French will be the world's most commonly spoken language by 2050

How do you feel about that?

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But you will still speak english here.

Yes, spoken by niggers. I don't need to talk to niggers.


So the French language will regain its place as the world's lingua franca?

>English may be on the decline but at least it will be used on a mongolian wood carving forum

fuck that shit, french is gay adding all these unnecessary letters to words and shit

let's see
>canada will be majority asian and non-white in 30 years, not even their ethnic french are monolingual
>france will be majority arab / nafri in 30 years, will speak a bastardised pidgin much like ebonics
>african shitholes and haiti who literally cannot form sentences in creole that make sense to most french speakers
tu es retarded

Hopefully yes
Where do you think the majority of english speakers will live in a few decades? It's the faith of every colonial language, look at spanish for example

>>canada will be majority asian and non-white in 30 years
Not québec

I'll let you in on something: not a single soul has ever cared for french besides the USA and France itself.

okay so the only even half-way decent place in the world to speak french will be a small province in an asian country bordered to the Mulatto Mestizo 56% empire to the south? The quebecois at their most nationalistic couldn't even get independence.
You are so full of shit it's sad.

>something of value

choose one

O btw it will still be English

Not for long. Say hello to "OUI, SUÈDE", among other Frenchified memes.

it's a fucking kek that frencucks really believe this

Luckily, we'll all be dead before hearing that disgusting language outside Africa and worst Canada

Daily reminder you are rightful french clay and an irrelevant slavshit sub-human

yeah, try speaking french online/anywhere where it isn't a first language and see where that leads you

>so what it's not like globalization or the internet are keep being a thing.

Only thing that you've shown is that the influx of Africans into France will continue.

retards if numbers alone meant anything Mandarin would be important but its not

You guys cant do shit now .... you are an Islamic country now.

the most important fact is that english has huge L2 speakers unlike any other languages including french

Commonly spoken thanks to millions of africans breeding like rabbits, how usefull is that ?

>muh francophonia


>can't tell the difference between niggers and others

dude the study literally counts the entire population of mali and chad and shit like that as "french speakers" only due to it being an official language even though it's only spoken by the talented tenth

>he unironically thinks mandarin isn't important

Yes, you sure about that buddy? I think Spanish will be the next common language, not your gay voiceless vocal lang.
And who'll be talking to niggers in the next decades anyway?

it isnt most chinese learn english ...

Will the French change the official language to Arabic?

Because the USA are still a relevant country. Hopefully they won't be very soon

t. 56 %
Even in algeria they mostly speak french in place of arabic. 95% of arabs in france don't even understand arabic or berber

Just because you live among spics doesn't mean it's the case everywhere in the world mutt

French is the language for fags

notre français va éventuellement mourir.

c'est impossible de maintenir une langue quand tu es entouré de 350 millions d'anglos qui ne souhaitent que saturer ta culture avec du disney et du kendrick lamar pour faire un peu plus d'argent.

et nous, bêtement, on se laisse faire, parce qu'on se sent bien en laissant les gens vivre comme ils veulent. parce qu'on peut pas faire survivre la langue sans loi 101 et OQLF et ça rend nos jeunes idéalistes inconfortables. ils pensent leurs temps sur internet à se faire traiter de racistes arriérés et de nazis par les canadiens et ils le croient. pour vrai.

>Even in algeria they mostly speak french in place of arabic.
that's not true you snot nosed up your own ass cheese eater, the intellegentsia speaks french not the common man.

Then give back aoste valley

Zomg, this is the best of the french nationalism. Such an intelligent statement. We've got hundreds of tank and maybe even controllable twelve ft mech robots, you sure 'bout that?

That's an incredibly americentric point of view. Just because you feel threatened by the mexicans and the spanish it doesn't mean they're considered a threat anywhere else.

most people in EU learn English,German or Spanish....nobody likes French is a language of losers known for their use of white flags

Yeah, spoken by niggers. Spanish used to be the most spoken language and nobody speaks it out of shitholes and Spain.

come and take it

>That's an incredibly americentric point of view.
spanish speakers will inherent the power of the U.S. and will at least have residual influence for a bit.

Vous avez bien maintenu le français malgré tout les efforts des anglais pendant des siècles, c'est pas aujourd'hui que vous allez baisser les bras. L'indépendance est probable ou pas ?

So how do I learn French? It's an incredibly elegant language that I've always loved to listen to. I need some motivation, as I'm very serious about this.

