How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side...

How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?

Leaf blind Solidarity is quite the retarded thing

third time I've seen this exact thread, how about you go kys sage

>MUH ECELEB DRAMA!!!!1111!!!

Metokur is extremely cautious to give an actual opinion. He's a jejy anti-pc guy who likes making funny videos and shouldn't be taken seriously or greatly trusted.


Peterson is a shill. He wants racists to be ruined and anyone who is red pilled on white issues to be mocked and destroyed, and then ruined. He wants us all to be treated like shit and to live difficult lives. He refuses to stand for truth or intellectual rigor. He is a fraud. He does not deserve your respect.

Go clean your room queer I'm gonna start the race war

When will he get a mic that doesn't sound like garbage.

Jim takes it as a personal to be told to grow the fuck up. Metokur still actively playing video games 2 hours a day.

Because he's right, peterson is a faggot.

>Defeat Islam
but why?
Let's defeat the International Jews who are behind Cultural Marxism first.

>I need some middle aged professor to tell me how to sort my life out and perform the basic of tasks.

Fucking wew

How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?
How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?
How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?

You're only fighting Islam if you're on the side of the Zionists.

>attack an ally
>our side

you are using leftist rhetoric, leftists talking points, and are dressed like a fag. Why pretend to be a member of the right?


Petersons a fagget but hes not as bad as Sup Forums makes him out to be. Is he some kind of legendary figure like his fans believe? Fuck no. This guy will fade into obscurity in a couple years.

The guy's basically the right wing version of Destiny.

You should know by now that Jim doesn't see people as "allies" or being on "our side". This doesn't exempt someone from criticism. He's really just appalled by the fact that one thing said about Peterson sent dozens of people into a frenzy touting Peterson as some messiah, shouting down Jim for daring to say a single offhand comment made in jest.

you sound like fucking SJWs with your "ally" shit

just because some retard has a youtube channel and calls people cucks doesn't mean you need to support him

You should expect this kind of thinking from the Reddit folk.

>all these shills
You people are dumb. Neither Jim or Peterson are alt right.

So a genius who can't be defeated.
Will the world fall into a black hole if they debate each other? The level of evidence and counter-fallacy claim spamming would be through the roof.

Peterson is a fence sitting faggot. Same level as BASED BLACKS

Appending folk onto words is also what SJWs do a lot, are you sure everyone in this thread isn't leftypol shills? These threads get reported over and over and never work.

I do like the Richard Spencer forehead memes though, so pls keep posting those.

>Destiny is a genius
Oh my

nobody gives a shit about your e-celeb shit

if you actually have time to listen to these ignorant nobodies soapbox at you just because they are associated with your ideology, you need to kill yourself

Since when are cuckservative anti-racists ever allies? Sup Forums is fucking retarded sometimes.

Because Jim is a cucked twink that thinks he is a troll but just smells his own farts and laughs about it on YT.

stop making the same thread

That nigger is an anti-white liberal through and through. Just because he says "lol 2 genders, get sorted snowflakes" doesn't mean he's any good for the right.
And isn't this the 40th fucking thread for this garbage?


also jordan peterson is a brainlet cuck go buy a real book on postmodernism

>same thread again
>not politics
Canada does it again!
Can't wait for your next thread where you hide your flag!

Who else do you consider an ally? Lauren Southern?

OP, stop putting Peterson on such a high pedestal and wash your ass.