Father beats his daughter with a belt and shaves her head for downloading Snapchat

Well at least she has a father, right Sup Forums?

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It was the right thing to do tbqh.

Nignogs gonna nignog right?
Black belts matter



im lmaoing

I'm pretty sure nogs under slavery had it better.

>extreme reaction from father based on daughter showing signs becoming a degenerate slut
is this your average Sup Forums american?


I hope that nigger burns in hell for beating that poor helpless animal like that

this x 100


Yep. Fuck explaining it to her. Just Dominate her like a real man.


this DESU

well blacks aren't smart enough to understand words, so although it looks cruel to white eyes, That is how you discipline blacks.

At least now she'll know that actions can have negative painful consequences and will be more behaved than she otherwise would be as an adult nigress without discipline

Good for him. Saving her from being a slut.

Blacks are different then whites. They know how to handle their own.

probably saved her a lifetime of attention whoring wtf i love black fathers now

whitey can't compete

Based. Snapshit, Instakike, Faceberg and Twatter are destroying young females, punishment was appropriate since nothing keeps women in check better than shame.

Based black father knows that this app will instantly turn his daughter into a thot.

why is it any of my business? He doesn't want her to become a whore, seems reasonable.

also, who recorded the video? The father? That could change some things

Niggers need to be more extreme with reprimanding
Holding them to European standards is unbelievably cruel.

This is true. Let them be.

The father did nothing wrong.

oh no a little bit of pain on her butt and a shaved head :(((

no wonder white women are out of control if you think this is anywhere close to excessive

Like the Day of the Rope, things are going to have to get worse before they get better.

Thank God you faggots are all kissless virgins and will never be fathers.

well done. finally i saw a black man with morals

Simply hypocrisy. He pretend his daughter don't become a whore but he dated her mom.

Possibly a little overboard but he has the right idea so A for effort

>tfw I have all of these

Das rite mang

White dads are way to beta to put the pressure on their whore daughters which is why we have a race mixing problem today. I couldn't care less about how nigs discipline their mudbabies

Good for him. I approve of this.

Where do you get your armor?

This. Was at the beach with my family this year. Apparently Snapchat has some anonymous feature now where you can leave anonymous comments on someones stories or whatever. My 13 year old cousin left her phone out one morning, and up on her phone popped up comments such as "I want to cum on your titties", and "I want to fuck you in the ass". My uncle immediately took her phone away.

hi Shanice

Based black man.

So brave.
We need more father's like this.

I agree with them. My wife’s pregnant. You’re move bitch tits.

I came


>for downloading Snapchat
Good father.

I can understand the beating but the head shaving is a bit extreme

Whats snapchat?
some kinda hookup thing like tinder or is it more like Instagram?

Do you plan on beating your daughter like that when she downloads snapchat?

What surprises me most is that the father is even present

man she's going to be fuccccckkkked up when she's older. RIP.

My wife uses snapchat to post pictures of our babies and see her friends babies. What's the big deal?

Did she have any other channels? Dads always ruin everything She was just trying to express herself and make a little money.

wtf does he think snapchat is?

So what? I used to get "beat" with a belt all the time. They used to call it a "spanking" man, I still remember having to wait for my dad to get home after I fucked up and pissed my mom off. Knowing I was going to get the belt. Protip, put on a bunch of pairs of underwear.

She also uses it for other things...

Mass replying is the gayest thing you can do here.
You are now known as the queen of all things queer.

I think I've caught the sjw aids because I see this video, I know he's doing that because he cares about his daughter and doesn't want her to become a hoe and I know that he needs to be harsh to make the message stick.
But it seems wrong somehow and I'm kinda glad he got arrested.

It's similar to instagram, but it's only on your phone. It's chat app that you can post videos and pictures on for people on your followers/friends list to see.

i looked into it and they basically try to make a youtube video for every day to send to their friends, you record various bullshit that happens throughout the day and at the end of the day it plays all of the dumb clips, but then it is erased
it's why they always have their phones out taking pictures of every stupid thing that happens, their whole days become dominated by wanting to have material for their stupid video

>implying u wouldn't rocket jizz on a 13 year olds enlarged soy tits and unload in her tight little rectum :3

>knows my wife better than me
Kys autist.

>"I want to cum on your titties"
>"I want to fuck you in the ass"
>mfw I'm the dad to discipline her
>"Give me your phone!!!"
>"Okay daddy"

Niggers being niggers
This is somehow worthy of a thread.

Are you trying to be funny? Hair is nothing, and it grows back, she's also black, so has the sweet hookups to get a nice hair hat. I bet the dad told her dumbass that he would do this if she did that, and she still did it.

Lmao Bong getting cucked on the daily well wait.. You probably know and enjoy it already.

OT: He beat too hard and too many times, obviously.

Is he, dare I say, our nigger?

No one cares.

I don't see the problem here?

You can hear from the things he's saying that she's a real piece of work. Probably a soon-to-be ratchet single mother sucking 27yr old drug dealer dick. Dads who are ghetto as fuck like him sometimes have the foresight based on their own experiences.
>You sayin you down (probably to fuck)
>You say you grown
>School for learning not snapchat

The lashes went on a bit too long, but aside from that he probably did the right thing for her future.

> when the first post is the best post


Nope but some thots use it to share nudes. Most people i know use it for fun (non thot reasons)

>using a phone app makes me cucked
Cucked is what your mother did to your dad when she fucked your real father and got pregnant with you.

t. Ahmed al-Saladin Mohammad

Damn he really made her sing to Jesus lol

Seems like a sensible nigger reaction

It´s because he is doing it in the heat of the moment anger and in severe excess. She was done after half that time and with a third of the force. The rest was for his own enjoyment and primal urge. You see it in fights as well, when they keep beating on the one who falls down or even the one who stopped moving. Just keep punching and stomping.

Dad is just on Thot patrol.

It's too much obviously but he has the correct idea. He wants her to study in school and not fuck around. Somehow this a bad thing now?


He recorded it and put it on Facebook because he's a, quote, "chicken nugget scoon".

He's pissed because she's holding back on the donations. Pimp daddy laying down the law.

Ofc he is.


Yeah but she kept squealing so he had to keep going. She'll be a good girl now.


I hope someone reported this motherfucker TO PETA!

That's how he knows. Like how all women are whores and how white knights think the double standard is a bad thing

black santa in action

You're right

>Smart enough to do the right thing.
>Not smart enough not to leave evidence.
You either do the job in full or don't do it at all mr blackman.

this. hes taking out his own inadequacy on a child. that child isnt his property to do with however he pleases esp when it comes to physical force. you cant just torture your kid just cos its your kid. the state will take it away bc its also a citizen and the state has a duty to protect it.

You better listen to your Jew instructions from your Jew book.

Good. 100% agree. Snapchat is fucking horrible. That father doesn't want his kid to see a big dick every other chat.


>yfw you don't believe in double standards

Anyone who says otherwise is s degenerate fag destined to burn.

Beating her was ok but shaving her head was stupid its gonna take a while for it to grow back and lowers her attractiveness.

>Not smart enough not to leave evidence.
This is how a snake thinks. I like

show tits