That ugly motherfucker supports (((Andrés Manuel López Obrador))), the leader of the Mexican political party (((MORENA))). I always knew this piece of shit had something to do with the globalist Zionist scum.

George Soros is known for supporting many revelations of (((scandals))) worldwide. Here in Mexico, he supposedly exposed the Odebrecht corruption done by Peña's government on 2015. Since then, as the "philanthropist" he is, the funding and support done to MORENA (AMLO's party) has increased. Today, Soros is supporting him by funding protests and the party itself through organisations like Open Society Foundations and Marcelo Ebrard (ex-governor of Mexico City).

Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a politcian born 11/13/1953 in Tepetitán, Tabasco, México. He has been the leader of the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) in Tabasco and Head of Government of the Federal District (Mexico City) from 2000 to 2005 and since then hasn't exercised any political position other than being the leader of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) created by himself. He has run 2 times for the presidential election and is now going for the third one. Criticized by some and loved by others, his policies have been described as far-leftist, globalist (literally), progressive and populist.

We must replicate the Meme Warfare used for the U.S. elections here in Mexico. I don't want my country to be BTFO by globalists to achieve their (((agenda))). WE MUST STOP HIM NOW.

Situation is seriously bad here in Mexico. This commie of (((AMLO))) is winning in all polls. If we don't get him to lose Mexico, but also all North America, will be lost to Zionist Control. This is a literal outcry for help from a fellow Mexican. 2018 Presidential Elections are coming, and the world needs your help Sup Forums. We must stop him now!!!!! Soros isn't getting a fucking piece of my country!!! NO FUCKING PIECE!!!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:


Sources that back this claim:
>WARNING: Pro-AMLO video. The guy on the video literally says that getting backed by Soros is good.
>Explains about Soros's interventions in Mexican and worldwide politics.
>Quick rundown in Spanish about what Soros has done here in México.

>AMLO's quick rundown

Bump for the beaners


Multimillonario húngaro-estadounidense, artífice del lucro de Ayotzinapa; sus aliados en México, trabajan junto con oscuras organizaciones mundiales de George Soros.
A nivel internacional, un multimillonario financía a ONG´s (Organizaciones No Gubernamentales) como #Tlachinollan (padrinos del #CECOP) y otras ONG´s pro #Ayotzinapa, mediante una organización llamada "Open Society". Ese Magnate a nivel mundial está en el lugar No. 29 (año 2015) de los más ricos del mundo. Para que se den una idea, el magnate Donald Trump, está en un muy lejano lugar 405.
Por otro lado, ya se había escrito acerca de otro personaje clave: Emilio Álvarez Icaza, el titular de la CIDH (Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos), pues resulta que hay otro personaje mucho más arriba, que se llama George Soros, quien es un multimillonario cuyas organizaciones internacionales favorecieron el golpe de estado en Ucrania; así como la mal llamada "primavera árabe", que no solucionó nada, sólo cambió de manos el poder, o como lo llaman los entendidos, un proyecto de neocolonización disfrazado de imaginaria revuelta popular; así como otras "revoluciones de colores".
Pues bien, la organización Open Society de George Soros, tiene estrechos vínculos con ONG´s 'mexicanas' que lucran con la tragedia de Ayotzinapa, como Tlachinollán, el Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez (centro ProDh del cual ya aquí se había hablado hace un tiempo), Cencos y otras.
George Soros es de nacionalidad húngaro-estadounidense, pero sus propiedades no sólo están en E.U.A., por ejemplo, Soros es el más grande terrateniente de Argentina con 400,000 hectáreas y sus más de 160MIL vacas adornan las pampas argentinas. Otro dato importante es que a George Soros lo relacionan con la CIA (Agencia Central de Inteligencia estadounidense).

