Does Christianity teach us to hate niggers and Jews?

If not why do you do it user? Is your whiteness more important than Jesus?

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Christians hate logic.

No. Jews actions create negative sentiments in other cultures. Jews are the most racist ethic group on the planet.

Read "A culture of Critique" and you will understand this problem.

It teaches you to stay away from anyone that is evil/degenerate.

>not to hate jews
>he doesn't know supersessionism used to be a thing


Prove me wrong.

>ad hominem
>prove me wrong
and you say that we hate logic..

>Jews are the most racist ethic group on the planet

They hate nationalists and ethnonationalists because it's narcissism of small differences


Yes, christianity has been persecuting jews for centuries in europe. Even more than islam. So it's the perfect religion for Sup Forums.

He's right, you know.

christards unironically evangelize the shitskins
they want to spend eternity with literal niggers

fuck christians they aren't white

The Bible says that if a man requires help, you should give it to him, but if he has all he needs to succeed but still lives on other's assistance, you should stop giving to him. If that's not an indictment of niggers I don't know what is.

>christianity has been persecuting jews for centuries in europe

And you still don't know why? Or do you not care? Doesn't it seem like more than a test from God if you people keep getting expelled and purged?

first paragrpah is incorrect. That is a heresy called Marcionism, where "The Old testament is no longer relevant because of Jesus."

St Irenaeus taught by Saint Polykarp who was taught by Saint John the APostle
Against Hersies 4.12.3
>As in the law, therefore, and in the Gospel [likewise], the first and greatest commandment is, to love the Lord God with the whole heart, and then there follows a commandment like to it, to love one's neighbour as one's self; the author of the Law [Torah] and the Gospel is shown to be one and the same. For the precepts of an absolutely perfect life, since they are the same in each Testament, have pointed out [to us] the same God, who certainly has promulgated particular laws adapted for each
>He did not teach us these things as being opposed to the Law [Torah] but as fulfilling the Law, implanting us in the varied righteousness of the Law. That would have been contrary to the Law, if He had commanded His disciples to do anything which the law had prohibited.
>The Father, “who maketh His sun to rise upon the evil and the good and sendeth rain upon the just and unjust.” How these [precepts] as I have already observed were not [the injunctions] of one doing away with the Law[Torah], but one of fulfilling, extending, and widening it among us.
>Insamuch then as all natural precepts are common to us and to them, the Jews. They had in them indeed the beginning and ordain, but in us they received growth and completion.

ANd the bottom paragprah was only taught in the early middle ages and typically rejected. All the Church Fathers befor hand had taught that Prohecy of the End times and Israel is physical and almost completely literal. See Saint Hippolytus, Saint IRenaeus, and So on

Christianity transcends race, we deal with eternal realities while alt righters worship the color of their own asshole. Nothing in this world lasts, everything humans strive for outside of God is in vain and to their own detriment

The prime objective of christianity is to have the biggest numbers of believers. Their skin color doesn't matter for Christ.

put up a fucking argument brainlets

Oh it was also taught during the reformation about end times. But the only reason why was because of Martin Luther. It's been "allegorical" ever since teven though 9/10 Church Fathers would consider that completely false. See Against Heresies Book V for details on what they typically believed

There are no races in the kingdom of God, only glorified souls in communion with the monad for all of time. The smoke will rise from the bottomless pit, day and night without ceasing, the fruits of their iniquity will torment them for all of eternity

God doesn't exist, the bible was written by a bunch of retarded sandniggers, and Christians literally murdered your ancestors for hundreds of years, and yet here you are, cucked and proud for it.

White people are the least racist peope on the planet

>East and South East Asians number one racists worldwide
>Blacks second
>Middle easterners third
>Indians fourth

The Rock is Christ not "pebble" (Peter).
Look at the verses right before when Peter recognized that Jesus was the Christ. THAT was the ROCK Jesus was talking about. Your religion is a mix of paganism and the holy. Catholicism is a golden calf.

>Church Fathers
Yea... you should know that they admitted their apostasy when they broke ranks with the real church at the Council of Jerusalem and moved it to Rome, changing the holy dates that the apostles followed and the Law of God:

You can either criticize the Protestants for revereing the Old Testament and liking the Catholics for not as you assert or you can criticise the Catholics for revering it.

But you can't have it both ways

>Christianity transcends race
chr*stians ladies and gentlemen

yes. Irmã S. Lúcia had a vision of Hell and she said that the demons were black.
Christianinty hates jews (those who refuse Jesus Christ as their King and disrespects the Church)

Reminder that Catholicism is not Christianity.

Pretty good redpill on the papacy and jesuits.


