>Well informed sources have said the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp Brigadier General Haj Qassem Soleimani sent a verbal letter, via Russia, to the head of the US forces commander in Syria
>“My message to the US military command: when the battle against ISIS (the Islamic State group) will end, no American soldier will be tolerated in Syria. I advise you to leave by your own will or you will be forced to it”, said Soleimani to a Russian officer. Soleimani asked the Russian responsible to expose the Iranian intentions towards the US: that they will be considered as forces of occupation if these decide to stay in north-east Syria where Kurds and Arab tribes cohabit together
>Soleimani’s letter to the US clearly indicated the promise of ‘surprise measures’ against the US: ” You shall face soldiers and forces you have not experienced before in Syria and you will leave the country sooner or later”.

War against Iran and Hezhollah soon guys

You mean war against America?

sweet, i get to fight against amerimutts along side my iranian friend

>Qassem Soleimani

he's been dead for awhile


It'll be the IRGC attacking American forces in Syria
So Iranians pretending to be freedom fighters and kurds

Bring it on you Iranian pussies

Not so fast there my pant-shitting friend. Persia has thousands of years of experience conquering, empire building, defending their soil and fighting wars so savage you can hardly imagine. US military experience is getting beat in Afghanistan because someone flew a plane into your towers and every single citizen burst into tears.

I fucking pray for WW3

BASED Qassem Soleimani

Can't wait for the amereikikes to be BTFO

true if big

Lebanese warriois, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. What will you do, alter the expiration date on our bombs so they still seem to be good?


The thing with Iran is that it is a country. We are very good at steamrolling countries.

You do know that all that yellow territory is going to be given to the Kurds in the SDF right?
The war is just beginning.




This is the bad thing about archives. Some shill can post a link to a fucking blog and trick all you retards into thinking its real

>Dream more scholmo

Order of events which will happen
>allahlalallalal death to America!
>Bombs US base, embassy, or office building
>US carpet bombs Iran
>Iran: "we didn't really attack you, it was an Israeli false flag"
>/lefypol/ takes this line
>shills it on Sup Forums
>MudslimeNN picks the line up
>shills it on Sup Forums
>20 years later the same meme from incident day 1 is still on Sup Forums
>All mudslimes start spamming Sup Forums with "muh jews killed your people"

Didn't notice that I was late on prediction 1

kek good luck with that

America have troops illegally in Syria. How insane is that? Imagine if some Syrian troops were just chilling in Texas shooting a few gang bangers.

US are retarded in the Middle East. Putin is sewing up Syria at the minute

>56% burgers still think this is not only possible but will result in a win, after almost 40 years of the Islamic Republic of Iran being a thing.
If you ever had one shot at it, it was right after the Iran-Iraq war, and you still pussied out like the faggots you are. Don't forget to bring your diapers.

Iran's aim is to forever consolidate its newly established supply line from Tehran to Syria and the Hezbollah. They realized this option was up for grabs after ISIS destroyed any hope of Iraq ever being an Iranian threat ever again, and you can bet your asses they'll put their life on the line for it.

If they succeed, Saudi Arabia will follow ISIS' demise.

Persia, not no toilet paper ownin sandniggers

You do understand that if the Mudslimes start "winning" we're going to use nukes right? I guess not, I've yet to see where you people think far enough ahead.
The problem is that our "few gang bangers" stay a US problem, and never become a world problem, also this is your last (you) until you drop the meme flag.


Its even in their flag.

>You shall face soldiers and forces you have not experienced before
They've cracked the genetic code for super soldiers?


You've had nukes for longer than the Islamic Republic of Iran, goblin. Instead of living in a fantasy lalaland, ask yourself why you're not glassing countries as soon as you lose. I'll gladly watch your cancerous shithole being nuked to oblivion by Russia. My clay is a very small sacrifice to pay for this price.

I don't give a shit about Iran's populace myself, as an Iranian. You'd do us a favor. That'll be less luggage for when we meet you in combat and instill the dreadful combo of fear + cut supply lines known as the "poo in loo, GI". Iranian fighters are meant to be a large scale nomadic guerilla BTFOing amerisharts off the Middle East.

kek the post
I guess this is what centuries of inbreeding does to you.

