Is the west dying because women forgot how to cook in the kitchen...

Is the west dying because women forgot how to cook in the kitchen? When was the last time your gf prepared dinner and ate it with you?

I dont have a gf.... :(

Like never

Modern makeup wearing sluts are terrible mothers



>falling for the vaginal new

mate what the FUCK is that

is that vomit in a frying pan ?

>mfw no gf
>mfw I'm a better cook than 99% of females anyway

>When was the last time your gf prepared dinner and ate it with you?
What gf?

is that pig feed?


You never heard of buckwheat?

Fuck women, I cook for myself and do a better job too

Their mothers served them pizza and burgers throughout their entire lives.

Probably not
I ate it everyday as an adolescent in Ukraine. Buckwheat is mildly nostalgic.

buckwheat you dumb shit

Ive lived with/been close to like 20 women around my general age in my life in some form and the only fucking one that could cook and mostly believed in the traditional housewife thing is my liittle sister. Guess which of shose ~20 is the happiest and most well off?

They also have no concept of not being slobs. Even if youve never touched a woman this is easily evidenced by looking at selfies on social media. The majority of their clothes is always on the floor.

Jesus christ is that just a bowl of half cooked sausage?

i usually cook because i enjoy it. my gf cleans. and i cum inside her

Last night gf made tacos
Night before that steak

Idk why your gf doesn't cook for you, get a better one

Men are better cooks than women.

Been with my gf for 5 years I think in all that time she only cooked like 10 times and it was simple things like hamburger helper and spaghetti. i stay with her because she's fun to be around.

This looks like someone minced a shit ton of dirty old people's fake teeth and pissed on it.

last time i had a gf, which was 7 years ago

Last night

Dumb thread.

doubt it. women are shit conversation. you stay with her because she lets you cum inside her. i get it. but dont lie to your self.

Ironically, feminism caused this.

Women actually WANT to be corporate slaves. That's what's fucked up, I just work because I have to or else I wind up homeless.