Why is the murder rate in Russia so high? More than double America's...

Why is the murder rate in Russia so high? More than double America's, and this place is considered a murderous shithole already.

They have strict gun control laws. They don't have a significant black population. Poverty is present, but there are former Soviet states around them that are both poorer and much safer.

Is Putin just personally killing everybody that pisses him off?

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Jewish communist dysgenics!!!!11!!!

They have crime and alcohol, with some Muslims in the south. We have crime and niggers

>strict gun control laws
Multiculti only works if it's a Mexican standoff

because slavs are niggers u brainlet amerimutt spic

only meme answwers please

Because of poverty and alcohol

because they're all fucked up on cheap vodka and heroin derivatives.

Hapas have a natural inclination to violence, see Elliot Rodger

If you don't wear Adidas in Russia, you're asking to be killed.

>Social conservatism
>Drug culture and highest HIV prevalence rate in the region

Russia is a shithole full of subhuman slavshits.

Russian men are depressed and all feel they have no future.

It's an overall nihilist outlook

It's the culture. The Communists destroyed all the existing culture, morals and religions. Now Russian kids raised after the Soviet takeover have no moral upbringing. Generations of Russians have been raised without knowing right from wrong. So they model their behavior only people who are successful in Russia, criminals.

Modern Russia the with AIDS, drugs, and crime is what is left behind by Communism.

Ethnic Russians live in apartheid state since 1917.

That means:
1. A shitload of minorities are here.
1.1. They do not like us.
1.2. They do not like the land.
1.3. They are above us, because.
1.3.1. They have diasporas.
1.3.2. While any kind of Russian attempt to have one is slammed by KGB. For hate crimes, for extremism, for terrorism, etc. Anything you have seen on FakeNews lately is our reality for 100 years.

2. There is no law for us.
2.1. Nor for us.
2.2. Nor among us.
2.1+2. So any way to have any justice is vigilante.
As well as way to defend our businesses.

It is long past "molon labe" and "no taxation without representation" memes.

Russian is same as black in USA. Russian is nigger of Europe.

OK. Whats the deal with Slavs, track suits and squatting? I missed a meme somewhere...

russia died in 1917 with this guy and outside of the internet its a nation that has the GPD of italy moques to rival some arab nations average life for males like africa
people drink anything like anti freeze and die drugs AIDS the whole deal
i can go on

>Why is the murder rate in Russia so high
Because the life here is tough. You can be killed by a drug edict for $10


ye goooy
dont watch this series, be a god gooy


The vast majority of these murders happens because of alcohol at home.

Who put you in Apartheid? Also nice posting format

not all poland is doing better a lot of their former allies are doing better

>catholic spirit was killed by commies
>40 million or so russians, which were mid, to high class were killed because they could oppose the kikes
>complete terror and fear was imbued upon them
>barely could even break free from the kikes before the kikes started to attack them again from the outside
>no jew, soy control of their testosterone. So plenty pissed off

Just about a few reasons

>catholic spirit

Religious was meant obviously...fixed. Orthodox ha...

because russians are niggers

before the war tsarist russia was going to be the dominant economic power in europe by 1950 by french economist estimates
in his book foreign minister and noble man prince sturdza goes to secure a loan for romania and when talking to the jewish bankers there he points out the window and says
look at what we can do for a country we like
and look at what we can do to a country we hate pointing out at russia at this time in full blown revolution
does anybody talks about wallstreet and bolsheviks?

no gooy!
shut up, dont be racist gooy
holocaust was the worst thing ever to happen. bolschevism does not exist goooy


>replying to yourself
Fuck off gypsy.

>They don't have a significant black population
We have a large muslim population though.
And yes poverty is the biggest reason.

Shut the fuck up you illiterate gypsy. You've no idea what are you talking about.

It's their drinking culture.

