Hope for the future

Is anyone losing hope? I’d like to preface this by saying I’m not a concern troll, but lately the black pill has been going through my mind quite a bit. Is there any hope for us? Who put us here? For what reason? Are we David fighting a Goliath that is just too big this time around?
Even though Trump is for the most part /ourguy/ it is quite apparent that he is only a speed bump in the road to one world government. It is inevitable it seems. The death of the white race, death of America and true western values, and everything we hold dear. When will the bubble finally burst? Our children’s? Our grandchildren? I’m overdosing on red pills. Help

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I am euphoric right now.

The world needs a reset. It happened before and it will happen again.

The deep state tricks our leaders into killing our smart people, so that the next generation will be easier to deceive.

it's a germline warfare tactic.

its you



Watch Varg's videos. I'm serious. /pol / likes to act all smug and tough when he's brought up but no one is doing more for whites than him. He has several white kids and lives in the countryside, he doesn't support the system and at the same time actively fights against it. That's how you do it, not by being edgy on the internet. I live in the countryside as well and I can tell you rest assured all you need is a change of perspective to have hope again. And for fucks sake, listen to what HE has to say about things, not what a bunch of nerds ar a Chinese sewing forum say he said. Cut off the misinterpration that runs rampant here. You will soon learn there is something to hope for.

The west died in the 60's its all over, were just the last loose ends. People lie us will likely disappear in a generation or two. The only hope lies in nuclear annihilation

>People lie us will likely disappear in a generation or two.

our enemies tactic is to use social engineering to control breeding, making sure that smart people die out, and all that is left is basically retarded automatons, easily enslaved by propaganda and mind control...

The perfect slave.

I'm not going to lie, the blackpill's been hitting me a bit too lately. Not only about the state of the world and the bleak future for our race and nations, but just general shit like loved ones and pets lost along the way.

Must just be christmas spirit.
Or the ghost of christmas past here to push my shit in.

I feel for you bro. I’m 2000 miles away from any real family and the grind of life is wearing me down right now. I’m too egotistical to eat a pistol, but the thoughts are depressing enough even without intention. We have to be men though, always someone out there worse off.

No, we're fucked.

Google John C. Calhoun mouse utopia experiment. We're about to reach the dying phase. Once we do, it's all downhill from there. But's its been fucked well before we had these modern population booms anyway.

offing yourself is never the solution.

If the choice is between killing yourself, or your enemy killing you.... you might as well fight, and make those bastards at least WORK for your death.

my stance is that its over, and it has been over for a long time. Trump is just there to buy us some time. The birth rate of whites has already been surpassed by non-whites here in (((america))). There is no other country to go to, no one is watching out for us. Buy land, and separate yourself from it, set up a home and farm. Buy more land, get your friends to move in, this is how we can get through it all, a naturally formed ethnostate. The other option is to kill them all, literally. But noooo one seems to want to do that. "Humanity will go out not with a bang, but a whimper."

I just gave it a watch and this is fucking horrifying.

It's basically what's happening right now.
You could argue that the elite will still "win" once their NWO is firmly in place, but even then they'll still eventually die out since they literally removed most of their empathy from their genes thanks hundreds of years of inbreeding and living in lavish lifestyles that completely detach them from the rest of humanity and their common man. It'll just end with them killing each other for more power and resources through the use of their new slave races.

I agree with your perspective mostly...

But there IS a path to victory for us, it's just that our enemies know what that path is, and they have it heavily defended.

With the right tactics, I'm pretty sure we can beat them... but we can't really organize effectively to accomplish these goals because our movements keep getting infiltrated by either enemy agents, or selfish morons only questing for power and fame.

In the end, the movement pretty much always strays from the path for this reason.

>Trump is just there to buy us some time.

And he did that... but it seems that time is running out.

I don't like having a defeatist position, I've always been a "I don't believe in no win scenarios" kind of person...

But how does one keep a movement focused on the goal when the enemy is using psych warfare tactics to subvert it and it's leaders? and the only people with a clear head to see the path are marginalized in favor of those with more charisma, but less capability to succeed?

>But how does one keep a movement focused on the goal when the enemy is using psych warfare tactics to subvert it and it's leaders? and the only people with a clear head to see the path are marginalized in favor of those with more charisma, but less capability to succeed?