>resorts to memeposting
Yeah, that's exactly how you burgers react on the battlefield. Further proves my point, famalam, just in case you were wondering why you lost so many times against literal cavemen.

>were wondering why you lost so many times against literal cavemen.
We """""lost""""" to literal cave men

Wew... the golem is at it again... left right left right.. only this time its syria

,also that's not a meme you dumb sandnigger. That's just a data sheet. That's a meme, just like your pedophile """""god"""""

Your people literally only exist because the west is to nice to do the right thing for the world, and send you to the ovens right next to the Jews.

>unironically saying that kikes love Iran
>implying the kikes haven't relentlessly tried to push you to war and start the third world war day after day because they're butthurt over Iran's existence.
>implying the people in charge of your country think like the cavemen they're being pushed to figh against
Well look who's the degenerate product of inbreeding now, cleetus. Having it easy being a literal single digit IQ mooching off of whatever remains of your competent non-kike leadership.


Dude if the US bombs Iran EU will break with America. Iran are perceived as trying to be good partners. Unless they are blatantly being assholes Europe is backing them up. Americans aren't paying attention to which way the wind is blowing. The Jerusalem thing was bad enough

'Muh dick'

It's literally nothing

>unironically saying that kikes love Iran
Your reading comprehension is horrible. Must be that inbreeding again. I said that you should be in the oven right next to the kikes. You're all part of the same degenerate filth. Your kind is sub human. It doesn't deserve to exist. You're only slightly better off than the negro, and that's only because the negro doesn't have oil, and isn't as effective at manipulation.

If war does break out Im supporting Syria and Iran I hate this jew controlled country

You'll exterminate anything that isnt an albino, you hue obsessed skintard... KYS

watch for the fbi.

Kek this

All Iran does these days is just bark, bark, bark, at Israel, at us, at anyone that doesn't do what they say. It's pathetic.

Weren't they supposed to show off their new navy in the Gulf of Mexico? Do a cruise missile strike on a US city you fucking pussies, jesus christ, stop blueballing us

Yeah I'm probably gonna get sent to some camp, but my amerimutt ass ain't going down without a fight

>amerimutt calling others subhuman
WEW LAD now I've seen it all.

I wish they would do something, all I want is for the mid east to be nuked so I can play FO irl.

>"because the kikes in the US, which LOVE you niggers so much"
>"your r-reading c-comprehension h-haha"
Keep using that pathetic "we're under (((their))) dominion" faggot excuse while the people you insult of inbred retards managed to BTFO (((them))) out of the country for almost 40 years now. So much for the land of the free.

Now off yourself, you literal shame of your country.

Exactly. You have blue balls for war and destruction.
The only way to fend off a psycho is to show him that you too have a gun.

>you literal shame of your country.
Coming from a sandnigger squatting in one of the greatest countries in the world.

Muh gps....

That's a cedar you disrespectful cunt

>Sup Forums blocked in Iran
>what is a proxy

Not to mention that they have a shitload of strategic rockets that are difficult to intercept.


Do you want more pretext to USA ally Saudi Arabia to invade your country to stop the Devil's party?

Let them come, sit back and watch from afar how things will turn out. Whatever guaranteed success scenarios against Iran/Syria/Lebanon you Sup Forumstards come up with has already been vastly explored and thought upon by (((think tanks))) that are paid millions solely for that.

And whoop dee fucking doo, no successful operation managed to do so in the past 38 or so years, despite all the effort.


In the immortal words of the Captain from MXC,


>up next is Achmed Babaganoush who was a little late today as he had to drop his wife off at daycare

i hope iran liberates us from the jews

great time too destroy the muslim brother hood once and for all, fuck off sand niggers we'll get rid of islam and then burn the jews next.

They think they will get to build their version of the pipeline and right now it looks much better for that possibility than a few years ago but somehow I think there will be construction problems and accidents that keep it out of long term service. You know, kurds blowing up pumping stations, lightning strikes, that kind of thing.

the jews wont let us get rid of the muslims, especially because they know they are next when they cant pit us against each other.

Fucking early SpikeTV was the shit, I don't even think they allow MXC on TV anymore. Its all on youtube though.

Hezbollah is pretty fucking good.

>Well informed sources