>replying to yourself
i forgot to add something idiot

yee gooy, keep him away
good goy, everyone stop being anti-semitic.
66 million of your people got raped and tortured but its ok gooy, just remember the holcaust
we love russia, goy



They got out of the communist leash. That's why they are now a nation of sluts/prostitutes, retarded cunts spamming the internet, atheists, annoying mafia wannabees and many other subclades/subcultures, not to mention about their gay pony-loving and anime porno watching.
And why is tough ivan? Because your communist regime has fallen down, and now you're free to be a loser in the society and go to prison, hahaha, your country is cool m9.
The single thing I like when I go to Russia, is that, there are no niggers, but in rest, the mentality of thy people is trash and retarded(like the prohibition mentality).
Fuck your bratva mafia, they infested our country. Cunt
He was a lobotomized loser who let the things going out of hand, that's why he was quickly overtaken by that AIDS infested lenina(satan piss on him) and therefore your whole treasury is now somewhere in Moscow, and father putin doesn't wants to give all of it, because he's already spent it on gay rockets who are useless now. Because every1 knows america has the last word in any of the wars going on.

dont be a moron vlad

Show me the statistics Muttbro.

I havent seen them and i love statistics.

>A justified crackdown on attempt at overthrowing a government
>A local famine in the biggest country in the world
>Justifies the genocide of over 30million Christian Russians by the leadership of a mostly Jewish ethnic mafia

The quitessential Vatnik

Stop using name Vlad, moron in meaning of Vladimir.
Vlad is Vladislav, Volodya or Vova is for Vladimiri

>not giving the horses three stripes

Don't be a retard. Russian Empire's ecnomony was relying on western loans and produced nothing but wheat. 80% of the population was uneducated, avg lifetime - 35 years, and yet emperors were not intersted in any kind of refroms.

Russia had less crime rate then America.

Wtf are you talking about.

>local famine in the biggest agriculter country in the world
>500k dead
30m died from many reason, it's a huge price, but empire had to die.

>Blaming immigrants for everything

>Calls other a retard
>Misspells economy

You ought to have a lobotomy.

Russia had more highly educated people then America.

Google it. You fucking dumbfag.

Russia is on second place on the education list.

Are you a retard?

>western loans
Do you have any ideas why France and the UK invested so much into Russian economy in the beginning of the XX century?

You idiot don't know how the eastern european countries work , as long as you have the money , you can get away with everything .

Stop hiding your flag cunt.
80% uneducated and could even write or read.
And thats 1910-1917, not 1700. Stfu fitta.
They were not investing, they were giving loans.

then why are most of them nearly nigger tier

>therefore your whole treasury is now somewhere in Moscow
it was spent and we have evidence of blosheviks sending some gold to america

This guy is a swedish newfag.

He is one of those fuckers who traveled to Ukraine to fight against russia.


thats why they all have AIDS

A high murder rate is the sign of a healthy, masculine society

russia needs a drug policy like duterte ones

shoot them straight

drugs is the root of all evil

Those people are not russian.

Read about monetary reform in Russia and then re-consider: they invested because the ruble became the most safe and reliable currency in the world.

>Why is the murder rate in Russia so high?
Because people aren't pussyfied cowards. If you disrespect any man, he will kick your ass or cave your scull in.
Which leads to a lot of nigga moments.

But if we're serious then, its mostly poverty related. Murder rates skyrocketed in the 90s and early 00s, when we had a literal destruction of a country. For example since since 2005 murder rate fell almost 3 times. And it continues to fall for 1-3 thousands of murders every year.

Why would I hide my flag? I'm an American Democrat, I don't hide anything, igor. Your country is full of shit, and personally I'm tired of your immigrants coming to my country and build up mafia like some misfit retards.
We've had enough of your bullshit and also of the spaghetti niggers.

Same person. Different flags.

And???? No one cared since russia was africa tier country with the worst economy in europe, relying on import and exproting nothing but wheat. Google gdps of that time in europe

he isn't blaming immigrants he's blaming bolsheviks, communism and marx you fucking lefty retard

google bolsheviks aka jews

Yeah, Jews fucked them over but the Russian peasants wanted socialism so the country was doomed as soon as they got the vote. The Tsar was unwilling to murder tens of thousands of rioters and execute all the socialists. And so tens of millions died instead.

I am talking about one thing, you are talking about something else. Are all the Russians can not into civilized dialog or it's only you?

this is the truest post. Literally everyone even resembling noble birth and their children were killed. Leaving only mongrels and retards to breed with each other and make more mongrel retards.
Just a reminder that the exact same marxist take over is happening in America RIGHT NOW and Russia actually won the cold war because our colleges religiously preach communist dogma that originated in soviet russia

I'm talking only about how bad was russian economy. I'm not talking about how reliable currency was. Who cares how good or bad your currency is if your population is more poor than africans.

because people are emotional
in USA you fuck other people in court
russians don't like to wait and fuck people immediately


No has any idea how terrible it actually is here in America. It's gated communities or bullet dodging.