/thread, only niggers and faggots speak frenchy

I didn't said that :
Actually it'll be spanish second and mandarin the first.
Go kys faggots, no real american is threatened by some spics using machinery and armaments from the 50s

English - most scientific papers published
- huge movie,online presence
- easy

French - hard
- will be spoken by bunch of niggers

how can people be happy about this? One reason more to exterminate all niggers. They bring crime and french language.

I'd rather the world speak Portuguese desu. French just sounds weird

It's not like your military would be an obstacle

see people look at this shit no wonder they can seel it only to niggers

Le 56 pour cent

The german language is a literal assault on my ears. It should be banned.

encore possible, mais très peu probable. ça prendrait un premier ministre canadien comme Trudeau sénior. une vrai tête de coq qui fait chier tout le monde, même les peureux qui veulent pas perdre leurs rocheuses.

c'était facile de résister à l'anglais avant la télévision. c'était tout de même faisable avant l'internet. maintenant la rivière est trop haute pour les écluses.


It's really not a precise language though. Latin derived languages like french are way more precise



>not arabic

Is your prime minister OK?

and what chance does a slav have when he can't speak the easiest language in the world properly?

>huge movie presence
That's one of France's strongest points, though?

yeah don't worry, about him he is back and safe.

>he doesn't know that the french immigrationist system is assimilationist and therefore everyone speak french
American education once again

You use vigesimal numbering system, you retards, you call that precise?
Also not a exactly language derived from latin, I'd say only Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Romanian are the real languages derived from latin. You losers you got mongrelized with germans celts romans and now niggers, lol fuck off.

Oh cool. He's useful

First give back Corsica

allons y les enfants

We all know how anglo fags are.

"Ce mouvement perpétuel implique nécessairement un sacrifice de la réalité en fonction du résultat qui est espéré par l'action."


our language has been usurped by niggers and arabs and you think that's something good somewhat?

and don't forgot that it isn't french, it is parisian language, france/gaul had multiple languages, and only one got choosen amongst them.

Only niggers and underaged girls like that shitty language because it makes them feel class
I'm glad i used to masturbate in french class instead of studying


mystere et boule de gomme!

nice, and don't forget to stay in your own country also.

After seeing how fucked up are you're ghettos and the crazy islamists you have in the deepest parts marseille
I feel much safer here


il n'y a pas un centimètre carré en France qui est pire que ton trou à rats de pays

on s'en branle tant qu'ils restent là-bas. ceux qui restent dans leurs propres pays ne sont pas nos ennemis.

At least i dont get truck'd or gangbanged by niggers overhere
Its not like i ever liked you or anything

You don’t sound very confident.
Votre connaissance de l'histoire est de la merde. Nous avons permis aux Québécois de continuer à parler français et de garder leur culture.

ça va? je suis french,je suis a fucking faggot

no need to like anyone, as long as you don't pollute my land with your dna i'm happy.

nous allons apprendre le francais!

OP, besides that you're ignoring the myriad of reasons that English has a lock as the world's language and is going to continue to do so, you're assuming that those populations and their numbers will actually exist by then. You're ignoring the inevitable culling of these savages via war, the release of ethnic-specific diseases and other genetic manipulations.

In 2050 I'll be 78 years old, but I'm not worried in the slightest.

the internet. itunes has people who do free lessons for languages.
Or you can pay. I payed $200 for spanish fluenz and it was decent along with the lady teaching being super fucking hot.

we should all built ugly languages like german so that nobody want to steal it from us.

You're not quite successful with that, Pierre.

No one wants to learn French though

>Swedish in Sweden

>Sweden's is Swedish

>based leaf
Vive le Québec libre

Who else but Sven and his bull Abdul

We'll it's easier to learn than Mandarin and Arabic... I assume it would become a third choice for Americans after English and Spanish...

Mandarin will be the new world language

the chinks do not have our soft spots for minorities

So this is Macron's master plan.

The Bogs chose wisely.

Problem with Mandarin is it's so hard to learn. You choose: 2 years to learn French or 12 years to learn Mandarin. I looked into it, Most give up trying with Mandarin.

Nope, it's dying even here in Quebec. Ahmed and Clemence may still speak it but they are getting overtaken by Pajeet and Chang who don't give a fuck about your language or learning it. At the end of the day English (despite what popular belief says) is much easier to learn than French due its relative grammatical simplicity, especially when a non-romance speaker is learning it.

Learning English is a no brainer for anyone.

It won't be in France though

Where is Italian and Turkish?

Of course they fail to mention that "French" will be the name given to the new variant of Arabic, which is going to replace the old and outdated language previously known as "French", because the latter didn't reflect the ethnic and cultural composition of France any longer.

>people on the balkans learning german
what traitors!