It's funny it say's "Aramaic". The author of that post was clearly trying to avoid the term "classical Hebrew" so he looked for the closest thing that didn't sound so incredibly jewish.

Actually I can.
I follow the Torah, just like my Messiah Jesus did, because all who have God living in them ought walk JUST AS JESUS DID. I am not a protestant (a daughter church of the apostate mother: the RCC). You changed the Sabbath, the dietary laws and the Feast dates among other things, violating the law in Deut. 4:2.
Think about it. If Jesus changed the law He would be a sinner (violating Deut. 4:2) and not the perfect sacrifice and your sins would not be forgiven. You're theology makes no sense.

"Man does not live on bread alone but by EVERY word from the mouth of God." - Jesus

God spoke the Law to Moses. Why aren't you living by EVERY word? How much of your Bible are you using a black marker on?

you both worship the same jews. kys

>There are no races in the kingdom of God, only glorified souls in communion with the monad
thats quite retarded but I got something even better
there is no "kingdom of God"

integers wasted. So cringy it hurts

>the pope is interacting with black people

really makes me think

Get cranked kike cuck.

>We're all equal

No, it doesn’t. It does, however, teach us that the creation is ordered by the Almighty in a certain way for a certain reason, and we are to respect and preserve it, not destroy it with degeneracy and miscegenation.

>Does Christianity teach us to hate niggers and Jews?
It doesn't directly teach hate. But it teaches us that we have the authority to hunt and kill animals.

They cannot hate niggers and Jews because, according to them, God made all humans in his image (therefore equal) and evolutionary science is false.


I never said that, stop being a brainlet

but not in the last 20 years, or was it?

> tfw next "pope" says
> - sup bros
> - wassup bitches
> wouldn't be much surprised

Don't you have Christian jews in Israel? I would think at least some of you got with the times by now.

Classical Hebrew and Aramaic are fundamentally different dialects. It's like Saying Jesus was speaking Spanish instead of Portugese. It's not that much of a difference but it needs to be meniotned for the sake of clarity and avoiding confusion in in translation

Yes. White people are the chosen people of God. Jews were only chosen as messengers

Besides, the "Binding and loosing" that Peter had was ACCORDING TO THE WORD. That is, according to the Law of God. When your spirit is in accordance with the Law, you do not make sinful judgements. Adding and subtracting from the Word of God (including the Law of God) is a SIN.

" Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." - 1 John 3:4

What part of this verse in the NT do you not understand? The law is ETERNAL, PERFECT, RIGHTEOUS, HOLY and GOOD. How "eternal" is the law you follow? How much have you added and subtracted to your "law." And before you tell me its "ceremonial" vs. "moral" show me ONE place in the entire Bible where a distinction is made! "CEREMONIAL LAW" IS A MAN-MADE CONCEPT JUST LIKE THE TRADITIONS OF THE PHARISEES - and you follow the teachings of men over the LAW of God. A theology that needs invented terms not found in the Bible itself to explain itself is a shaky theology indeed. ALL of God's law is MORAL, and ETERNAL. You just don't follow 33% of it.

Christianity calms them to a degree. They're still open season when they trespass on our clay.

It makes you force everyone to become civilized, nigger or not.

Marcionism is a Sect of Gnosticism. Which is early Kabbalah. See pic related. Everything Irenaeus addresses in Against Heresies here is found in *Jew*har

So when Paul circumcised Timothy and took the vow of the Nazarite and attended "by all means" the feast of Tabernacles, all found in the Law of God and well AFTER the resurrection of Jesus, I guess Irenaeus was right and Paul was a heretic...

You make no sense. Gnosticism wanted to throw the whole OT law out and replace it with squishy "spiritualism." The RCC swallowed half that pill, not me. I side with the LAW of God over the traditions and doctrines of men.

if you can't figure this shit out guess what..............
YOU'RE A RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How dumb do you have to be?

Kabbalah =/= Torah

The traditions of the Elders (seen in Mark 7) were the Cabbalistic principles and are against the Law of God. Read all of Mark 7. Jesus clearly delineates between the two and actually uses "what Moses said" and "The Law of God" interchangeably and contrasts that with the "traditions of the elders."

You have new elders - your apostate early church "fathers" who changes the law of God and the dates and the times. You are following the new Pharisees.

Read this page:

The early church "fathers" are an apostate new version of Phariseeism.

Your teachings are sect of Kabbalism see above trps

The law of God are the keys given to the apostles by Christ himself to create his church, and establish the new Isreal which is the Catholic religion. There is no salvation outside of Christ and his church

So you think flowing the Torah is Kabbala? So I guess by that reasoning, Jesus was a Kabbalist, because He followed the whole Torah, PERFECTLY. Your theology is a a bit shaky there bub.

