Wouldn't we solve world hunger if we ban meat?


Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=how many grams of protein in broccoli&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1

>impliying I want to save Jamal in Ethiopia

>size of serving size not shown

hmm, another bait thread?

world hunger could be solved now if they found an efficient way to distribute. There is plenty of food.

yeah because i really feel like eating 6kg of broccoli every day to meet my macros

11gs of protein in Broccoli.

How much broccoli would I have to eat, like 3kg ?

No we solve world hunger by stoping all aid to other countrys. Maybe 1 year no world hunger.

Exactly. Gotta eat ten heads if broccoli to get to 100 calories

But how much Broccoli do you need to eat to get 100 calories?

>size of serving size
Canadian intelligence xD

Less hunger in Africa means more niggers which means more hunger. The more you feed them the more there is hunger. Therefore the only solution is to control their birth rate.

~300 grams

Plants have lower quality protein than meat.

to get to 100 calories of broccoli, you need to eat 300 grams of it

who wants to eat that much crap

1.8kg, rough estimate. They don't take into consideration that getting 100 calories in meat is easier than getting 100 calories in broccoli.

>Implying it's a complete proteïne
>Implying that 27-35g of protein per 100g for steak equals 2.82g per 100g of protein for brocolli.
>Implying you'd get enough zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, taurine, creatine and vitamine D with an all vegetable diet.

Protein without leucine (that is, almost all protein NOT from animal sources) isn't bioavailable. You can keep living without it, but you can never make it work for your body like you can with animal protein.

Animal fats are also healthier than most plant fats.

>why eat 4oz of steak when you can get the same protein from eating an entire trashbag full of broccoli?
lmao vegans really are retarded

If people find out plants can feel pain these people will starve to death. I pray for discovery


A good and rather cheap plant based protein source are red lentils (25g protein/100gram), but you have to combine it with oats or wheat.


I like vegetables but finding good and not to time consuming recipes is hard.

Maybe stores could have a recipe collection with cooking instructions and you just pick one that looks tasty when you enter and then buy all the ingredients needed.

But plants do feel pain, or at least have reactions to stress where some them:
>Communicate imminent danger to their family by either releasing compounds into the air and/or into the mycelium network.
>Start releasing compound which make them taste bitter

The whole world would benefit from drastically reducing meat consumption but veggies and vegans are all fucking idiots.

>meat contains fat ergo more calories
Have you guys ever seen vegans btw? They are all either liars or disgusting unhealthy cucks

Not to mention the “I’m a vegetarian but I eat meat sometimes” dipshits

If you want a good laugh, google around for forums about people that do shrooms yet wonder if mushrooms are a cosmic entity that work as a network. Fungus does, actually, we know that, but they think it's from space and is actually a being that courses throughout the whole world and question whether it's ethical to do it. Some rationalize saying that they believe it came here so we could eat it and learn the mysteries of the universe. Some of the posts aren't that funny, but you go down a whole rabbithole of people wondering about it in general with all plants.

If you eat a varied diet of diffrent types of plant based proteins it will be sufficient for you so its possible to swap out meat but its harder than most people think to get complete proteins from plants

This is why retard vegans think its good because they starve themselves and become thin so they think they are doing something right when in reality they suffer from malnourishment

no, because animals take up way less space then plants

also people who eat animals are just smarter

What you're describing is called "the internet."


The only people who can't cook for themselves are people who literally choose not to learn how.

>Per 100 calories

I actually want to increase world hunger, especially in Africa

OP I LOVE that pic. makes my ass hungry, but why not BOTH, and nice juicy steak and some tasty broccoli as a side. I don't understand the vegan thing...I mean...ya say you don't eat meat, boy? What are ya? Some kinda faggot or something? It's good, isn't it /pol?

It doesn't work that way. As it stands, Americans throw enough food away each year to feed a nation. Adding to that won't solve the problem. The problem isn't lack of food, it's food distribution.

300g of brocoli for 11grams of protein
50g of beef for 11 grams of protein

What kinda retard can't do maths like that?

>Broccoli only
>Beans, rice and broccoli

I'll eat anything that taste good. I can care less if it's meat or veggies. I'm at the top of the fucking food chain. I'll eat what I want.

How much food is needed to grow a cow for beef you leaf

Lol now show a picture of what 100 calories of steak looks like portion wise vs 100 calories of broccoli.


So... the plot of Avatar?

Simply put OP, life eats life or you starve to death.

Im replying to se the flag, fags

Eat a grilled fish you have caught yourself you gay lord.

>solve world hunger by banning a potential food supply

as someone who's vegetarian, I feel banning meat is the single most retarded thing to do about the food crisis


Yeah, but some of the posts are much older than Avatar on ancient and hilarious looking forums. I wish I had them bookmarked.

actually its about 8.4 per 100

google.com/search?q=how many grams of protein in broccoli&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1

if the vegan morons had their way we'd be clearing the rest of the planet's forests, jungles, woodlands, etc. just to grow all their fucking vegetables

and since they'd ban hunting or even looking sideways at animals, we're at the mercy of population explosion when our table species lose their main predator

>If we ban a kind of food, would there be more food?
Fucking retard

nothing wrong with violence. Also that's a shit ton of brocolli.

