Trent Franks Is resigning!!!

Congressman Trent Franks Is resigning due to sexual misconduct.

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I really wanna know who posted this, because pol was right again!!

His face looks like it's melting off.

Oh just read on wiki that he was born with a cleft lip and palate.

almost looks like a setup to purge members from Congress. what is going on? why in the world would this stuff not have come up during all their campaigns?

The precedent has already been set. Grabbing them by the pussy is ok.

Didn't he get the memo?

Democrats are the party of pedophilia and perversion. 70% of all sex crimes in the US are committed by registered Dems

>what is going on?

Lol now dems cant bitch about Moore not resigning

Not a lot on that trip code. Must be someone in Arizona politics who knew. Too bad, I was getting bored of Q and MegaBelle.

Except the child raping. That`s a republican thing.

Yeah, no

The romans went through a similar purge...

all these feminists blaming regular white guys for what the government and their bosses actually do. i dont care that hes a republican, if hes an 80s tier mcfeely then fuck em

You people are delusional if you don't think that politicians on both sides of the aisle aren't snorting blow and fucking hookers behind closed doors. The only people dumb enough to go down for it are those that shamelessly do these things out in the open.

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Jeffery Epstein's flight logs say otherwise.

I really do not see the issue, he asked a woman about being a surrogate

>sexual misconduct.


did you read your own fucking link?????

Most of the Republican gropers were smart enough to announce their decision to pass on relection next year, so they don't need to be outed. Bummer, huh?

op is a fucking tardo literally kys
He asked two women he works with to be a surrogate since his wife is barren

The reallly bizarre thing is that Barney Frank has *not* yet had to resign due to sexual misconduct. The guy had a fucking gay brothel being run out of his house, but he didn't touch any boobs, so he's okay.

>WASHINGTON — Representative Trent Franks, one of the House’s most ardent social conservatives, said Thursday night that he would resign after the House Ethics Committee began an investigation into complaints that he had asked two female staff members to be a surrogate to bear his child.

>In a statement, Mr. Franks said the discussion came up because he and his wife, who have struggled with fertility, were attempting to have a child via surrogate. He apologized that the conversations had “caused distress.”

wtf how is this something to resign over?

Didn't he get forced out by Massachusetts?

He retired a few yeas ago.

Nipples out in the open, disgusting.

Is this the swamp draining?

He threatened the entire chamber on live TV to shut it down because half the House was involved, that's why.

It was on fucking CSPAN, but NOBODY EVER MENTIONS IT.

He did? Well I'll be damned. Guess his stench lingers.

maybe he wanted to do a natural insemination.