful

What does this have to do with Black support for Trump?




You said there was no truth in this thread. There is now.


>Because they’re irrational and easily manipulated
>Because they're fucking stupid.
>Black fragility at it's finest
>Niggers have low I.Q.'s

These are all accurate and shown quite clearly by many studies.

>Because they're fucking stupid.
>because they have monkey brains

Insulting ways to parrot the first lot, it's the internet grow a pair kid.

>Nigs want back on the plantation. It's the main reason they vote Democrat.

I'm going to assume he's talking about them voting for free shit from democrats which does nothing but shit up the black community and keep them on government dime. controlled and used as long as they do masters bidding (whichever cunt is leading the democratic party that year).

because hes white and they are racist but dont want to admit it.

Two-bit race hustler pissed off the President isn't kissing his ass. He sees a threat to his power.

Suck a dick bitch

Because he promised to bring them jobs

>These are all accurate and shown quite clearly by many studies.
Yea so to get black people to vote for Republicans you call them stupid niggers and say they have low iq.
About 50% of Black people are conservative and 90% vote democrat.

>Insulting ways to parrot the first lot, it's the internet grow a pair kid.

Yes and if I were to say anything insulting or disagree with you or said anything racial the alt -right goons in here would jump and say "HA BLACKS ARE THE REAL RACISTS"

You and all the racists in here are faggots.
Was the purpose of this thread to call black people niggers until they vote Republican or is it to just repost these same threads everyday.

The silent majority didn't start this fight, friend.

>Why do niggers hate Trump?
Same reason they would have hated Sanders and Clinton: Because they're "white". That and niggers like to LARP rap videos and niggerized movies. Similar to what whim-men do when they watch too many Girls gone skank movies. Everyone other male grows out of that phase in childhood.

Isn't this that guy who took part in that childish sit down protest on the senate floor back in 2016?

>Because he promised to bring them jobs
>Black unemployment down to the lowest it's
been in 10 yrs
wut m8?

Because he was a birther.

He rated highly among blacks for his bling, cocky strut and minority interest in his TV show, but when he questioned O they all turned on him.

They are like Anglos: Easily manipulated.

Jews told them to
Fucking trained monkeys

Do you think Democrats are any less racist? Their white knighting for minorities and the double standards that they hold (some of) them to is proof that they view you as being lesser.

Man, you're on this site cuz you're smart. You know exactly why people hate niggers, because you haye them too. When blacks or spics make fun of trailerpark whites, we dont defend them, we laugh ast them.

The difference if that you and all blacks were brainwashed to associate nigger culture with your dark skin, so you get offended at anything that attacks what you see as your identity.

Also, trump is against the mexification of the US. Dont think for a minute that latinos dont actually hate blacks. All projections show blacks as a minority, no growth, when latinos are a majority, blacks will be in serious trouble

>About 50% of Black people are conservative and 90% vote democrat.
I have noticed that many Black people I've known are quite conservative. What keeps them voting Democrat? (Besides Sup Forums-tier racism from the right, of course.)

The Democrats have long since stopped representing anything good, you know.

because Trump makes them wash their hands before they serve him food

>also they are a hive mind because they have no idea what is happening in the world

Well if giving black people jobs doesn't get you to vote republican maybe you're not as "conservative" as you think.

Blacks hate fags and other bullshit, but they like the pandering libfucks provide. Omly very intelligent and emotionally strong blacks can see through the bullshit and stand up for themselves.

They are tribal and have a strong instinct to follow the lead of both their peers and the people they view as trusted authority figures. Think of it like a school of fish, all following a few fish at the front of the school who are bought and paid for by the Democrats.

Lewis is the leftie version of McCain.
A video game character impervious to normal forms of damage.
Lewis gets rolled out to shit on Bernie for Hillary.
>Can't say shit
>Civil right icon
McCain gets dragged out to shit on Trump
>Can't say shit
>War hero

>I hate his supporters
>I willingly come to a place online where I know his supporters are
Really makes me think

that gif


Yes, it's called knowing your enemy.
Think harder...

Also, no one is claiming pol is republican. We hate both parties.

Dems take advantage of blacks
Rep take advantage of whites

Trump changed all that which is why both parties hate him

>What keeps them voting Democrat?
They want to keep the welfare coming. They are essentially an indentured voting class for the dems.

25.7% of Black people get government aid.
Over 90% of Black people vote Democrat. Try again.

>baaawwwwww I cant take the bantz

They are degrading because they have every right to be. Your asspain will always outweigh your initiative, which is why niggers will ride the bus, forever.

shows how much he actually cares about civil rights, as opposed to his fantasy view of civil rights.

If he cared, he'd be the bigger man and be there in spite of trump, or, in fact, TO spite him.

But no, he'd rather play petty politics and sit it out, and then wonder why people are fed up with Democrats and wonder why they are at the weakest they have ever been as a party.

Because they monopolize the definition of racism. Trump saying what he did to Mexican and muslim was irrelivent to nogs. It was once they called it racism, that activated the nigs.

OK, I'm getting the feeling you didn't really vote for Trump.

>According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.

My mistake here are the stats.

Niggers are inferior...

Idc what you believe. I would still vote for Trump again if the elections were held tomorrow, because there are conservative beliefs that still need some influence.




Trump is a threat to the nigger welfare check $$$..

They're implying the blacks would rather sell drugs and suck up wellfare than put in a hard day's work.

>25.7 percent are black
About double their national percentage of the population. What about blacks using other forms of government housing, like Section 8, Medicaid, SSI and unemployment?

If you did, cool. I was just whining that you weren't responding to my comments. Fight the fight you're here for. You seem like a good person.

Dude, really? The stat you provided shows blacks are overrepresented by 200%

Is him the island-will-tip-over-nigger?

Because they aren't very clever as we've already evaluated. They are totally dependent on media memes to absolve them from the guilt THAT THEY SHOULD RIGHTLY FEEL for their shitty criminal, ungrateful and savage behaviour and so when the media is afraid of their own crookery being exposed by Trump and makes out that he's a monster in response the loathsome nog accepts that meme fully.
(Pic related: anyone ever heard that Johnny Rebel song "Some Niggers Never Die (they just smell that way)?)

How dare Trump show a sign of unity by attending

Isn't this the nigger than sat on the senate floor like a baby?

I think part of it is that Black people know on some level that they are inferior and can't compete with other races in a modern economy. Some of them externalize these feelings of inferiority by blaming other groups, but in general they are aware that this bizarre race game we play as a society is their only source of power. They are like 13% of the population and contribute nothing of value. And yet they almost completely control the political narratives in America and by extension the West. It makes sense they would want to hang on to that influence and keep the people who make it possible in positions of power, even if the rewards rarely trickle down to the average Black.

Hillary was supposed to lead them to the promised land. They endorsed her even though many of their constituents wanted Bernie.
Their dreams of being the overseers on the diversity/inclusion plantation have been deferred.

These lifelong politicians aren't really reflective of all blacks in the US. Blacks are like any group and they keep reliably voting for their own retard senators/congressmen, but if you actually talk to black people one on one they're pretty redpilled on the CIA, distrusting the government, the role of jews in our country, etc.
see: youtube.com/watch?v=0QbjELF-8kY

What is lacking is basic education about which representatives actually want to help them (by kicking out illegals who take all the low-level jobs blacks would otherwise have, for one thing). If you look at the percentages of intact black families, the average income and net worth of black households, black home ownership, and nearly every other statistic from the 1950s to the current day its pretty obvious what the welfare state has done to them.

Id say 20% of them contribute. The main problem is that they don't distance themselves from the other 80% that are disgraceful to their race