>You make no sense. Gnosticism wanted to throw the whole OT law out and replace it with squishy "spiritualism." The RCC swallowed half that pill, not me. I side with the LAW of God over the traditions and doctrines of men.

Are you retarded? If you side with God, wouldn't you side with the Gnostics that rationalized what God wanted instead of Moses(Muhammad v1.) and jewish laws?

Did I just fall for bait?

The early chruch fathers broke the LAW of God, by changing the Sabbath and dietary laws and festivals and dates, thus doing things NOT IN ACCORDANCE with the Word. The broke Deut. 4:2 and didn't listen to Jesus when He said:

"Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY word from the mouth of God." -Jesus

God SPOKE the sabbath to us, circumcision and the dietary laws. Man violated Deut. 4:2 and took away from that and watered down the faith, mixing the pagan "holy"days (profane) with that which is truly HOLY - and you trust the doctrines of men over the doctrines of God.

ALL Scripture is God-breathed, and profitable for reproof for correction and for DOCTRINE and instructions in righteousness."

Is the OT part of Scripture? Before you answer that, ask yourself when they were writing Timothy, WHAT WAS SCRIPTURE EXCEPT THE OT?

"Not one part of one letter of the law shall pass away until HEAVEN AND EARTH pass away and all is accomplished." - Jesus

Heaven and earth pass away in Revelation 21:1. It HAS NOT HAPPENED YET!

>jewish laws
Show me where a distinction between "Jewish laws" and "God's Law" is in the Bible. I want a book, chapter and verse.

If you are going to convince me of this, you MUST use the Word. Otherwise, you are simply spouting the doctrine of false teachers.

Evolutionary science IS false but no one who knows anything about Christianity would think all humans are equal. What do you think David and Goliath was? Th whole Old Testament was about God wiping out evil and cannibalistic races, and leading His people to victory against other peoples for like hundreds of years. Jesus Christ told JEWS to love others and to not be degenerates or to allow their delusions of ultimate superiority to destroy their salvation. He literally told the same heebs that rule the world today that they couldn't even hear His words because they were sons of the devil, and not the Father.

The Roman Catholic Church removed the second commandment, among other things.

HUMBLE YOURSELF brother! Watch these and OPEN YOUR MIND TO THE TRUTH! The RCC is full of LIES that are not in accordance to the Word of God!!!!!

Whoops, meant

EXACTLY! That violates Deut 4:2 that says "Do not add or subtract from these laws which I give you,. I am the Lord your God." - YHWH

"All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for reproof, for correction, for doctrine and for instructions in righteousness."

The whole Bible applies to believers, from cover to cover! This is the truth that Jesus lived, because He was the TRUTH. This is the Word Jesus taught, because Jesus is the Word made flesh. He said His teachings were not from Him but from His Father!

The early church fathers were given authority by Christ to bind and loose, assisted with the holy spirit they built his church. Scripture only has authority through Christ and his church, and must be properly interpreted. Christianity is not a holy book religion like judiasm or islam rather its about revelation from God.

>Show me where a distinction between "Jewish laws" and "God's Law" is in the Bible. I want a book, chapter and verse.

Holy shit, this can't be real. But it seems to be so I'll follow along. user, you know those rules in the covenant? That's an example of jewish law. Do you stone faggots? Do you punish people for wearing clothes made by two thread? No and no. The covenant is purely for jews, yet allegedly commanded by God.

Let's flip over to the new testament, ROMANS 15:27, it says this:
>It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.

This establishes jews as sharing their faith with the Christians. This is why Galatians mentions neither Greek nor Jew in terms of coming to Heaven, because now non jews can partake. Now you asked a bad question because you wonder if jews have laws separate from God mentioned in the Bible. This is inherently a bad framing because the Bible is centered on God, so the answer is no. BUT, it is definitely jewish the whole way through, regardless of what Jesus said about the Pharisees. It's jews fighting other jews.

You don't know what the Holy spirit is:

"For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin." - Romans 7:14

The Holy spirit leads you into OBEDIENCE to God's law, not for salvation but BECAUSE you are being saved! If you have a spirit in you that tells you to break God's law (Torah), then I would suggest you TEST THE SPIRIT. It is not the spirit of Christ who obeyed ALL of God's laws (Torah). Show me once where Jesus violates God's law!

>God's Word isn't holy

RCC? Riverside Community College?

>wiping out evil and cannibalistic races
wiping out evil and cannibalistic people, there fixed it for you. Christians don't believe that God created humans that were distinct from each other biologically, with some having superior traits.