A nivel nacional ya se ha mencionado a los grupos inmiscuidos como el partido político morena de AMLO y sus socios como Epigmenio Ibarra, Jonh M. Ackerman y otros.
...Es más, Epigmenio Ibarra y sus actores y escritores, están muy involucrados con otrora benéfica pero ahora cuestionable ONG "Amnistia Internacional" ...QUE ES UNA DE TANTAS ONG´s FUNDADAS por George Soros y su Open Society Foundations; mismo caso de Human Right Watch. Y no es un secreto que Eréndira Ibarra, hija de Epigmenio es una 'activista' de Amnistía Internacional, ASÍ COMO NUMEROSOS ACTORES DE ARGOS y escritores relacionados con Epigmenio
Todo está relacionado. Incluso #Greenpeace (otra ONG que en México es muy cercana a Epigmenio Ibarra), es financiada por Tides Foundation, uno de los muchos beneficiarios de George Soros. En México el actor de la empresa de Epigmenio Ibarra (Argos), Alfonso Herrera o Poncho Herrera, es activista de Greenpeace, quienes incluso estuvieron en Acapulco el pasado 4 de septiembre, pronunciándose a favor del CECOP y a favor de las otras organizaciones que lucran con la tragedia de Ayotzinapa.
Irma Eréndira Sandoval Ballesteros, la esposa de John M. Ackerman, TAMBIÉN está relacionada con George Soros, ella colabora directamente en Open Society. El hermano de Irma, Pablo Sandoval, fue candidato de Morena a gobernador de Guerrero y ahora presidente de ese partido en el estado
La actual esposa de #AMLO, Beatriz Gutiérrez Muller, tiene estrechos vínculos con Argos, de Epigmenio Ibarra. Al principio ella fué colaboradora de Argos; después obtuvo cargos públicos con una muy alta remuneración gracias a López Obrador. Ya afuera de Argos, en el 2012 y en vísperas de las elecciones de ese año, Argos TV le hizo un bonito video a Beatriz Gutiérrez, ya como esposa de AMLO, el cual deslumbró a varios "intelectuales"; siendo que su historia de sus inicios con AMLO, es muy cuestionable.

Julia Álvarez-Icaza Ramírez, sobrina de Emilio Álvarez-Icaza Longoria, titular de la CIDH y persona clave en la ONG Cencos (fundada por su padre y ahora madre de las ONG´s mexicanas pro-Ayotzinapa), es activista y partidaria de Morena, y apoya a los grupos y ONG´s que lucran con Ayotzinapa.
ANEXO: LA ONG SOA Watch México, igualmente, de George Soros, se dedica a atacar a las Fuerzas Armadas de los países en donde se inmiscuye. Solo es de ver su cuenta de tuter, y en sus retuits incluye a otras organizaciones ligadas a estos grupos:

Soros is a lot of things, but Zionist isn’t one of them.

Explain kike

WHAT CAN WE DO Sup Forumsacks????

>Organizaciones No Gubernamentales
Wow, the Open Society Foundation is even more communist when it isn't in english. Outright calling it the 'no government organization'. How the fuck do people listen to them when they literally call themselves anarchists?

heres a bump mexibros

I know bro, it's hilarious how brainwashed Latin American people are

lol the party he formed sounds like someone saying moron with a comically thick italian accent. sorry i don't have something more productive for you mexibro

Soros is the one pushing the anti-israel pro-palestine propaganda. He's a jew, but he has no love for Zion. He is the Uberjew, with no loyalty to any nation or king.


Even worse. He's literally a traitor to his own nation.

Aren't most of your politicians in the pocket of the cartels? Wouldn't an honest politician be killed?

wasn't he winning in the polls back in 2006, too?

this is more relevant than pol thinks it is. If mexico adopts shitty soros policies, it ruins their country and more of their people including their drug cartles will sneak into the US and cause havoc.

Hasn't Mexico been in a state of total chaos since its existence? If this party comes to power, they'll probably get thrown out and replaced during the next "revolution" you guys have every 2 weeks.

Mexican culture already promotes them coming over here for whatever reason.

