Looks like a numale

>looks like a numale
>sounds like a teen

Why does the american government give a gun and badge to literal children?

Other urls found in this thread:


they all looked amateur as fuck

5 of them hiding down the hall with AR's against an unarmed drunk couple

and they still fucked it up and shat the bed

2 Brit cops with a tazer and pepper spray would have taken them down with no fuss and no item discharged

Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy



the sad part is they didn't need any weapons cause the guy was just a drunk dumbass dindu


they be like



Manlets should be banned from police forces. You give them a taste of power and they go wild

Because the Average Joes/Janes won't let 'em grab all our guns and give 'em to brain-dead shit-skins, so they give color-of-law baubles to virtue-signaling nu-males to browbeat us into submission.

the government doesn't give anyone guns, you fucking intellectual midget, all people are born with an inherent right to protect themselves.

Should we cast out all manlets from society?

Manlets have basically caused all catastrophes, from communism and world wars, to serial killing & terrorism.

What would be the actual cutoff for riding the rollercoaster that is life? I reckon 6'0 would be a good place to start.

Son, I'm gonna need you to lactate into this DNA sample bottle for me...
personnel dept says it's ok, don't resist now.


There's no such thing as inherent rights. Rights are a social construct.

Are you retarded?



please dont shoot

Do you know what the word literal means?

You're a literal retard.

He's proof that the Amerigoblin jokes have a grain of truth to them.

Was he ever charged with anything???


please don't shoot me

ok well that one is at least possible



someone who likes playing simon says who is as tall as an 11 year old is a child


Are you not from america? its an expression

He is literally using literally to express a point rather than use literally or literal in the traditional sense


I know what he was doing retard.

A lot of retards do it.

Doesn't make it okay retard.

Did he really have "You're Fucked" inscribed on his gun?




yes, and your (((((TAXES)))))) paid for it, you mad yet?



Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy


Yes. Like a total toolbag.

Yes, he's a tryhard fag, you can tell by looking at his fucking deuce gear. He doesn't even need half the shit he has on it, he's a gear queer, those types are always itching to blow someone's face off and do stupid shit like write on their guns. The fuck writes on their gun?

looks like a queer

>nothing personnel kid
To this day, never fails to make me laugh.


>Simon says


The squad were all boomers and millennials. The people I've seen advocating for him the most on Sup Forums are all very clearly boomers. As GenX, I've promoted the concept of GenZ knowing there is a generational/political conflict coming.

The squad are degenerate manlets and most likely involved in pedophilia with the mayor. They always hire homosexual psychotics in both business and security. Look at silicon valley CEO's. They're all homosexuals with the serial killer look in the eyes. Some of their cults literally eat babies and rape/murder children.

god help me

Because "we're all the same"
Giants can be gentle because they're literally not afraid
Manlets are gentle because they have to be
This guy doesn't have to be anymore


One of the most sickening cases of police murder mystery I've ever seen. The victim leaves behind a wife and kids ds too. Absolutely fucked up. And the psycho cop is like an immature brat trying to dominate others. The prototype wrong type of person for that kind of job.

please don't kill me mr. Officer

where i'm from supposedly you have to be 6 foot to be a state trooper. it's true, manlets cannot be trusted

Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy


>Le 46% capital
As do Britcuck jokes.


Is there a prerequisite for American police to be complete mongoloid nervous fucks?

Why didn't they just cuff the guy while he was lying on his stomach with his hands together over his head? Instead the cop tells him these dumbass instructions to stay on his knees with his hands off the ground and to CRAWL towards them. His poor wording confused the suspect and terrified him even more when being yelled at by the cop. He did fuck up though when putting his hand behind his back when instructed not to. Both of them are idiots.

look at his empty soulless eyes

Quiz time:

If a policeman believes you're armed and tells you to crawl towards him what should you do?

A. Crawl towards him
B. Quickly reach for your waistband and adjust your pants

Herein lies the problem. Average, poorly trained "beat cops" were sent to handle a situation commonly reserved for a well trained SWAT team. This would've ended peacefully had the correct group of people been sent to the hotel. This was obviously a failure to communicate within the police department.


Are you being obtuse intentionally or are you actually retarded?

Those are homosexual eyes. There's a 95% chance he was sexually molested. This combined with being a manlet on a team of manlet baby boomers w/ guns is a recipe for disaster.

Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy


Trained cop vs Drunk guy.

And today is the Cop's birthday.

if you look at the video i cant understand how you can say they should be charged with murder, they were just doing what they were trained to do. i agree that they should be trainned to handle situations better.

it was LA though. i'm sure if you are calm and hesitant about shooting a nigger, youll end up dead yourself

Your nation, of all nations, has no right to even look at this thread.
I would rather have a police force comprised solely of Paul Blart than your useless police force.


Stop posting the heroic officers address
Some user was saying that darknet chat is filled with bitcoiners paying for his assassination
Stop giving out his address, he was found innocent

This meme sucks


>Trained cop

Judging by the video I'd have to respectfully disagree with you. Well trained cops behave much differently than what we witnessed.

Watch vid plz. Try keeping your finger pointed at the screen and pull when appropriate.

This fucker is obviously going to be played by Michael Cera in the movie


yes sir


No, it was fucking Arizona you dumb faggot, and there was no reason to shoot.

This is a pretty nice meme

>it was LA though.

Why are Canadians so dumb? Why did you feel the need to comment on a story you're so incredibly ignorant of?


Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy


i've never been there but im sure they have plenty of deadly characters


Oy vey!!

>yfw you can now tell your kids that playing Simon Says may very well save your life at one point

This will determine the fate of my trip to the United States

im fucked lol

>my trip to the United States



You niggers know that the guy giving orders wasn't him ? It was the other cop


Well they took the job and part of it is the risk of getting shot.
Firemen do not cry about going into burning builds .

Being a cop should be a highly paid job. Right now it’s an industry full of the kids that barely scraped through high school. Honestly, if I had to guess, I’d say 15-20% of cops in America are capable of the job.

You're Fugged

>a situation commonly reserved for a well trained SWAT team
It wasn't an active shooter, or anything like that. They were just looking in on an, "I think I saw a gun, and I feel worried." report. It should have been about as tense as a routine traffic stop.

Yes, they were concerned it was going to turn out to be a mass shooter situation, but the probability of this being the case was so low that they should have just had a beat cop in normal gear, with his weapon holstered, knock on the door and ask some polite questions.

Maybe have some heavily-armed backup waiting in the hallway, but you can't approach people like you're apprehending a known violent felon on a faint suspicion.

This, Goyim. Don't watch the video footage, it will just confuse you; lead you astray! The man has been proven innocent by (((our))) courts. He's as innocent as Bill and Hillary Clinton are, trust (((us)))!

>Be me
>Be Netherland cuck
>complains that some moron, who wasn't capable of a single thought or following orders leaves behind some shitty wife and some more shits

>Absolutely fucked up
Yes, they should have killed his wife-y and the 2 shits as well.

They were on a call about people pointing out gun the window