It reminds me of a quote that I heard once:

"If you put a strong horse next to a weak horse, people will naturally chose the strong horse"

People mostly don't follow good ideas, because most people don't know how to tell the difference between a good idea and a bad one.

People will naturally chose to follow a "Photogenic" leader with charisma... and our enemies are using this inclination to subvert us by creating "Pretty" leaders for us to follow, that they can then use to subvert our movement.

This is the reason you see all of these "Alt-Right" females on social media... it's like they were hand picked by hollywood for maximum appeal.

How could we possibly convince or instill the masses with knowledge which is so easily available. It’s completely stupid how simple the solution to these problems are, yet so few are willing to oblige.

14 words is the goal, or at least it should be. No reason to stray from it, and shills cant derail it.
Think about the blackpill differently. itwasmyprivilege.com/2017/03/10/lets-talk-about-the-blackpill-for-a-moment/

Because we aren't a hivemind species like bees or ants.

Good logic user. It will be a generational fight for sure. I don’t exactly know where Steve Bannon true moral compass lies. But he was right in saying “This is not going to be a one and done. You are going to have fight for your country for the next 30 years.” Or something along those lines. It starts with our social environment obviously. Social media is at the apex of this. How could we bring down google? How could we really stick it to kikebook. If people knew they were being socially engineered, would they reject it in mass? Boomers are getting ready to leave, and they did not see these problems arise in time to warn the millennials. GenX could truely be key. Pewdiepie types could make a difference, but we need something momentum changing. I’m rambling here on mobile but I’m smelling what you’re stepping in. I don’t want to give up the fight.

forget all the shills, because that is another part of their attack. To get you to lose focus, and to talk about them.
I know you want to save everyone, I do to. But it just wont happen. Start with your friends, let it form naturally.

Know hope? Know fear.
No hope? No fear.

>Good logic user.


>It will be a generational fight for sure.

That's the problem... our enemy is using social engineering to cause the population to breed themselves dumber.

We are only going to get less effective in fighting the enemy as time goes by.

>It starts with our social environment obviously.

Indeed, but that social environment doesn' treally start with social media... it's starts with primary education... or as I like to call them, "Indoctrination facilities". you can see the attack against secondary education really heating up, continuing the trivial high school bullshit for years as the youth gets more and more social engineering... social media amplifies this effect, in fact they amplify eachother.

The purpose of primary education isn't to educate, it's to weed out curiosity and intelligence from the gene pool, while socially engineering the population to hate curiosity and intelligence, and those who posses them.

The only thing that people TRUELY learn from school, that really stays with them, is HOW they are supposed to socially interact, because they learned how in an echo chamber, controlled by our enemies.

>How could we bring down google? How could we really stick it to kikebook.
If people knew they were being socially engineered, would they reject it in mass?

The only way I can really see to do this is by hitting them in the wallet. if they can't afford the propaganda, then they cant use it... but they have virtually unlimited funds so bleeding them won't do much.

We can try to expose them for the duplicitous bastards that they are, in front of the normies, but the normies are so conditioned that they can't really accept any information that conflicts with the worldview that has been shoved down their throat since birth.

Yuri said it best in his interview: "They are so hopelessly conditioned that they cannot see the truth if it's staring them in the face"


Our time is coming to an end user, civilization has peaked and is now leading it complete degeneracy, our world is being raped and can no longer replenish itself adequately, there are too many of us.

>99% of Rhinos gone since 1914.
>97% of Tigers gone since 1914.
>90% of Lions gone since 1993.
>90% of Sea Turtles gone since 1980.
>90% of Monarch Butterflies gone since 1995.
>90% of Big Ocean Fish gone since 1950.
>80% of Antarctic Krill gone since 1975.
>80% of Western Gorillas gone since 1955.
>60% of Forest Elephants gone since 1970.
>50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985.
>40% of Giraffes gone since 2000.
>30% of Marine Birds gone since 1995.
>70% of Marine Birds gone since 1950.
>28% of Land Animals gone since 1970.
>28% of All Marine Animals gone since 1970.
>97% – Humans & Livestock are 97% of land-air vertebrate biomass.
>10,000 years ago we were 0.01% of land-air vertebrate biomass.
>50% of arable land will be lost in the next 50 years.
>1 million humans, net, added to earth every 4½ days.

