Modern Day Republicans

At what point will modern day Republicans realize they are being brainwashed by the deep state to hate liberals while massive corps like the fossil fuel industry, healthcare industry, big religion industry, gun industry, big ISP industry rob them blind?

You would think being pushed to vote for a candidate like Trump or Roy Moore would wake some of these people up but it seems like they are hell bent on allowing corporations to rob them blind. Almost all of their beliefs are to the benefit of the deep state in America.

Jesus would be disgusted.


Why do you assume that Jesus would say not to vote for someone because of their sins??

Jesus forgives.

>Keeping the borders open to blacks and Arabs will reduce rape.

When I think about Jesus, I think about giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and using his religion to hate other people. Jesus rock bottom you clowns into the underworld one by one.

>the fossil fuel industry, healthcare industry, big religion industry, gun industry, big ISP industry rob them blind?
But none of those Big Industries take a dime from me unless I willingly utilize their goods and services they sell.

>Jesus forgives.
Those that ask for forgiveness, not fucking everyone. That's why Dismas was forgiven and the other guy is burning in hell.

Material wealth is a thing of this world, a thing of Caesar, render unto Caesar what is Caesars.
And Jesus said he came not to bring peace, but the sword.

Go on to Reddit just once and try to interact with the liberals there. It is s more effective way to come to hate them than interacting with niggers.

What corporation is robbing me? I choose to buy things. The federal government takes most of the taxes I pay and gives the money to deadbeats who vote for a living and won't lift a hand to feed themselves.

The only entity that robs people is the government. Either it is directly or by enforcing regulation that only big companies can afford to work with.

>know he raped you
Democucks just keep repeating this lie.

They honestly don't understand the difference between BELIEVING something and KNOWING something.


Jesus forgives sinners and sides against the murderers of defenseless babies. Checkmate Shareblue.

>Jesus the myth-man would be disgusted
Who the fuck cares, welcome to the real world. We want our shitty people in power because they are marginally better than their shitty people.

Most of us aren't even "real" Christians anyway, we just think there is value in promoting a Christian community etc. 99% of us try to delude ourselves into believing the metaphysical stuff, but deep down we know it is bullshit. Religion is a social tool, and it is the best one we have right now. In short, Jesus approves because fuck you lefties.

>They honestly don't understand the difference between BELIEVING something and KNOWING something.
Neither do most people, including most of us.

>At what point will modern day Republicans realize they are being brainwashed by the deep state to hate liberals.

Deep sate has nothing to do with it, white privilege, 8 year old drag queens, and constantly lying of the MSM has done more than they can ever do. The real question is where will you hide when they get fed up and go after you? The military and law enforcement hate you. Trannies, faggots, potheads, wetbacks and niggers that you worship won't help you.

>that pic
The. Left. Still. S. T. I. L. L. Can't. Meme.

I'm a poorfag but even in my life the oil industry and ISP and gun companies and big pharma and big agro have all kind of given me a great life in spite of their problems. Yeah I have to work and take some shit from some authority at times but for the most part it's a comfy life. It sure beats living like a savage innawoods.

When corporations become so big that they can undercut and eliminate all competition and it gets to the point where they are the only producer and seller of goods, then they are basically the government with a profit incentive. They create tons of smaller companies to give you the illusion of competition but they are generally all owned by only 5-6 companies. I don't necessarily think communism or socialism is better than capitalism, I think some things should be socialized like roads, emergency services, healthcare and probably the internet soon enough. The problem is that as the free market gets into the later stages it becomes only a handful of companies selling everything and without regulations they will be complete monopolies and your free market and ability to pick and choose where you spend your money will only be an illusion. I think corps need to have a upper size limit or something, otherwise Walmart and Amazon will be the only seller goods and literally all our money will spent and funnelled to .00001% of the population, creating a massive wealth inequality gap. I don't know the answers but I know the path we are going down right now isn't going to get better with lack regulations.

Dive into the 4 different accounts by 4 different women. It seems pretty likely that these 4 women who didn't know each other or hear of each other's stories could come up with very similar stories dating back to the same time. There's a reason republicans aren't even denying it at this point. The only one denying it is a the molester in chief. If you really dive into the details it becomes clear that the chance of these 4 women, who are of vastly different ages, political affiliation and current location could collude to make up these stories. Remember, WAPO got all these stories before any details were made public, so it's not like these women heard one story and decided to go along with similar stories.

The fact that you think 8 year old drag queens are a real problem says it all.

im on my phone jesus, please forgive my spelling and grammar sins.


No blue dress. Take your butthurt and slander back to your DUmpster.


whats sage

Beats living in a city full of retards and niggers, too.

Still sage.