The reason Jews couldn't make images is because the Christ has not revealed himself yet. God who became man through Christ was seen, heard and felt, his image was revealed, and he trusted his apostles to build his church and show the truth to the world.

I've started to like Christianity in a JBP-ey kind of way, but being clearly at odds with white nationalism makes it pretty much a non-starter.

Scripture is holy, but it can be twisted without proper context.

>Holy shit, this can't be real. But it seems to be so I'll follow along. user, you know those rules in the covenant? That's an example of jewish law. Do you stone faggots? Do you punish people for wearing clothes made by two thread? No and no. The covenant is purely for jews, yet allegedly commanded by God.

No we don't, but it does not mean that the punishment for those crimes is not death! It does not mean that if you lived in the promised land, that that would not be righteous punishment. We have all kinds of mischief in the world today because we DON'T follow God's law and "put the evil away from us."

>spiritual things

The Law is spiritual - Paul said so. He said that the FLESH cannot obey the law of God:

"because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God: It does not submit to God's Law, nor can it do so." - Romans 8:7

>Greek nor Jew in terms of coming to Heaven

Because they are all "grafted into" the kingdom of Israel. Read Galatians - you BECOME Israel (God's people) when you covenant with Him and obey His laws.
Jesus said He "only came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel." - Jesus

"He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” - Matthew 15:24

Was Jesus lying?!?!? Of course not! You are either Israel or you are not being saved!

Starting to make sense? You see there is no "gentile" gate in Revelations into Heaven - ONLY the 12 tribes of the House of Israel are above the gates into the New Jerusalem. You are going to have to pick one!

Not nearly enough and this is why you should seriously consider leaving the faith.

Niggers and jews acting like niggers and jews teaches us to hate niggers and jews. This is not difficult.

Even in Revelations it says to keep the commandments if you love God. It also says not to add or remove.

Two groups I think. Former israel loyalists turned communist. Israel/jew loyalists. At first friends/a subgroup of them but still allies. Then they turned on their own. Both are still cunts to everyone else. Not sure if they work with each other now and again though. Anyway, basically it goes like this: Nationalism for me, not for thee. Kind of like Immigrant rape for thee not for me when it comes to leftie/feminist women from the upper middle class.

>allegedly commanded by God

You are on REALLY shaky ground there brother.

God does not take back that which He"has spoken with His own lips." The Word calls God's law PERFECT. Psalm 19:7
If you take away from something perfect, it can only be imperfect.

It calls God's law "the TRUTH." Psalm 119:142 How can you take away from truth and have it be anything but untruth?

It calls God's law ETERNAL! Psalm 119:160 Your RCC makes parts of His law not eternal!

You violate God's ETERNAL law by applying a theological black marker to huge sections of the Word. You are preaching and following FALSE DOCTRINE!

Right becaue liberal atheists are so great for the country

>No we don't, but it does not mean that the punishment for those crimes is not death!

Did you just defend punishing people for wearing clothes with more than two types of threads? What's going on here?

>"because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God: It does not submit to God's Law, nor can it do so." - Romans 8:7

Very Gnostic actually. Anti materialism is the heart of it, but so much so it's antagonistic to the natural world.

>Was Jesus lying?!?!? Of course not! You are either Israel or you are not being saved!

Well, let's see:
>In the garden of Eden, "God" tells Adam and Eve if they eat from the tree they will die of the same hour of the same day
>He lied. They don't. They go onto reproduce
>At the end of the Eden story, he shuts off the way to the tree of life so none may have eternal life. That's how you get into Heaven. Why did he do this? I don't think what was in that garden was the most high God-assuming it's in some form true.
>Later the covenant is struck with the jews. Presumably with God. They seemed to think so but Ephesians warns us that there is evil in the Heavenly realms. Notice many of the laws that Christianity took out of Judaism, Islam puts back in. Jesus later claims that he can take us to the tree of life, in Eden. Eden as it is said in Revelations is a metaphysical place. But what about Jesus?
>We know that in Rev 22:16 he says this:
>"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."
>But wait a second. "birhgt MORNING STAR". That comes from somewhere else. Isaiah 14:12:
>"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!"

>Become pagans or muslims LARP thread for the 100th time of the day
Heretics get the rope too

Let's just break down what the new covenant is:

"This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law (Torah) in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." - Jeremiah 31:33

Same Law (Torah), different place - on human hearts, not on stone.

I have written the Law on my heart, or at least I am trying to. Have you? Or have you thrown away parts of that perfect Law to serve the the law breaking doctrines of of the early church "fathers" (men)?