A great die off needs to happen tbqh senpai, look around you, how many useless eaters and degenerates are there, that the world would be indifferent to if they just died?


The best way I have found to wake up the normies, is to dicover EXACTLY how the enemies propaganda works, find the structure of the individual propaganda components in peoples minds, find potential exploits in this structure, and then ruthlessly exploit those weak points until the normies entire "Worldview" basically eats itself through contradiction, and they face a "Hard reset" of their mind.

It's sort of like a short circuit... i'll try to explain.

The enemies propaganda is basically all lies, but each individual "Brick" of the propaganda can't be a stand alone piece... it needs to connect to something true and real about the world, or it would never have been accepted in the first place.

And since there isn't just a single propaganda "Brick" in peoples minds.... The propaganda actually contradicts itself at certain points.

Most people suffer from cognitive dissonance because of this... but they don't remedy it because they aren't actually conciously aware of the paradoxes inherent in their own worldview.

So, what I do, is find two parts of the propaganda that contradict eachother...

Basically, one propaganda requires something to be true, that anouther propaganda requires to be false... and I make the person consciously aware of the contradiction.

Since the brain has an inherent error correcting mechanism (because an accurate perspective of reality is essential to survival)... once the person becomes conciously aware of the contradiction, it forces their brain to go into an error correction mode, and it eventually cascades through their entire worldview, crumbling it into dust, leaving the poor bewildered person to sift through the rubble of what was formerly their perspective, and attempt to put the shit back together in a way that actually makes sense.

I affectionately refer to it as "Controlled demolition"


>I affectionately refer to it as "Controlled demolition"

the BEST red pills that I make, do this in an easily swallowed format. (The KISS rule, "Keep it simple stupid")

They read the thing, they try to justify the contradiction, and they can't because remedying one of the propaganda pieces shatters anouther, and anouther, and anouther.

>but lately the black pill has been going through my mind quite a bit. Is there any hope for us?

You're suffering from a common disease. It is called:
Manletus soyboyim faggotocin insufferablitus

It is very serious condition, only strongest of anncient chinese medicine can cure.

Do 10 Man-ups and take and onion juice and call in the morning

>forget all the shills

Red pilling the shills is the best part though...

Once I force a hard reset on their brain, they get fired or become one of us.

It's a subtle recruitment tactic, I guess.

There are still 427,000 years left of Kali Yuga. Have a nice day.

>Red pilling the shills is the best part though...

Actually, I have found a tactic that works GREAT against shills on this board... if when one of them posts a slide thread, I put a red pill in the thread that proves their "Statement" or "Conclusion" wrong....

They have no choice but to delete their own slide thread, lest my red pill works it's memetic magic.

Memes work surprisingly well if they are funny and informative.

Just ignore the slide threads. What you're feeling is exactly what the shills want you to feel.

We are all pawns of something even greater: memes, the DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair: all memes, all passed on

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Your job - so to speak - is to play the hand you were dealt in the ciircumstances you find yourself in, nothing more or less. If the global puppettshow is dragging you down and away from that, tune out for a while. It'll be as mad and infuriatting when you come back.

I'm feeling a little like this right now. I started feeling like having kids, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. I think I will end up getting old alone while surrounded by cats while seeing my friends, my sister and my cousins having their families.

Having kids is immoral, you don't have their consent to be born and you'll be bringing them into this world with a mortal life and possibly will suffer unimaginable pain.

Go away, shill. Faggots like you saying shit like this only make me feel more motivated about this.


The world obviously doesn't need any more fucking crotch spawn on this planet dickhead, I hope if you do have children they'll suffer some incurable disease.

i hope you have a nice day.

>crotch spawn
Jesus Christ, am I talking to a kid here? Because you have the maturity of one.

Thanks for sharing this, really puts things in perspective

keep hope alive although giving up is easier

>stop using double spacing
>also welcome to Sup Forums

>welcome to Sup Forums

Been here longer than you, leaf.