Stronger borders mexibro, start catching the 'illegal runaways' at the border, if we watch both sides we might actually get something done. Those fuckers still have taxes to pay after all.

This guy got it! We need to intervene in the Mexican election. If AMLO gets to power that means more poor people and more unsecurity. He has even talked about pardoning all of the drug cartel's kingpins and corrupt people in jail. I am really worried, not only because of Mexico's destiny but also because of the international and political effects this might cause.

>Source of AMLO backing cartels:

Give us your reasoning Dinkleberg.

He was. His name was Luis Donaldo Colosio

I want AMLO to win

Accelerstionism nao

>He has even talked about pardoning all of the drug cartel's kingpins and corrupt people in jail.
Okay what the fuck


Allow me to activate your almonds a little.

I've basically come to the conclusion that Soros is a self-hating Jew. He witnessed the rise of the Third Reich and helped the German NatSoc party to fuck over his fellow kikes. I think that he fully understands how corrupt Judaism has become and wants to watch it all burn. He knows that every society has a breaking point, and flooding white nations with shitskins will cause the populations to snap and go full Sup Forums where they gas and shoot them after overthrowing their corrupt governments. They aren't doing it to Asians because many of them just wouldn't care, since they're already living in shitholes anyways. Though I don't think that his motives are pure. I think that he's so blackpilled that he wants to derail the whole fucking train and crash it with no survivors. I also believe that Soros is some sort of Satanist, whether he admits it or not; and I do not mean Satanist in the new age horse shit sense of the word. I think that he's just serving evil for the fun of it. He's like a follower of Tzeentch from WH40k.

He was. His name was Emiliano Zapata

An evil fueled person

Te la mamaste compa
A George soros de seguro le vale pito México. Si a caso apoyaría el status quo para que haya estabilidad, es decir, un gobierno priista o panista. Te esta arruinando el cerebro tanto /pol

He was. His name was Porfirio Díaz


Post this on 8 c h a n Sup Forums, you'll get a lot more interest. I'm going to dig into the people you've mentioned to gather information for memetic operations. Do you have any more bulletpoints about MORENA, Obrador etc?

Créeme que está en todo ese HDP. México es más importante en el mundo de lo que tu crees.

There will be a civil war in western nations. It's the ultimate test that modern western societies will face. Will the muslims and jews be kicked out, ushering a new age of conservatisim, or will the populace lose where the NWO will go into full effect where a manmade virus makes women infertile (like in the film Children of Man), kills off the majority of the population, and transhumanism is the norm.

>This is a literal outcry for help from a fellow Mexican.
You are my enemy, faggot. Your country is a plague to existence, welfare leeching inbreds.

Isn't AMLO a Bolivarian? Soros supports the Venezuelan opposition too. That doesn't makes much sense.

Pero es un judio procapitalista. El pri es lo más cercano al partido democrata aquí en México. Nunca apoyaría a AMLO.

>Soros is the one pushing the anti-israel pro-palestine propaganda
The Jews have always invested in their own oppression. A controlled oppression allows them to posture themselves in an increasingly defensive/offensive stature.

Yes he is. Soros would support actual goverment we have or PAN, but probably PRI as they are more liberal in some issues, while highly capitalist (but they are a piece of shit deep inside).

A pro Israel jew billionaire known to personally fund almost every group opposed to white, western culture isn't a zionist? Sure thing, now tell us about how your dad was gassed five times by specially trained dogs at Auschwitz.

I wish you the best, Paco. Because if your country goes full Venezuela we will have millions more of you taco goblins flooding across the border and shitting up this country.

