Is it really that important to have a job and to contribute to society?

Is it really that important to have a job and to contribute to society?

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You can always be self employed instead of cucking out.


Buddhism will send you straight to hell. Become Orthodox.

Only if you live in a healthy society. If you live in an urban slum then you're part of the problem whatever you do.

Only white people care about this.

It is important to provide for yourself and live modestly. If society expects more than that from you, fuckem.

Eternal NEET here. The obvious answer is: no, of course not.
In fact, in our current environment, doing so is even harmful.

Who gives a shit about society. Do it for yourself

It's important to make your own money to really feel good about yourself. It's not important to contribute to anybody, unless you get paid for it.

It makes little sense to support and contribute towards a system built against you

So long as you take from society, yes. If you go innawoods or live on a mountaintop, no.

Its essential to manhood to provide for yourself and your family. Its an absolute sin to contribute to this sick society.

No, work culture is slave culture.

Yes, but you only have to contribute more than you consume. So if you are content within yourself and consume little then you only need produce little to balance the scales.

ive persoanlly had enough. contribute to what? to pay for the hordes of third worlders or pay for some shit thats really not needed all the while being bashed for my white male privileged. ive really had enough. boomers keep your ponzi scheme real estate market and polluted share market im out

>Is it really that important to have a job
>and to contribute to society?
Not at all.

self employment is the true red pill. How is it going wasting one hour in traffic, wagecucks?

No, so long as you don't leech off of said society.

Also, those buddhist monks have a very large cultural contribution.

if you pay taxes, you're contributing to the problem. the system is built off of the wages it steals from you.

But you can't just do nothing but eat up resources. if you want to be a good person, you have to find work that actually makes the world a better place. if you can also make a moral living while also getting out of paying taxes, that's great.

It is, if you expect anything in return from the same society you're avoiding contributing to.

Expecting something for nothing is shit-tier ideology. Either chip in what you can in some manner or other, or, don't expect anything from anyone else.

But, if you wanna leave society and be 100% self-sufficient living innawoods, then by all means, there's nothing wrong with that. Uncle Ted knew what was up.

No, society hates you and has become entirely coopted. People that just advocate having white kids are damning those poor souls to a future that violently hates whites.

Unless white men stand up and start physically "cleaning up" the swamp, then a person is absolutely rationally justified in dropping out of society and living a holy stoic life.

Put simply, until white men stand up and openly organize death squads, then society in general and white people in particular are actually doomed.


I contribute nothing but want nothing.

Unironically no. Bring on the collapse. I'll work when I can enjoy the reward.

user's answer is on point. Go to places like sri lanka and follow the monks. They go from village to village and even beyond setting a good example, they go to people's houses and perform rituals and teach. If those god damned jehovahs witnesses could fix my sink, i woukd invite them in and feed them and let them natter on.

Sri lankan monks are removing kebab and removing depravity as well.

it is critical to do both
paying taxes is part of a social contract to everyone's benefit. any anti tax brainlet itt is a degenerate faggot

Is it really that important to be unemployed and to contribute nothing to society?

In the case of the buddhist monk, he has a job and a purpose in life. He is seeking enlightenment. Given his orange garb he is likely of the Mahayana tradition which means his purpose is to seek enlightenment and be a boddhisatva to his people.

Just a fun little fact from one Buddhist who follows the Mahayana path as well...

No. It's just a forced decision to make stupid people do things for smarter people.

If it was important, someone would have given me some PRIME TEEN PUSSY.
No other reason to participate in (((society))).
Pretty basic knowledge here.

how else are you going to eat, fag?
Don't expect to sit on your ass while *I* work to support you.

What an incredibly pathetic pledge.
People aren't created equal, never were. Blacks having over 9x more prevalence of the MAOA gene associated with "shooting and stabbing behaviors" isn't being created equal.
>I'm OK with the world being unfair, even when it concerns the explicit slow genocide of white people

>I believe that any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm
>I believe there is no such thing as a "bad job". I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it's up to me to make the best of them.
This is a slave mentality. White people should be building empires and collectively oppressing inferior breeds of men.

>I believe I am entitled to life and liberty
Yet you cuck out when this is exactly is what is being threatened. Gradual genocide and infiltration is still genocide and infiltration.

The worse possible thing that White Men can do is become content and give up their apollonian instinct in favor of a little bubble of family and job, which in this context is little more than an expression of chthonic degeneracy.

No. Fuck the society.

>Don't expect to sit on your ass while *I* work to support you.
Well fuck that. Why should I get off mine to work and pay taxes into a system that lets literal animals have the same standard of living as decent people? I'd rather take from teh system and contribute to the collapse. Working in America is the most cucked thing you can do.

The only value an activity has is that which you assign to it.

>buddhist monks

The vast majority are freeloading cretins. Most dont do shit except maintain temple grounds and stand around looking holy.

only if you cant feed youself but other than that no fuck society it can die and everyone along with it

yes, it is.

if you just sit on Sup Forums and watch anime all day you'll eventually kill yourself. however, because of your free time you might for example write a book or start a business out of boardom . lets say that the book get published or the business succeeds, you are contributing to the economy without having to have a job.

by working you pay taxes
paying taxes funds war
war kills innocent people

If you don't have a job and contribute, who are you leaching off from.

What are you going to do after your parents die?

Not when said society is broken. If you contribute to an immoral system you're immoral yourself. The best you can do is live a self sustainable life in the countryside raising white children in a healthy environment. Ride the tiger, starve the beast. Anons with half a brain learn the reality of the marketplace, and of modern society in general, as soon as they get their first job and start paying bills. Don't complain about the shit that comes out if you're feeding the mouth junk

Ideally you won't need to sell your labor. You want to own investments that will be a passive stream of income.

Sri Lankan buddhist monks literally do leech off society though?

only if you want to.


it is up to you.

no one is coming to save you.

it is up to you.

you are free when you choose to be

Friendly reminder that the ability to not contribute to society is the product of capitalism. We have become so efficient that people can choose not to contribute. Think about it. In a communist country if you couldn't contribute you will killed. Same goes for fascist or some authoritarian government.

Thank your lucky stars democracy is also aligned with "welfare state" and you can choose to live off the government.

Wrong. I'm coming to save everyone.