It remains to be seen whether the nationalist movements of the 2010s will last in time or not. But the libs keep pulling on their leashes too and we may all end up in polarized countries. The other solution would be to have Macron-like leaders who suck air out of your political life and nobody complains anymore. With demographic pressure and this sense of cultural omnipotence and doom...I must sya I've been blackpilled too to some degree.

There's something we lost, in culture, in entertainement. It's not wars, it's not that we're more degenerate today than in the 1920s, it's just that we push it down everybody's throats. We have better tech than we've ever had but people are less optimistic about the future than they were 40 years ago.

I would have called you a favelasexual cuntwagon chimpfucker, my transsexual dude.
But only because you botched your surgery and fuck chimps, and not because Australia isn't tolerant of your homo-erotic lifestyle Pedro.
21st century diversity fist bump, my man

I think you are completely wrong. The most likely future is the collapse of the US sphere of influence, just like every empire before it. There is a world government now, and it's in DC. The US government dictates to all the allies whatever they want.

The problem is there is too much stupid propaganda, and the more effective propaganda is, the more stupid the population is/becomes. The US is laughably retarded. You have all kinds of unexpected twists from various propaganda.

Pitbulls are the result of it's the nurture vs nature argument. SJW are the result of wiping out any sense from people, and promoting inequality to humanize nigs.

You can't have a society that specifically fights reason and to have science. Science is next. We import scientists from not allied with the US places. Allies are fucked too.

It's just going to continue until we start a war we can't win or there is no food available for the morons that are used as pretext for the people holding power. You can't be that retarded and expect good things to happen in the future. Our ideology is not conductive to reason and arguments to establish future we want. It will be the future that follows from all those bad assumptions and propaganda.

The only thing you idiot could come up with is that?
Well, seeing that your country is tolerant of faggots and you seem to enjoy fists, how about I shove mine up your ass?

Not because of any phony god's blessing


I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and "reddit spacing" is a relatively new thing. Everyone tries to defend it but honestly you aren't from Sup Forums originally if you type like that.
I'm not sure it's reddit but newfags definitely do this.

I'm the one who originally started typing in this style.

Leftists don't like what I have to say, so they try to slander my writing style.

I've never been on reddit, and i've been on Sup Forums longer than you.


Leftists stole my fucking beard, man... it's infuriating.

I rest my case.

Yeah man, you definitely invented double spacing in posts
you did it man, it was all you

Hi Varg :^)

Don't get too depressed. White men have always pushed society and technology forward. Right now they are working on curing aging. When aging is cured white people will get the technology first. The low IQ and religious won't take treatments. Then artificial wombs and the ability to make children untraditionally will mean more white children. If things go completely crazy, you could always biohack a disease that targets genes of a certain race and wipe them out. There's also interest in making a homeland for whites only, and also planetary habitation might be a thing.


>I rest my case.

So, leftist copy everything I do, in order to make me look bad to the alt-right, huh?

>it was all you

Yes, I know.

Funny how both of you are leafs, huh?

oh look, it learned how to greentext

>oh look, it learned how to greentext

I'm honestly surprised you are speaking english instead of arabic.

hows your strategic maple reserve?

Is it halal?

goodbye my friend

mouse utopia should be required viewing before posting on Sup Forums

I was only trying to help. If you insist on shitting up our board, at least pay us the courtesy of using proper formatting. Otherwise, you will be ousted as an interloper and rightfully so. Better yet, Kindly fuck off to whence thou came.

>I was only trying to help.

help who?

Helping Mohammed into your wife?

I'm sick and tired of this new canadian "We wuz always Sup Forums" bullshit.

You're CIA, admit it, NAZI larper.

Dude, stop writing in this style, please?

Ain't it funny that David was a Jewish king


I have a solution. Which you can implement by yourself. This solution can only be considered once you accepted fully the black pill, and if you're willing to sacrifice some of your own moral restraints to a greater good in two or three generations. And it is a solution that would give you a very good life.

>Dude, stop writing in this style, please?






No one will ever take you seriously here then.

>No one will ever take you seriously here then.

Well, considering that you are a nobody......

We'll be fine

You dinks been screaming the end of the world for years

Just leave Sup Forums and never come back
Infact stop using smsrtphones and your computer all together for a week

Your life will change probably since most of u are addicts