You don't get my point and you have not read what I asked you to read. Actually, it was also the main reason why the Russian Empire joined the WWI on the same side with England and France - too many investments from them into the Russian Economy

>30m people have to die for my perfectly logical theory

yeah i'm not sure that's how this planet works.

Yes russia owned them a shitton of money and also buying all their weapons. They were highly interested in that kind of russia, basically a huge buyer of all kind of stuffs. Basically sneaky jew-good goy relationships.

We have chechens and all those mudslimes in the south. Plus the Ruble went down lately, and criminality is on the rise like in the 90's

30m ppl had to die for freedom, eduction, science and industry. And to kill worthless dvoryans of course.

> see yuri bezmenov in it
Nah, I'll pass.

They are not immigrants. They separated their states from Russian Empire with bolshevik leverage, exterminated Russians on the aquired territory and deprived Russians from any power by ethnicity (see korenization).

And after they separated they never leave. All of that states still leech from my people directly. Virtually literally all of them.

The only states, that are not on the leechers list, are out because there are Russian *majorities* and local commies still are not done eating their remains.

And the best thing - new minorities are in production.
Best example - Christian/Pagan white subethnos of Russian Bulgars are now "tatars" and obliged to procreate with turks and worship the moon good.
Before 1917 what is now called "kazachs", "tajiks", "uzbeks", "azerbyjans" where Tatars. And they are nowhere remotely white.
And now they are up to secession after next economical crisis or war, with "Tatarstan" project.







Why don't you know the history of your own country? Or you learn it from memes and boards? Boy, go and read some books - don't be a shame for your country

>Yeah, Jews fucked them over but the Russian peasants wanted socialism so the country was doomed as soon as they got the vote
yeah crazy to me how russians defend communism a funny part in the fall of the eagles looks at the list of revolutionaries and asks his police chief any of them russians?

It's not about crime level, but only about murders

Yes polack will teach me about russias history.

You should treat it as another shame for you

Thank you for your invaluable contribution to this discussion.

high t

same reason your niggers nig - nothing to do but drink and engage in crime

the problem is not povetry exactly but huge inequality, you have common folks who barely have money for food and no job opportunities, then you have some fucker rolling around in Rolls-royce

also as was said huge problem with ethnic and migrant crime

>why are most of the russians nigger tier
why are most of the americans nigger tier.

See this is the flaw with your argument. It would be 100x easier to convince 40m people that science and industry are good things than to murder them in gulags you literal fucking brain dead nigger, so no, that's not why 40m Russians died. It was an ethnic cleansing by bolsheviks

anyone have the pic of the Slav grill squatting on pickle jars?

With the avg lifetime of 35 years and living in agrarian african shithole all that time being a slave of worthless dvoryans - yea, I'd say death is a better option.

3rd international. It is like anglo version of american ISIS. And also much older and developed. And it also coming to USA right about now.


I would argue the culture. Of course damage is immesurable, but if there would be no famine for at least half a century, we would go up 20 points on IQ on average and repair most of the damage done. As for now - we had no famine only for the last decade and we are awaiting NATO attack on Russia. Probably with Ukraine proxy. That will lead to another famine. And two competing political powers in "Russian" Federation are:
- stalinists, who want to starve out Russians to buy shit in USA and mass-execute Russians, who do not like that
- khazars (wannabejews), who want to kill Russians, because Russian Emperors did not let them settle on the southern pole or something (totally gorillions); even tho they had enormous trade privileges, which allowed them to deal alcohol outside of cities, while burgers where allowed to do any kind of business only in cities

Adidas and Nike were hard to get in the USSR because of the sanctions so it was seen as a status symbol if you had them. The squatting is like a gang sign, something to do with prison guards making them squat all day.

>muh commies

Chack Soviet Union crime rate first. Fucking kikeloving cuck.

they have a lot of Turkic people tho user

>statistics from the soviet union are reliable
There can be no murder in paradise.

Yes they are. Proof they are fake brainwashed idiot.

There are hardly any foreigners in SPB and there are no problems.
