So I started readin and watching JoJo because people told me it's different and a lot better than most battle shounen...

So I started readin and watching JoJo because people told me it's different and a lot better than most battle shounen yet I still see the same problems here. A huge chunk of the story are fight yet they're all anti-immersive. You get a few panels of action and then 10x that amount of panels dedicated to explaining it. Do shounen authors just do everything not write well?

I can enjoy the absurd situations, style and humor but at its foundations it still has lots of the problems typical for battle shounen.

Yeah but it's JoJo.

It's gets better after the first part.


I wasn't that into Part 1, but I definitely started enjoying it more in Part 2 (mainly because Joseph is a lot more entertaining as a protagonist). I just started Part 3 and the whole Stand thing seems weird, but the animation has definitely improved

P 4 onwards are what really makes it shine.

Dont bother, it only gets worse in that regard after part 2, the fights try to be smart and strategical but they are just asspull after asspull and full of illogical conclusions

yhea not like Joseph pulling a tommy gun out of his ass, or the fucking volcano erupting and sending joseph and kars to space, that was all strategic planning.

Part 2 and Joseph are decent at best and mediocre at worst

Part 5 is the best, GioGio best JoJo.

Bullshit, Part 2 had way more tension than Part 4 because of the power gap between JoJo and the Pillar men.

What about the fucking power gap between Bites the Dust and the gang?
Also, I loved how Kira and Josuke were on completely even footing in the final fight, they didn't get some bullshit asspull to win the fight. They both had to use the tools they had and think up new strategies.

>What about the fucking power gap between Bites the Dust and the gang?
Any tension between the gang and Kira is ruined because Kira always does something utterly retarded despite being a calculating psychopath and ends up fucking himself over. BtD is the worst offender because if he used it properly then he would be fucking invincible.

JoJo has great execution and style. That is what sets it apart.

>a few panels of action and then 10x that amount of panels dedicated to explaining it

From Part 3 onwards, fights tend to be all about keeping your powers a secret from your enemies, so instead of full walls of text you have the characters gradually deducing the enemy's power, which I find more acceptable.

There's still some infodumps here and there, because some shit is too weird to explain it just with the drawings.

>first arc
>Jojo is an honorable English gentlemen who kills vampires to protect the people he cares about

pretty good

>second arc
>Jojo is a mannerless Amerishit lout


>Joseph pulling a tommy gun out of his ass

Totally retarded, yeah. The grenades, the mirror, all the fight was retarded, that's true.

>sending joseph and kars to space

That was incredible, one of the best endings for all fighting manga ever. It was foreshadowed with the way Hamon affects liquids (the coke in the first episode), the fact that the Stone amplifies Hamon, that Cars' Hamon was 100 times stronger than a normal human being's Hamon, and the prophecy of the Stone being instrumental to defeat the Pillar Men.

Also, it's not like Joseph didn't plan anything, he had a plan that the enemy saw through and failed, and then just plain luck. It felt realistic, less of a script. Sometimes, unplanned things happen. It was as much of an deus ex machina as getting a new transformation with the power of friendship, but it's way better thematically and also I find the explanation "he did his best and had a stroke of luck at the last second, and he reacted faster than his enemy in that situation" far more satisfactory than "the feelings of my nakama made me win".

>Kira always does something utterly retarded

It's ironic that Kira always does retarded things and gets saved by sheer luck. Ussually it's the hero the one who does those things, including the random powerup.

Part 1 is best part

Killer Queen is so broken against anything that isn't SPTW that Araki had to write Kira into a corner even despite his personality.

>a mannerless Amerishit lout
Joseph is still English you retard

>arguing about stuff not making sense

Some of you are so fucking retarded

Why didn't anime state that SHA could be instantly "healed" back into Kira's hand in the final fight?