>El pri es lo más cercano al partido democrata aquí en México

It's literally full of (((them))). Investigate this persons and media:
>Claudia Sheinbaum
>Demian Bichir
>Bruno Bichir
>Héctor Bonilla
>Ana Gabriela Guevara
>Marcelo Ebrard
>Martí Batres
>Ricardo Monreal
>Manuel Bartlett
>Bertha Elena Luján
>Tomás Pliego Calvo
>Heberto Castillo
>Clara Brugada
>Yeidckol Polevnsky
>Delfina Gómez
>José Luis Abarca
>Martín Esparza
>René Bejarano

Andres Manuel López Obrador - Presidente
Yeidckol Polevnsky - Secretaria General
Gabriel García Hernadez - Secretario de Organización
Alejandro Esquer Verdugo - Secretario de Finanzas
César Yáñez Centeno Cabrera - Secretario de comunicación, Prensa y Propaganda
Mauricio Hernández Núñez - Secretario de Educación, Formación y Capacitación Política
Carlos Alberto Figueroa Ibarra - Secretario de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
José Magdaleno Rosales Torres - Secretario de Estudios y Proyecto de Nación
Felipe Rodríguez Aguirre - Secretario de Cooperativismo, Economía Solidaria y Movimientos Civiles y Sociales
Isaac Martín Montoya Márquez - Secretario de Jóvenes
Carol Berenice Arriaga García - Secretaria de Mujeres
Armando Contreras Castillo - Secretario de Asuntos Indígenas y Campesinos
Artemio Ortiz Hurtado - Secretario del Trabajo
Tanech Sánchez Ángeles - Secretario de la Producción
Hortencia Sánchez Galván - Secretaria de Arte y Cultura
Hugo Alberto Martínez Lino - Secretario de Defensa de la Soberanía, el Medio Ambiente y el Patrimonio Nacional
Carlos Alberto Evanlegista Aniceto - Secretario de Combate a la Corrupción
Martín Sandoval Soto - Secretario para el Fortalecimiento de Ideas y Valores Morales, Espirituales y Cívicos
Héctor Enrique Vasconcelos y Cruz - Secretario de Mexicanos en el Exterior y Política Internacional
Adolfo Villarreal Valladares - Secretario de Bienestar
Marco Antonio Temístocles Villanueva Ramos - Secretario de la Diversidad Sexual

Déjalo es pendejo

In Mexico City, there's a street that display photo/image exhibitions.
Shortly after the 18 billion dollar transfer, I noticed a migrant art exhibition (no one is illegal, we just want to live our lives etc) I thought it stank of Soros ...Then I thought I was being paranoid.
Pic is probably from a different exhibition (new one isn't photos but artowork) but same place

of course he is you retard


good luck becoming the next venezuela, but mixed with sweden

Entonces cual es megapendejo??? Los mochos del PAN? los commies PRD, MC, MORENA???

>american education

>La Jornada
>Sin Embargo MX
>El Chapucero
>TV Azteca
>Aristegui Noticias
>New York Times
>The Economist
>Standard & Poor's
>Cultura Colectiva
>La Neta Noticias
>Many more (((youtubers)))

Faltan más personas como tú en México.

Good luck with the new influx of Haitian (((immigrants)))

Soros is against Israel. Globalists don't have any loyalty to any country, they're the nation of a managerial class

Can confirm. Mexico City is getting DIVERSED

I've noticed quite a few black people walking around these past few years (Haiti?). Before that, years could go by without a sighting.

Damn, actually beat me to it. Let me add that Israel supported Rhodesia and South Africa prior to Mandela. Not to mention Israel is allied with Poland and Hungary now, two of the most nationalist countries in Europe. Israel is no enemy and I support all forms of nationalism.

Trump is just the latest cowardly zionist cuck since LBJ.

"The Day Israel Attacked America"

"USS Liberty: Dead In The Water"

FUCKING TRUE!!! In the past, black people were really rare to see other than in Guerrero and Veracruz.

The goys have arrived

Ok. What memes should we use?

>all the jews are against AMLO except soros

>continue selling our nation like a cheap prostitute
>or bring forth socialism

Let pick socialism, we already be through economic liberalism twice, and nothing changes.

Which ones do you propose? We need memes that Mexican people can easily understand, with a subtle redpill beneath them.