I'll stick with meat.

Do you know how much broccoli you need to eat to get to 100 calories

>Wouldn't we solve world hunger if we ban meat?

Nope. Plants have feelings too.

>this blatant vegan propaganda

>Plants arnt living creatures
>Pesticides and herbicides arnt used on plants

lmao the absolute state of vegans.

Google or wiki "biological value of proteins".
Read this and note the obvious, in retrospect, what matters is not how much of anything some food has, but how much of it is practically available and usable within your body. It woukd only take 15 seconds to debunk this comparison with resdily available data.

Plant protein is incomplete and therefore useless garbage if not combined with amino acids only found in meat.

very nice propaganda

>muh only eat organic!
>muh anti-GMOs
>world still starves to death because of low crop organic yield

>How much food is needed to grow a cow for beef you leaf

How about you go out into a field and eat grass then weigh how much of that it takes to feed you and extrapolate by weight.

No, many lands are only suitable for cattle and not growing crops (e.g. mountains). Banning meat is retarded.

and only 6.4g protein in beef...

does the insoluble fibre in plants disrupt the absorption of the plant protein?

This. You'd need to eat an insane amount of broccoli to get there, and the fiber inside of you would be immense.

Meat = calorically dense = easier to eat & easier to convert to calories

eat hemp protein faggots, best omega3/omega 6 ratio there is

>Cain brought forth the fruit of the ground.
>And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
>But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.

God wants us to eat meat

Here is a relevant map. Notice the "mainly". Also notice how europe has some of the best land for crop growing in the planet.

if the vegcucks think they're avoiding the violence, they've never seen farming up close

No meat? wtf, why?
This man in the pic will solve world hunger.

You wanna start eating grass? Or silage?
I sure as fuck don't. I'd rather let cows eat that shit and eat cows instead.

Where does your Vit. B come from you faggot? Opps, they never tell you that part. Vegan diets are NOT healthy.

>wouldn't we solve world hunger by banning a category of food?

>Feed starving africans with foreign aid
>Africans have more kids
>more starving africans

It's not like feeding a city that was hit by a natural disaster while they get back on their feet, the population of Africa hasn't been self-sustaining in a long time and make no move to improve that situation

Doing it with darting rifles like they do with wild horses would probably be the best way

You should try some monkey soup. It's very tasty ans nutritive.

>more carnists defending their disgusting barbaric practice of eating meat
If you were vegans you wouldn't be so goddamn stupid, dumb fuck carnists. Is this normal to you??? Think about what you eat for once and have some empathy you retarded inbred FUCKS!

I think popluation control is more vital to feeding ever increasing numbers of people.

You don’t “need” anything.

You get to decide what you WANT, constrained by what you can AFFORD.

it’s called the free market dipshit


The only way for vegans is to eat air or sunlight.

No vegetables contain all the essential amino acids. Sure, you can get complete proteins from a vegan diet but it's way more expensive than eating a small amount of meat.

I work with dairy cows, and we feed them (especially young calf's) a lot of soy based meals, and most of their calories come from corn, although they do eat a lot of silage as well.

>le plants are intelligent meme
Not scientific in the least. Fuck off you lying peace of SHIT carnist!

It's just an animal, calm the fuck down.
Your arguments rely on emotions and not on facts you twat. You people cherry-pick footage just to get your agenda across.
I don't care how my food is made, just as long as it's delicious and gives me strength.

>it's just an animal
An animal that can feel pain. You're a soulless monster.

>I pray for discovery
They do, but nobody cares enough

maybe if we push it far enough they will only eat people that agree to be eaten and destroy themselves

You retard this article is one of the best article I've read on any subject. The research is sound and many articles are cited. Many scientists are interviewed. None debates that plants are not intelligent, they are. The only debate is whether it's something special/other than us because they have no brain and therefore deserves another word.

Wha the fuck do asians do this shit, why can't they just kill the damn thing

Damn, that penis is trying to run away after one too many fap sessions

To get 100 grams of protein from broccoli you need to take in 130 grams of fibre lol

You would have to eat over 3 cups of broccolli. Also, beef is 25 gr protein per 2oz. Fuck off.

World hunger shouldn't be solved. We already have too much niggers on this planet

meat eaters are degenerates
plain and simple
humans lack short intestines {all meat eaters have short intestines, humans have long}
eating raw uncooked meat you will get sick
cannot tear raw flesh without pulling teeth out
no night vision
meat takes longer than any other food also tearing your intestines along the way out
no nutritional benefit at all {you only get the nutrition from what that animal ate}

meat eaters are literal zombies

>implying that all proteins are the same
Yeah we should ban meat in the middle east and in africa, plants as well. Put them on a healthy mineral diet.


its beyond dead. the fucking head is missing

Broccoli had a nervous system.
Your superior protein feels pain.
Why are you a monster?

You can be a soy boy if you want. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Notice how the eel doesn't have a head.