Get in here lads!

Defend your killing of harmless plants soybois. Go eat air.

Other urls found in this thread:

Air has hundreds of little bacterias floating around in it. If you eat air, you would be eating those poor innocent bacterias and other little invisible critters.

Eat yourself instead. Start by chopping off your legs. It’s the meatiest part.

Your body contains more bacteria cells than human cells.

Are you suggesting that vegans should eat nothing at all?
Because I think so too.

>plant rights
Ha, I knew they would do this. Literally everything is gonna have rights and protection except, of course, white christian males.

Seriously doubt it

>white christian males
the new vegan meal. Soon

the entire premise of eating is an act of theft from one organism to another for their energy. eating is life. Even plants absorb dead things for their nutrition. Vegan is an earing disorder.


It's the only way.
Look it up then fag

But user, white males don't have souls

Believe it or not, it's true. There are far more bacteria living inside you than you have of your own cells.

Its either air or rocks... But rocks have organisms that live on them so i guess theyre fucked

Nah, vegans can subsist on nothing but semen

I think the number of bacteria cells is higher but they have less total mass than all of your cells.

Neurons are cells. You have billions of them. I'm not buying this.

duh, lol

>"I'm not fat, I have a lot of bacterias"

It IS thee perfect protein food.

>one with bacteriaphage

my sides

you're a moron. it takes 2 seconds to google this. the # of human cells doesn't even come remotely close to other microorganisms in our bodies. its partially why nutrition is so poorly understood and full of pseudoscientific faggotry

I remember a long time ago scientists hooked electrodes up to plants and tortured them and they gave off readings like they felt pain... But since plants arent cute and fuzzy, vegans don't care. I guess the only answer for vegans is suicide.

I am not a vegan because the not eating relationship isn't mutual. Animals would eat me if they could. Kinda like the NAP.

you can hold animals in higher value than plants, just like people hold humans in higher value than animals, and dogs in higher value than pigs, etc.

for you, in your dentures, maybe

>most of the mass in your body is microbial

yes, that makes perfect sense.

so a vegan holds humans and animals on the same level because they can suffer, so then if plants are suffering what justification can you make to put humans above plants. Most plants have been around longer than the human race, they are by far the superior kingdom.

Leave it to Sup Forums to make a politically correct term for faggot.

I would argue that because the human body is torus shaped you technically have 0 bacteria within you.

The other guy misspoke. The majority of the genetic information in your body is from bacteria in your gut, the parasites on your skin, etc.

Most of those bacteria are in our gut and help us digest food.

>Also, it’s born male, becomes hermaphroditic at puberty, and reproduces by tossing clouds of sperm and eggs into the surrounding water and hoping they knock together. Nature, you are CRAZY.

rock confirmed faggots

of course they know, why do you think they developed defenses like thorns

how do i kill them?


That's deep, man

They will voluntarily eat themselves and each other. Their last act on earth as a group will be to ruin one final thing for all the normal people.. they will ruin the zombie apocalypse fantasy.

>what is normal flora

Pump antibiotics into your body as deep as you can.

>why nutrition is so poorly understood and full of pseudoscientific faggotry
Let me guess, you're fucking fat. I would tell you an easy fix, but you would call it pseudoscience

Youd be wrong

The earth contains more continents than cores.

plants literally want to be eaten though. fruits come from attracting animals to want to eat it, swallow the seeds, and then poop them.

Yeah that is just fruits though. Plants don't actually want anything, they have no nervous system. Their genes 'want' the fruit to be eaten but they don't want the actual plant itself to be eaten.

The fact that we mass-produce plants for consumption makes the entire gene theory kind of fall apart thought, now plants 'want' to be tasty, so that we make loads of them.

idk fuck this shit

So if you injected lots of antibacterial soap into your body, you would lose weight?

>fuck up your kharma majorly
>be reborn as plant for the next millennia

meatcucks think they're so clever when they repeat this shit for the billionth time

Animals don't know you're eating them, because they're dead. They're also defenseless then, which plants aren't when you eat them.

>There are more leaves on trees than there are branches

>more bacteria cells than human cells.

I never quite understood the ethical argument for being a vegan. Even if plants weren't aware of something eating them they are still living things. As animals we have to consume other living things in order to sustain ourselves. Killing others for sustenance is the intrinsic nature of what we are. Why fight it?

The weirdest part of the article is not the discovery that plants are aware they are being eaten but that apparently they rejoice in their sacrifice. Scientist theorize that this is a recognition by plant life that animal life is evolutionarily superior and should be deferred to.

literal idiot

>bong education

Reacting isn't the same as knowing.

Bacteria are much smaller and less complex than human cells.

You are full of shit

its true, but it is like saying there are more grains of sand on the beach than boulders. The mass of human cells far outweighs the bacteria.

>A 'reference man' (one who is 70 kilograms, 20–30 years old and 1.7 metres tall) contains on average about 30 trillion human cells and 39 trillion bacteria, say Ron Milo and Ron Sender at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and Shai Fuchs at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.

I mean saying that you have more bacteria in your body than human cells is saying that you are full of shit

>plants "know"
>without having a brain or nerves
well... at least vegans are probably stupid enough to fall for this

you know that freshly mowed lawn smell? that's a defense mechanism. the grass releases those chemicals to irritate bugs.

Now vegetarians can starve to death out of guilt.

Counting mitochondria is cheating

>That's a myth that should be forgotten, say researchers in Israel and Canada.