Good goy. He fell for the "Esperanza de México" meme. Literally a lot of Jews back him. Research who really integrates Morena.

U and your compares shoud be working on that wall Pedro

The only goy here is you, We need to suffer through hell you faggot, we already done this shit cycle twice, and nothing changes. We need to make AMLO win so the people suffer and go to true hell and wake up.

my favorite goy, you'll get a golden star as a token of gratitude for your good behavior and will be name goy class president soon, my goy

Why not evade hell? If we let hell to happen, we're giving (((them))) a chance.

This thread is full of disinfo
AMLO is the only one supporting the poor people working in the camp and that means less illegal immigration for USA
AMLO is against globalization too.

PRI and PAN are the ones selling our country to Jews

El Chairo has arrived. Good, really good goy. Let's march on with the flag of progressiveness!

Hey look on the bright side. If you embrace socialism that gives America the excuse it's desperately been looking for to institute (((regime change))) in Mexico without getting any flak from the world community. On the bright side if you get a Pinochet your economy will probably explode and your country will become immensely wealthy, you'll just have to live with 90% of your population being below the poverty rate. Although I'm pretty sure it's already that bad in Mexico so really you should be encouraging this.

WTF I love Soros now

Wew, finally, north mexico will split from the rest of wacho putos, endlich!

>let continue doing the same cycle and expecting a different result with softcore socialism + economic liberalism.

>giving ((them)) a chance
We already have twice you faggot what do you think neocolonialism,and liberalism where?

Who said that it would be the same cycle forever? In this election we can't fix the Mexican situation but evade its total collapse. Give me some time and in two decades or less, myself will launch a completely different policy the likes of which Mexico has never seen before. Stay tuned...

>PRI and PAN are the ones selling our country to Jews
chairos are super easy to spot

>we can change!!!!

Fuck off faggot, We already heard this shit before, you just wanna be comfy, and not see reality. You are the reason why Mexico is shit, blinded by delusions

inb4 chairos beging to call everybody a peñabot

Where are the memes? I can't meme don't ask me.

This is all over the world user. Recently I found out that a guy my brother, an economist, practically worships literally worked with Soros for years - Arminio Fraga. He is frequently deemed an "economic genius" by magazines, TV, what have you. At this point if you're still surprised by how corrupt governments are it's about damn time you wake up.

callate puto

no va a ser tan malo

mejor que miado

Bump for Paco.
While I'm bumping, I was wondering if I could get the bogdanov rundown of Nork Orea. What the fuck is that place? A fantasy world where rocketboy is the puppet? To whom?

It's the same in most romance languages, burger, calm yourself the fuck down.


i have only seen chinese people

and imo its fine anyway

he is right tho

why are you supporting sell/everything parties?
neoliberalism is literally proglobalization

i am not against it, but one would guess mexipoltards would be against it


build and even bigger wall

Who gives a shit.

Wow it's almost like they're just regular people trying to live their lives.

That shit started in Tijuana, a bunch of niggers came to cross the border, but the gringos didn't let them, and here we are, flooded with niggers

tijuana is a dump anyway
let them suffer, its funny
they deserve it for ruinning our reputation

Nobody cares about Mexican politics.

No matter who wins Mexico will continue to be a lawless shithole with over 50% of its people living in poverty.

Your corrupt culture will fuck up anyone in power. Mexicans can't escape screwing over everyone else. It's in their blood and it's been their ruin.

But hey at least you're better than Guatemala (according to you).

You sir, are fucking stupid!

You should care. If AMLO wins your 52% will go even lower with all our refugees.

calmen sus vaginas

no puede ser tan malo
ademas, mejor que el miado

Translate Pedro!

No mames, yo quiero seguir limpiandome el culo con papel de baño.

te digo que no exageres we
el pan, no logro nada, y nos heredo la guerra contra el crimen que ha servido para pinches mierdas

el pri, mas de lo mismo

ponemos a este wey y sin mayoria del congreso no puede hacer mucho

no seas exagerado