Jews get kicked out of babylon
>They try to practice their baby marriages, child rapes in europe
>Oy vey! Why des chrisitians mad at us!!
Jews today are alot different than the pharaseis controlled jews of 500-1000years ago
If you doubt that, you should read up on the talmud and how jews used to act.
Baby raping sicko's

People are confusing the old covenant with "the old testament" and "God's law"

The Old Testament contains different kinds of laws. Those pertaining to the old covenant between God and Israel were replaced with the New Covenant, Jesus fulfilling the covenant.

A covenant (or contract) fulfilled is not the same as "getting rid" of it. The OT contains some laws that pertain universally (moral laws) and some which were tied to the old temple system. Israel was supposed to be a nation of priests so they had to keep rules about mixing fabric and avoiding certain kinds of food to remain "holy." Laws against murder, certain sexual conduct, etc. are universal and are repeated in the New Testament.

There was also a period of overlap when Christ died and raised but the Temple was still around. When the temple was razed to the ground by Rome it canceled out the Old Covenant forever.

In fact, it's even written IN the commandments.

Exodus 20:4-6
>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
>Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
>And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Removing the second commandment is hatred of God. God does not change and neither does His laws.

>How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Use the King James Version. Please.

Also the laws are only certain books of the Old Testament which also includes writings from the prophets, psalms, etc. The Old Testament isn't "canceled" it is still useful in many respects to learn about God, man, etc. We just aren't obligated to participate in the Old Covenant anymore. We have the New Covenant

There's only one race, the Christian race.

Jews gave up practicing what was judaism, to follow the pharisees interpretation when they fled to babylon.
>Judaism was adandoned by them, thus they abandoned GOD.
>The old testament was for JEWS, not Christians
>Once JESUS came into the game, chrisitians took the spot of Gods chosen people.

>Removing the second commandment is hatred of God. God does not change and neither does His laws.

Practioners of Judaism today would not be considered Israel by Christ or the apostles. Israel is a tree, those that rejected God's son were "pruned" away like dead branches. The gentiles which began joining the church are wild branches that were "grafted in"

It's still the same tree, only it stopped calling itself "Israel" in favor of "the church" or "the body of Christ." The pruned branches still call themselves "Israel" but it is not legitimate by New Testament standards

What’s wrong with Gnosticism?

>But KJV changes this, calling him instead the "son of the morning" and naming him Lucifer.
>"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
>This is important, because Lucifer isn't first mentioned in the Bible and he isn't jewish. It's a Latin word, and it comes from that mythos. In Ovid's "Metamorphosis", there is a story called Phaeton. In it, Lucifer is the captain of the stars.Since this only appeared in KJV, it had to come from somewhere.The popular conception is that Luci is the devil.I don't think so. In popular edgelord Luciferianism, they refer to Venus as the Morning Star. But the Greco-Romans knew Venus as Venus, and the Morning Star referred to the "Dog Star", Sirius(as in Sirius radio), specifically.
>So why is Lucifer significant? Because in Zoroastrianism he is the first thing created. The son of God, to watch over the other stars. We know this from Plutarch's account of their religion that the "Dog Star", that which came in the cosmic morning, the Morning Star, was the first thing God, or "Oromazes/Ahura Mazda" set in creation.
>Why is this important? Lucifer was struck on from Heaven and laid low. He was being cast down to Earth. What's the sign of Jesus' birth? The star over the manger.
>The Masonic body "Order of the Eastern Star" uses the falling star to represent Jesus' birth and coming. That's how the wise men knew to find the anointed, first son of God.

Romans Catholic Churhc

>>Once JESUS came into the game, chrisitians took the spot of Gods chosen people.

There is a continuation from Abraham to Christians. The Jews that rejected Christ were cut off and discarded. Obviously they don't see it that way, but that's how the bible describes it. It is the same tree, it's not a new tree replacing an old tree.

It's anti-nature.

>Use the King James Version. Please.
Read below. KJV is the ONLY version that alters this phrase. That's the whole reason it was commissioned. It changes verses.

Are you going to post the sources you're copy/pasting from?

But Satan is given authority over the material realm. This is according to Christian teaching.

>greedy lord wants more $$$ because he spent all the taxpayers' money on parties
>expulses the jews, who are rich, to take possession of their shit like a nigger
It's not rocket science.

Satan has authority over "the world" because men handed it to him. This also means "the spirit of the world," attitudes, politics, etc. and spirits that exist in the world

This is not the same thing as the material world. Christians expect to live in the material world, albeit a repaired version, not in heaven forever. The resurrection is bodily and physical

the gnostic material/spiritual dichotomy is not biblical nor was it taught by Jesus or the apostles